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Charged Leptons as Probes of the Standard Model. J. Michael Roney University of Victoria ( B A B AR Collaboration Member). Lepton-Photon Symposium Daegu, South Korea August 13-18, 2007. What Standard Model sectors can we probe with charged leptons and how useful is that probing?.
Charged Leptons as Probes of the Standard Model J. Michael Roney University of Victoria (BABAR Collaboration Member) Lepton-Photon SymposiumDaegu, South Korea August 13-18, 2007
What Standard Model sectors can we probe with charged leptons and how useful is that probing? • Appropriate questions, especially for the LEPTON-photon symposium… • There are recent very high precision measurements at low energy of interest but nothing new for LP07 (see Sven Heinemeyer’s review from Monday morning) • the tension between data and SM persists in muon g-2 • PRL 97, 030801(2006) Odom et al electron g-2: defines a to 0.7ppb • EDMs: continue to heavily constrain any physics beyond the SM • Lets start with the basics where new results are in: • Quantum Field Theory has CPT invariance built into it: translates into equal masses & lifetimes for each particle and antiparticle … • SM silent on particular masses, but foundations crumble if e.g. m+ and m- have different masses or lifetimes • charged leptons are the only bare fermions allowing such probes J.M.Roney, Victoria
SM is silent on actual values of the masses and lifetimes • Some are used to define the SM parameter space because of their high precision whereas the absolute values are required for less foundational probing… such as the assumption of charged current universality • Present new results on • m+ lifetime • t masses and CPT tests J.M.Roney, Victoria
Precision m+ lifetime at PSI byMuLan CollaborationPhys. Rev. Lett. 99, 032001 (2007) • “Defines” GF : fundamental SM parameter • GF a MZ 9ppm 0.0007ppm 23ppm weak int’n loop corrections e.g. van Ritbergen & Stuart full 2-loop QED corrections (1999) allow determination of GF from m lifetime at 0.3ppm level (Nucl.Phys.B564:343-390,2000) J.M.Roney, Victoria
(from D. Hertzog, Moriond’07) J.M.Roney, Victoria
J.M.Roney, Victoria (from D. Hertzog, Moriond’07)
CPT test from m lifetime Dominated by lifetime of m- =2.197025(155)ms (Bardin 94) don’t expect much improvement on testing CPT J.M.Roney, Victoria
CPT • what about t Lifetime: 1st CPT on lifetime from BABAR (Lusiani, TAU04) THIS TEST WOULD BENEFIT FROM HIGH STATISTICS AS MANY SYSTEMATICS WOULD CANCEL J.M.Roney, Victoria
CPT t Mass: BELLE published using 5.8x106t-pair events:tnn; t3p n in 414/fb of data PRL 99,011801(2007) (hep-ex/0608046) J.M.Roney, Victoria
CPT • t Mass: future? A SuperB factory with ~100/ab would yield a statistical error of 0.023MeV on the mass difference ~ 6 x smaller than 0.14MeV systematic error BELLE now quotes. (Reach 0.15MeV at 2.3/ab) To fully exploit 100/ab, would need charge asymmetric momentum scales controlled at 10-5 level. VERY CHALLENGING DETECTOR SYSTEMATICS PROBLEM Would get CPT test to 2x10-5 level of sensitivity and would be most sensitive CPT mass difference test after K0(10-18), proton and electron (10-8). J.M.Roney, Victoria
New preliminary t mass from KEDR Collaboration at the VEPP-4M Collider in Novosibirsk (hep-ex/0611046) using enn,mnn,pn,Kn,rn – vs - ennt-pair events J.M.Roney, Victoria
The t mass is needed for probes of charged current universality involving the t but …to probe the SM in m-t and e-m universality further requires higher precision measurements of BR(tenn)and BR(tmnn) and improved t lifetime measurements J.M.Roney, Victoria
Charged Current Lepton universality • Charged current universality: tau decays J.M.Roney, Victoria
Lepton universality in Kaon Decays New results from KLOE at Frascati’s DAFNE phi factory for LP07 can have deviations from SM from e.g. multi-Higgs effects inducing an effective pseudoscalar interaction up to the few % level in K decays (A. Masiero, P. Paradisi, R. Petronzio, PRD74 (2006) 011701) J.M.Roney, Victoria
