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Most admired companies. 0113221 林家竹 0113230 陳紀瑜. FORTUNE World‘s Most Admired Companies 評選方 式. 其中我們取前八名進行分析. Most admired companies: TOP 10. Mission 讓世界更美好 ----- Steve Jobs
Most admired companies 0113221 林家竹 0113230 陳紀瑜
其中我們取前八名進行分析 Most admired companies:TOP 10
Mission • 讓世界更美好-----Steve Jobs Apple Inc. is committed to bringing the best personal computing experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware, software and Internet offerings. • Imagine what you could do here. At Apple, great ideas have a way of becoming great products, services, and customer experiences very quickly. Bring passion and dedication to your job and there's no telling what you could accomplish. AppleTop 50 rank: 1 Rank in Computers: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 7.94
Goal • 人性化 Apple Inc. plans to keep creating and releasing computers and consumer electronicsthat are more user-friendly. • 開設更多據點 It will focus more opening more stores even on international locations to help increase in sales. AppleTop 50 rank: 1 Rank in Computers: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 7.94
Strategies • Afterthe identification of the training needs, the willingness of the company should be checked and sowith the employees as to how far they can go for the project. It will involve confirming their budget, time and the acknowledgement of the project as urgent and important for them and forthe company. With all of these, the management can now look into the most suitable methods based on their assessed stand of the company and there are actually a lot available to choose from depending on the allowed scope, budget and time by the management. AppleTop 50 rank: 1 Rank in Computers: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 7.94
Strategies 2. A sample survey can help the management to align the scope, budget and time with the most suitable training method chosen by the training audience and will also serve as gauge in determining which is the most effective for the training audience. It will at least help in reducing the efforts in considering the training or intervention strategy to use. In a way, it will cater to many advantages since, there are direct data to be used as basis for the decision and it also provides flexibility since many options were given. It would just be in the optimizing the resources based on the training needs. • A sample survey AppleTop 50 rank: 1 Rank in Computers: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 7.94
Mission • 成為全球最以客戶為中心的公司 • Be the company where customers can find and discover anything theymight want to buy online, and endeavors tooffer its customers the lowest possible prices. • Technological innovation drives the growth of Amazon.com to offer customers more types of products, more conveniently and at lower prices. Amazon.comTop 50 rank: 2 Rank in Internet Services and Retailing: 2 (Previous rank: 2) Overall score:7.09
Goal • In the Community The greatest contribution to the good of society will come from our core business activities: lowering prices, expanding selection, driving convenience, driving frustration-free packaging, creating Kindle, innovating in web services, and other initiatives we'll work hard on in the future. • In Our Plane They are constantly looking for ways to further reduce our environmental impact. Online shopping is inherently more environmentally friendly than traditional retailing. Amazon.comTop 50 rank: 2 Rank in Internet Services and Retailing: 2 (Previous rank: 2) Overall score:7.09
Strategies Amazon Leadership Principles 每個人都是領導者 ,只要是在Amazon工作的人,都必須遵守這些原則 Bias for Action Frugality Vocally Self Critical Earn Trust of Others Dive Deep Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit Deliver Results Amazon.comTop 50 rank: 2 Rank in Internet Services and Retailing: 2 (Previous rank: 2) Overall score:7.09 • Customer Obsession • Invent and Simplify • Are Right, A Lot • Hire and Develop ‘The Best’ • Frugality • Insist on the Highest Standards • Think Big
