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Me and my school

Me and my school. My School. My s chool’s name is : „ABiS-School4Child ”. It isn’t large , but it’s big . It’s a private school . I think that my school is prettier than other schools in our city, Łódź. Dalton plan. In my school we have got Dalton plan.

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Me and my school

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Me and my school

  2. My School My school’sname is: „ABiS-School4Child”. Itisn’tlarge, but it’sbig. It’s a privateschool. I thinkthat my schoolisprettierthanotherschoolsinour city, Łódź.

  3. Dalton plan In my school we havegot Dalton plan. Itisa system, thathelpsyouplan yourwork for a week, and youmust do it. Aftera weekyourteacherchecksit.

  4. Computer classes Thereare 15 computersinour computer classroom. Thereisan interactivewhiteboardtoo. We alllovelessonswithit.

  5. Sport hall We havegot P.E. there. It’s a huge hall! We can do almosteverythingthere.

  6. Ourclassroom Thisisourclassrom. No. 206. I sit inthe first tablewith my friend, Sandra.

  7. Me  I’m Wiktoria. I am 12 years old. I lovesinging. I liketakingphotostoo. Me & my bestfriend

  8. Studentsin my school Thereareabout 170 children. It’s not too many, but itispretty a lot! Everyoneisprettycrazy!

  9. My crazyclass We’retogethersincegrade 1. Ournames: Wiktoria (me), Sandra, Ola, Mikołaj, Olek, Jędrek, Kuba, Łukasz, Adam. I love my fabulousclass! Me & my bestfriend

  10. Thanks for watching! I thinkthat I haveshowntheprettiestside of my school. I eagerlyinviteYouall to comeand visitus!

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