KLOE Universality results • Using 1.7fb-1 at the f • Compare RK to a SM calculation (M. Finkemeier, PLB 387 (1996) 391) which includes internal brem photons (IB) and ignores contributions from structure-dependent direct photon emission (DE). Requires care! IB IB+DE J.M.Roney, Victoria
KLOE Universality results J.M.Roney, Victoria
Probing the CKM Matrix with t leptons • CKM Unitarity implies: • strange decays of t provides an additional way of probing |Vus | with a technique having uncorrelated experimental and theoretical errors J.M.Roney, Victoria
Strange and non-Strange -Decays J.M.Roney, Victoria
Extracting |Vus| The weighted spectral functions may be written as: When one takes the flavour breaking difference: the D=0 terms cancel leaving D 2. So: J.M.Roney, Victoria 19
BABAR Branching Ratio for -K-0(uses230/fb) t-t+ qq -+ arXiv:0707.2922 [hep-ex] submitted PRD-RC J.M.Roney, Victoria
not in average BELLE:BR, Mass & Width: - KS- J.M.Roney, Victoria arXiv:0706.223[hep-ex] submitted to PLB
BELLE: BR-K-h,-K-0h (K*-h ); -p-0h • preliminary: • decays with h arXiv:0708.0733[hep-ex] J.M.Roney, Victoria
BELLE (preliminary)Use -K-0h sample to get B(- K*-h ) through the K*-(892)K-0modeusing BR(K*-(892)K-0 )=1/3 J.M.Roney, Victoria
BABAR Branching Ratios for-h-h-h+ i=Channels Selected j=Decay Mode J.M.Roney, Victoria arXiv:0707.2981 [hep-ex] Submitted PRL
BABAR Branching Ratios for-h-h-h+ --+ K--+ K--K+ K-K-K+ J.M.Roney, Victoria
Some Updates to |Vus| from t UPDATED -K-0 arXiv:0707.2922 [hep-ex] -K--+ arXiv:0707.2981 [hep-ex] -K0- arXiv:0706.2231 [hep-ex] J.M.Roney, Victoria
Some Updates to |Vus| from t UPDATED -K-0 arXiv:0707.2922 [hep-ex] -K--+ arXiv:0707.2981 [hep-ex] -K0- arXiv:0706.2231 [hep-ex] J.M.Roney, Victoria
About the t tension… • Comment 1: B-factory experimental program to measure all strange decays of the t in progress: many modes still to be measured by BABAR and BELLE, |Vus| analysis assumed modes not yet measured are negligibly small… • Comment 2:Theory errors for R00 require some care (Maltman & Wolfe hep-ph/0603215): poor convergence properties of the integrated D=2 OPE series for R00 argues for better behaved weighted spectral functions – even so, difference is not diminished using ALEPH spectral functions re-scaled with B-factory BRs even with better behaved weighted SF • Comment 3: The updated |Vus| analysis doesn’t yet include the new -K-h,-K-0h (K*-h ) results from Belle… these lower values will increase the tension further • very active area for both experimentalists and theorists J.M.Roney, Victoria
Lepton Flavour Violation:A bit of history…the importance of being earnest in seeing nothing 1947: muon established as lepton, excited electron ruled out by absence ofe 1958: G. Feinberg: “leptonic GIM” argument establishes two neutrino types: Early weak theory: BR(e)~10-4 expected but BR(e)<10-5 1950’s: first -Ne-N conversion experiments Ee=m-Binding Energy~105MeV and eee searches J.M.Roney, Victoria
History of e-muon LFV Searches B(μeγ) < 1.2x10-11 (MEGA/LAMPF) Brooks et al PRL 83 1521 (1999) μTieTi < 4x10-12 MEG ‘MECO’(?) hadronic decays J.M.Roney, Victoria
Pham EPJ C 8 (1999) 513 By beginning of 21st Century: Lepton Flavour Violation established! SNO, SuperK, K2K: all see neutrino mixing implying massive neutrinos We even have parts of the mixing matrix q12, q23… experiments, such as T2K, preparing to measure q13 So the SM extended to include massive neutrinos predicts LFV in the charged lepton sector as well: well below any conceivable experimental sensitivity… OPPORTUNITY: CHARGED LFV IS UNAMBIGUOUS SIGNAL OF NEW PHYSICS J.M.Roney, Victoria
Many SM extensions predict observable Charged LFV • If see-saw mechanism responsible for small n mass, natural to get large Charged LFV • Heavy Neutrinos • Supersymmetry • … e.g.SO(10) inspired model with SUSY imbedded in GUT Calibbi et al PRD 74(2006) univ. gaugino mass J.M.Roney, Victoria
(requires ~107m/sec) J.M.Roney, Victoria
The present status of the MEG experiment (T. Mori) Liquid Xenon Gamma-Ray Detector: All phototubes installed inside the cryostat; final preparations to start operation toward the end of August Timing Counters: Final assembly in Italy; Installation planned at the end of August Drift Chambers: Installed and ready at the beam line; cosmic ray test soon J.M.Roney, Victoria