Mission • 匯整全球資訊,供大眾使用,使人人受惠 • 能夠進行更有效的管理和獲取訊息 • 能夠更有效、更快速的交流信息 • 能夠得出對某些信息的更深層次的需求,同時剔除無用的信息 • 能夠個個不同的信息進行片段合成,從而形成新的有價值的信息 GoogleTop 50 rank: 3 Rank in Internet Services and Retailing: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 8.07
Goal • 始終相信網際網路擁有無限的可能性 • 「完美的搜尋引擎必須確實理解使用者的意思,提供恰如所需的資訊。」-----Larry Page(Google 共同創辦人暨執行長 ) • 個人服務 : 提升搜尋引擎的精確度和速度 • 企業服務:提供的各種工具可協助不同類型的企業在網路和實體市場中 邁向成功 • 網路產品:開發的產品能讓網路更臻完美,進而為您獻上最佳網路服務 GoogleTop 50 rank: 3 Rank in Internet Services and Retailing: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 8.07
Strategies • Open source products and services • Quality and customer experience are the primary objects • Financial situation • Access to the widest group of internet users worldwide • Strong patents portfolio • Product integration • Culture of innovation GoogleTop 50 rank: 3 Rank in Internet Services and Retailing: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 8.07
Mission • " Deliver the right parts exactly on time, exceed our internal and external customer requirements through continuous improvement, and provide a place for hard-working, dedicated, knowledgeable and ethical people who believe in the company. " Berkshire HathawayTop 50 rank: 4 Rank in Insurance: Property and Casualty: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 7.11
Goal • maintaining Berkshire’s Gibraltar-like financial position, which features huge amounts of excess liquidity, near-term obligations that are modest, and dozens of sources of earnings and cash; • widening the “moats” around our operating businesses that give them durable competitive advantages; • acquiring and developing new and varied streams of earnings; • expanding and nurturing the cadre of outstanding operating managers who, over the years, have delivered Berkshire exceptional results. Berkshire HathawayTop 50 rank: 4 Rank in Insurance: Property and Casualty: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 7.11
Strategies • Berkshire’s operating businesses are managed on an unusually decentralized basis. • 採用分權制度,且信任下屬的能力,公司總部極少參與一般的日常業務活動 • 為了避免不當交易產生的嚴重後果,制定了任何人都必須撙手的準則 • Except for Permitted Trading, the trading of securities of Berkshire or any other public company while the trader is in possession of material nonpublic information is prohibited. • The unauthorized disclosure of any material nonpublic information acquired in connection with work for Berkshire or its subsidiaries is prohibited. Berkshire HathawayTop 50 rank: 4 Rank in Insurance: Property and Casualty: 1 (Previous rank: 1) Overall score: 7.11
Mission • 對顧客 • To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. [啟發並孕育人文精神 – 每人、每杯、每個社區皆能體會。] • Share great coffee with our friends and help make the world a little better. Not only celebrated coffee and the rich tradition, but that also brought a feeling of connection. • Starbucks is the premier roaster and retailer of specialty coffee in the world. And with every cup, we strive to bring both our heritage and an exceptional experience to life. • 對員工 • 在星巴克,身為管理階層的經營者,我們不只是要餵飽員工的胃,更要滿足員工的心靈。 StarbucksTop 50 rank: 5Rank in Food Services: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 7.85
Goal • Our Coffee 所有咖啡都必須符合星巴克的高品質標準。 要求開誠布公。供應商必須提出整個咖啡供應鏈中各款項的證明,以顯現農民從星巴克的 (未烘培) 咖啡生豆購買價格中賺得多少收益。 制定的各項措施會由第三方驗證單位評估,以確保我們的工作條件安全、公平且合乎人性 制定了眾多措施,以便管理廢物、保護水源品質、節省水源和能源、保留生物多元性並減少農藥使用。 • Our Partners 遵循”星巴克全球人權標準”,在招聘過程中宣導公平機會,只按照崗位要求作出聘用決定,不使用強制勞動。 我們維護自尊並互相尊重。這表明任何夥伴都有權在一個沒有騷擾、侮辱和歧視的環境中工作。 差異存在於夥伴、顧客、供應商以及我們 接觸的所有人之間,我們尊重人與人之間的差異。 StarbucksTop 50 rank: 5Rank in Food Services: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 7.85
Goal • Our Customers 以維護自尊並相互尊重為原則。 30秒內就能心靈相通,「one personal time」專注於對方的需要,並用「one cup of time」為你煮這杯咖啡。 歸屬感的重視,除了顧客回函或電話,每個月也會主動進行神祕客調查。 • OurNeighborhood 鼓勵星巴克合作夥伴 (員工) 和顧客投身社區服務,預計到 2015 年以前,每年的服務時數將超過數百萬個小時。 StarbucksTop 50 rank: 5Rank in Food Services: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 7.85
