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Association of Pathology Chairs Pathology Department Administrators Section. Annual APC / PDAS Meeting Cheyenne Mountain Resort Colorado Springs, Colorado July 2008. Pathology Department Administrators Section Histology Staffing Crisis. The History… Early Fall 2007:
Association of Pathology ChairsPathology Department Administrators Section Annual APC / PDAS Meeting Cheyenne Mountain Resort Colorado Springs, Colorado July 2008
Pathology Department Administrators SectionHistology Staffing Crisis The History… Early Fall 2007: Surveyed PDAS Membership to Submit Histology Staffing Problems Late Fall 2007: Presented PDAS Views to NSH at NSH Annual Symposium in Denver Winter 2007/2008 Presented both PDAS & NSH views at Regional PDAS Meetings, which sadly mandated travel to Puerto Vallarta and San Juan
Pathology Department Administrators SectionQuick Summary of PDAS vs. NSH Views EXTERNAL CHALLENGES INTERNAL CHALLENGES
Pathology Department Administrators SectionPDAS vs. NSH Views – Histology Staffing External Challenge #1 – Supply vs. Demand Current population of registered technologists is aging, many approaching retirement. Number of nationally accredited histology schools are decreasing. NSH RESPONSE: www.nsh.org website provides a comprehensive list of histology schools and contact information. NSH officials will also collect information on non-accredited programs and forward to PDAS for distribution.
Pathology Department Administrators SectionPDAS vs. NSH Views – Histology Staffing External Challenge #2 – Regulatory Struggles New federal and/or state licensure mandates. Inconsistent and conflicting institutional requirements for certification/education. NSH RESPONSE: We need more help from the Administrators and Chairmen. We need to work together more effectively to resolve these internal and external regulatory challenges.
Pathology Department Administrators SectionPDAS vs. NSH Views – Histology Staffing External Challenge #3 – Technology Lack of qualified applicants who are technologically savvy. Technology increases often favor more educated candidates, who are often NOT the most qualified histologists. NSH RESPONSE: Histologists have had to handle the lab responsibilities over the years.
Pathology Department Administrators SectionPDAS vs. NSH Views – Histology Staffing External Challenge #4 – Identity Crisis Lack of support and/or understanding from human resources departments. Histology vs. other medical technology specialties. NSH RESPONSE: Must immediately develop/increase efforts to gain “pathology awareness” …….departmental/histology tours, internal regional lectures, local college in-services, internships have been very effective.
Pathology Department Administrators SectionPDAS vs. NSH Views – Histology Staffing External Challenge #5 - Competition Competition between hospitals and private industry. Enormously varying pay scales nationwide. NSH RESPONSE: Administrators’ and Chairmen's fault for not assuring equitable pay and not supporting histologists.
Pathology Department Administrators SectionPDAS vs. NSH Views – Histology Staffing Internal Challenge #1 – Lack of Internal Support by Supervisors Unwilling / resistant to train a “successor” Uneducated supervisors vs. educated technicians Uncertified supervisors vs. HT/HTL(ASCP) technicians NSH RESPONSE: Varied…agreed/disagreed. We had no choice…
Pathology Department Administrators SectionPDAS vs. NSH Views – Histology Staffing Internal Challenge #2 – Problems Developing Histology Training Programs Often lose trainees shortly after training Consumes too much faculty time Costly / Bureaucratic NSH RESPONSE: Would consider employment contracts if salary scales were uniform and comparable. Need more Chairman and Administration ‘buy in’ to sustain these programs.
Pathology Department Administrators SectionPDAS vs. NSH Views – Histology Staffing Internal Challenge #3 – Lack of Support from Pathologists & Faculty NSH RESPONSE: Integrate Histology as a mandatory training program rotation for all fellows and residents….”start them young”
Pathology Department Administrators SectionSummer Meeting – July 2008 So What Do We Do Now??? 5 Suggestions for PDAS to Review These were presented to NSH President, Vincent Della Speranza (Medical University of South Carolina) in Feb 2008.
Pathology Department Administrators SectionHistology Staffing Exchange direct web site links on NSH & APC/PDAS web sites. Under the PDAS section of APC, we would have a direct link to: www.nsh.org (Status: NSH has agreed…PDAS? APC?)
Pathology Department Administrators SectionHistology Staffing Exchange PDAS/NSH council members’ information and agree to try to align our organizations for any suitable national issuers). (Status: NSH agreed. PDAS? APC?)
Pathology Department Administrators SectionHistology Staffing Obtain a ‘packet’ of Histology information from NSH to distribute to our training program directors who may have significant influence over incoming fellows/residents. (Status: Pending..hoped to get this packet for this meeting)
Pathology Department Administrators SectionHistology Staffing Encourage all Administrators and Chairman to become proactive in improving awareness for all aspects of our industry. Target audiences should include Human Resources, other departments, local schools, job fairs, etc. (Status: Sure Thing)
Pathology Department Administrators SectionHistology Staffing Exchange names of key individual(s) who will serve as the voice for each group. Currently offered John Baci as a contact person to NSH. (Status: NSH President will serve as key contact)
Pathology Department Administrators Section Parting Comments: CONS Surprised by the level of animosity and suspicion…well, maybe not! Many goals & suggestions sound like Miss America Thought I would have been able to accomplish more Still very difficult to communicate….many “old walls to break through.”
Pathology Department Administrators Section Parting Comments: PROS Any communication is good Proud to have extended the ‘olive branch’ Maybe won over some NSH folks Web site link will be a positive & useful tool May appeal to the younger generation of both groups Intend to continue this effort into the future