STATUS of MEG The whole MEG detector will be ready in September 2007 Plan to start an engineering run with muons after calibration runs in October. Expect to start taking some physics data toward the end of the year J.M.Roney, Victoria
Focus on Lepton Flavour Violation in tdecays • lepton-mass dependent couplings • parameter space in some models touch current limits • different sensitivity to 2-body & 3-body decays – which mode will be discovered first is unknown (e.g. some mSUGRA+Seesaw (PRD66) has parameters having tμγ: tmmm: tμh = 1.5:1.0:8.4) • Well motivated searches: complementary to potential LHC discoveries: Limits (or discovery!) will better constrain theories J.M.Roney, Victoria
e+e- +- clean environment +- back-to-back (CM frame), jet-like easy BB bkgd rej through event shape variables • Event easily divided in 2 hemispheres in CM: signal and tag decay • Signal (LFV) decay is neutrinoless: no missing momentum • Tag (SM) tau decay: 1- or 3- prong (+ 1 or 2 ) (depending on signal and dominant non bkgd) Signal decay LFV: no pmiss CM frame SM decay (1- or 3- prong) (1 or 2 ) General approach in Search for LFV @ e+e- colliders Lab frame J.M.Roney, Victoria
Signal: no neutrinos powerful mass and beam energyinformation • mass: mμ = mt • Babar uses beam energy constrained mass & • vertex at μpoint of closest approach to beamspot in x,y • (MEC)~9MeV (cf no mass or vertex constraint ~24MeV) • Beam Energy: • E = E -Ebeam ~ 0 • (E)~50MeV signal region typically defined as 2 box or ellipse J.M.Roney, Victoria
Summary of tγ, J.M.Roney, Victoria
BaBar New Babar (prelim) & Belle (prelim) results ont optimize event selections for each signal mode separately accounting for different background compositions J.M.Roney, Victoria
New prelim Belle result ont Belle update to 535fb-1 increase in lumi by 6.1 fold Efficiency:6.0-12.5% <Bkgnd>:0.01-0.40 events Total <Bkgnd>=0.590.31ev Nobs=0 events 90%CL limits: BR(t)<(2.0-4.1)x10-8 5-7 fold improvement over previous limit J.M.Roney, Victoria
New prelim BABAR results ont BABAR update to 376fb-1 for LP07 increase in lumi by 4.3 fold • Background PDF • shapes from • MC or control • samples • PDFs summed • and fit to data • in sidebands • <Bkgd> from • integral of PDF • over signal box J.M.Roney, Victoria
New prelim Babar results ont Efficiency:5.5-12.4% <Bkgnd>:0.3-1.3 events; total=4.20.8 events Total Nobs=6 events 90%CL limits: BR(t)<(3.7-8.0)x10-8 2-5 fold lower limits over previous Babar results J.M.Roney, Victoria
New Belle results ontV0 using 543fb-1 Efficiency:2.5-4.0% <Bkgnd>:0.0-0.2 events Total <Bkgnd>=0.780.29ev Nobs=3 events 90%CL limits: BR(tV0)<(6.1-18)x10-8 J.M.Roney, Victoria
BaBar NEW tp0/h/h’ hep-ex/0610067 PRL 98.061803 (2007) expected background/channel ~ 0.1-0.3 Total expected background=3.1, Observed=2 J.M.Roney, Victoria
Some intepretations within benchmark models compilation by S. Banerjee (Tau06,hep-ex/0702017) J.M.Roney, Victoria
LFV in tau decays: How far we can go? It depends on “irresidual background” levels… not currently a limiting factor tg:future sensitivity will be affected by e+e-t+t-g t+tag t- m-nng irreducible background. When that limit hit, sensitivity will scale as 1/sqrt(Lumi) . For ~75/ab as with SuperB might expect O(10-9) level , hh’:sensitivity not likely limited by irreducible backgrounds so might expect sensitivity to scale as 1/Lumi .For SuperB might expect O(10-10) level J.M.Roney, Victoria
Summary • Charged leptons are probing many sectors of the SM • CPT • CC Universality • LFV • CKM unitarity with |Vus| - watch this space • EDM • g-2 – possible hint of something beyond SM? • Look forward to more precision data from MEG, MuLan, Babar, Belle, KEDR, BES, KLOE J.M.Roney, Victoria
Additional Slides J.M.Roney, Victoria
Extracting |Vus| from -Spectral Function Strange and non-strange Hadronic Width May be written in terms of the spectral density function or in terms of the 2 point correlator function J.M.Roney, Victoria 50