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Digestive System Notes

Digestive System Notes. Mouth. Esophagus. Stomach. Small Intestine. Large Intestine. System have BFS…. IC . I nterconnectedness C hanges. The “ BFS ”. B ehavior = Role (role of each part) F unction = Purpose (purpose of the whole system) S tructure = Parts

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Digestive System Notes

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  1. Digestive System Notes

  2. Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine

  3. System have BFS…. IC Interconnectedness Changes

  4. The “BFS” • Behavior = Role (role of each part) • Function = Purpose (purpose of the whole system) • Structure = Parts BF  Behavior vs. Function Behavior is specific Function is general

  5. System have BFS…. IC • Interconnection – there are links between parts • Changes – If a part fails to perform, it will affect the whole system

  6. How do the COMPONENTS of a SystemINTERCONNECT?


  8. TheDigestiveSystem Mouth / Teeth Esophagus Liver Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Anus Appendix

  9. OBSERVING DIGESTIVE ORGANS • The esophagus • a. How would you describe the esophagus? • b. How is it designed to perform its behavior? • 2.External and internal structure of the stomach. • a. How would you describe the external appearance of the stomach? • b. What is the action (behavior) of the stomach? • c. How is the stomach designed to perform its behavior? • 3. External and internal structure of the small and large • intestines • a. Describe the appearance of the small and large intestines. • b. What are the main actions (behavior) of the small and large intestines? • c. How is the small intestine designed to perform its behavior?

  10. System Digestive



  13. Digestion • breakdown of food  into molecular components small enough to cross the plasma membrane

  14. Digestion Definition • Digestion is the breaking down of food into smaller and simpler substances • Mechanical digestion and Chemicaldigestion do this in different ways ABSORBED ELIMINATED

  15. Digestion Definition • MECHANICAL (physical) digestion • breaking down of food into smaller pieces • involves: chewing, grinding, churning • CHEMICAL digestion • Breaking down of food into simpler substances (building blocks) • involves: enzymes , bile, HCL acid • ABSORPTION • Broken down food gets from digestive tract into the body (blood)

  16. saliva saliva saliva Mechanical Digestion Same volume of food Small total surface area Larger total surface area A larger surface area speeds up digestion

  17. Smaller pieces allow for more areas of contact for enzymes and digestive juices to act on speeding up digestion

  18. Digestion Definition • Digestion is the breaking down of food into smaller and simpler substances • Mechanical digestion and Chemicaldigestion do this in different ways ABSORBED ELIMINATED

  19. Chemical Digestion is the breaking down of large complicated molecules into simpler ones by the use of enzymes

  20. http://web.ukonline.co.uk/webwise/spinneret/other/anenz.htm Orange- food Red and yellow- products ENZYME

  21. (glucose)

  22. Smaller pieces allow for more areas of contact for enzymes and digestive juices to act on speeding up chemical digestion CHEMICAL MECHANICAL

  23. Absorption passage of molecules into body's interior &passage throughout the body



  26. TheDigestiveSystem Mouth / Teeth Esophagus Liver Stomach Small intestine Large intestine Rectum Anus Appendix

  27. Tongue Papillae Photograph by SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc. Cone-shaped tongue papillae, seen here in a colored scanning electron micrograph, contain nerve endings that receive and transmit touch sensations to the brain. As we begin chewing, the tongue shapes food in a ball-shaped bolus for swallowing. http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/photos/digestive-system/?source=A-to-Z#/tongue-papillar_1251_600x450.jpg

  28. Inside the Human Mouth Photograph by Lennart Nilsson Inside the mouth, shown magnified here, teeth, tongue, and saliva work together to physically and chemically break down food. Humans produce up to 3 pints (1.4 liters) of saliva daily, and chemical enzymes in the saliva play a major role in disintegrating starchy foods. http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/photos/digestive-system/?source=A-to-Z#/human-mouth_1002_600x450.jpg

  29. Epiglottis Animation Image source: http://www.umm.edu/imagepages/19595.htm

  30. This colored scanning micrograph shows a cast of blood vessels from the external wall of the small intestine. Measuring about 22 feet (6.7 meters) in length, the small intestine performs most of the major digestion and absorption of nutrients. The walls of the small intestine are lined with millions of projections called villi, which absorb and transmit nutrients into the bloodstream. http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/photos/digestive-system/?source=A-to-Z#/small-intestine-vessels_1211_600x450.jpg

  31. VILLI Image source: http://www.sciencephoto.com/media/310014/enlarge


  33. http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=16#digestionhttp://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=faq&dbid=16#digestion Animation of Digestion

  34. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFiavuyk31s&feature=related

  35. Wave-like contractions Peristalsis video clip Image source: http://media.photobucket.com/image/peristalsis/hurricane78_album/peristalsis.gif?o=2

  36. Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/liujoanne/2172007698/

  37. INTERCONNECTION Digestion Absorption Elimination of Waste

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