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Series: God’s Divine Healing

Series: God’s Divine Healing. Healing - Your Soul has a Role John 5:1-15. Healing - Your Soul has a Role. You and I are delightfully designed by God as Body, Soul and Spirit, a three part being.

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Series: God’s Divine Healing

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  1. Series:God’s Divine Healing Healing - Your Soul has a Role John 5:1-15

  2. Healing - Your Soul has a Role • You and I are delightfully designed by God as Body, Soul and Spirit, a three part being. …and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23

  3. Healing - Your Soul has a Role • Your active Soul has a very important role. For as he (a person) thinks, in his heart (soul) so is he. Proverbs 23:7 • Your Soul needs to be immersed and reprogrammed in God’s ways.

  4. Healing - Your Soul has a Role • Biblical definitions to understand your Divine make up: • Spirit – inner heart and spirit of a man or woman • Soul – mind, will, emotions • Body – physical body

  5. Healing - Your Soul has a Role • Keys to understanding your soul: • Your Soul ( i.e. your mind, will, emotions) are connected to your spirit and body. • When your soul is at peace, it is connected well to your spirit and overrides the body. A soul that is not at peace, gives disorder signals to the body and blocks spiritual connection.

  6. Healing - Your Soul has a Role • Keys to understanding your soul: • Yours words show what is in your soul…if it has been renewed; if it is upset, if it has grown since born again • Matt. 12:34 For out of the abundance of the heart (soul) the mouth speaks. • Even your Faith operates from your heart or soul. • Rom. 10:10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness

  7. Healing - Your Soul has a Role • Steps to Healing from the Man. Something good had to change. (John 15:1-15) • A man was suffering from an infirmity and in bondage for 38 years; infirmity = weakness and sickness; maybe sin • He chose to come to the place of healing • He met Jesus • He heard Jesus speak • He chose to believe and was healed

  8. Healing - Your Soul has a Role • What changes need to happen in us? • Transform your soul (mind, will and emotions)! Romans 12:1,2 (immerse in God’s Word, forgive, be healed) so you can think, speak and believe the Word. • Transform your vocabulary. Prov. 18:21 • Transform your faith. Mark 11:22,23 • Transform your Life through the Holy Spirit. John 14:15-17

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