Strategies • 經營策略 • 組織架構 為避免組織官僚化,因此並無正式組織架構, 只分成功能別、產品別部門 • 產品導向 (1) 重視咖啡豆的色香味,讓顧客品嚐到一定水準的星巴克咖啡。 (2) 重視咖啡豆的原產地。 (3) 重視調製品如鮮奶、酪乳、香料等。 StarbucksTop 50 rank: 5Rank in Food Services: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 7.85
Strategies • 價值觀導向 (1) 滿腔的咖啡熱情及正統形象,先對職員建立星巴克品牌形象。 教育消費者認識如何烘焙咖啡,業者務必展現淵博的專業知識, 並為求知慾強的顧客指點迷津。 (2)重視研發:設立精密實驗室。 • 人本導向 (1) 視員工是企業最大資產:並有如下行動方案: A.重視員工福利。(健保、員工無償配股) B.重視員工和管理階層的信任感和相互尊重。 C.與員工建立互信關係,對員工的承諾一定做到。 (2) 重視顧客。 (3) 重視回饋社區。 StarbucksTop 50 rank: 5Rank in Food Services: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 7.85
Mission • To refresh the world - in mind, body and spirit [讓全球人們的身體、思想及精神更加怡神暢快] • To inspire moments of optimism - through our brands and actions [讓我們的品牌與行動不斷激發人們保持樂觀向上] • To create value and make a difference everywhere we engage [讓我們所觸及的一切更具價值] Coca-ColaTop 50 rank: 6Rank in Beverages: 1(Previous rank: 2)Overall score: 7.40
Goal • Profit(利潤): 最大化股東的利益,回饋我們股東時,不忘履行我們的企業公民責任 • People(員工): 製造舒適的環境,激勵員工發揮自身潛能 • Portfolio(投資組合): 提供推陳出新的產品,不斷滿足市場與消費者 • Partners(合作夥伴): 建立雙贏的合作模式,堅定合作夥伴關係 • Planet(地球): 成為負責任的全球企業公民典範 • Productivity(生產力): 成為精簡、高效率、靈活應變的組織 Coca-ColaTop 50 rank: 6Rank in Beverages: 1(Previous rank: 2)Overall score: 7.40
Strategies • 品牌策略 • 授權品牌 採取與瓶裝場互惠的合作策略,簽訂了合約,就能以固定價格與可口可樂購買原液裝瓶分銷,每個出品的罐子都會印上「可口可樂公司授權榮譽出品」 • 家族品牌 針對不同產品線,分別給予一個產品專用的家族品牌名稱(ex:雪碧.芬達等)銷售該產品線的所有商品,藉此方式,消費者除對原產品的喜愛,進可加深其它填補產品的印象,減少行銷費用。 • 訂價策略 • 售價導向的定價目標 • 壓低成本提高占有率 • 顧客導向[3A→3P→4P] • 3A;買的到[availability] → 買的起[affordability] → 樂意買[acceptability] • 3P;無所不在[pervasiveness] → 物有所值[price to value] →首推品牌 [preference] • 4P;大紅廣告[paint in red] → 渴望品牌[preferred product] → 尊榮形象[persuasive] → 物超所值[priced relative to value] Coca-ColaTop 50 rank: 6Rank in Beverages: 1(Previous rank: 2)Overall score: 7.40
Strategies • 通路策略 • “共同創造財富、利益”,利用間接通路配銷,運用批發商對於配銷當地的熟悉度,得到當地消費者的購買習慣與市場狀況,進而打入市場。 • 密急性配銷:讓可口客樂能以最大市占率,達到人手一盃可口可樂的目標。 • 監控:獎賞權力、參考權力、法制權力 • 整合:契約式的垂直行銷系統 • 推廣策略 • 最終消費者為目標 • 設定推廣目標,強調理念、品牌形象 • 編制推廣預算 • 擬定推廣組合:廣告、人員銷售、促銷、公共關係 Coca-ColaTop 50 rank: 6Rank in Beverages: 1(Previous rank: 2)Overall score: 7.40
Mission • 讓世界快樂,讓所有人快樂 • 夢想因「人」而實現。 (It takes people to make the dream a reality.)—Walt Disney • The Walt Disney Company's objective is to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment and information, using its portfolio of brands to differentiate its content, services and consumer products. The company's primary financial goals are to maximize earnings and cash flow, and to allocate capital toward growth initiatives that will drive long-term shareholder value. Walt DisneyTop 50 rank: 7Rank in Entertainment: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 8.41
Goal • Promote the happiness and well-being of kids and families • Live Healthier Make healthier living fun and accessible • Strengthen Communities Bring hope, happiness, and comfort to kids and families • Conserve Nature Connect kids with nature to build lifelong conservation values • Think Creatively Nurture creative thinking skills to inspire kids to create the future they imagine Walt DisneyTop 50 rank: 7Rank in Entertainment: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 8.41
Goal • Act Responsibly • Ethical Conduct Conduct business with honesty, integrity, and in compliance with the law everywhere we operate • Responsible Content Create and market responsible, high-quality products and content • Environmental Stewardship Use resources wisely and protect the planet as we operate and grow our business • Civic Engagement Create lasting, positive change in the communities in which we live, work, and play • Respectful Workplaces Foster safe, respectful, and inclusive workplaces wherever we do business • Responsible Supply Chain Support the ethical production of Disney-branded merchandise through programs focused on safety, labor, and the environment Walt DisneyTop 50 rank: 7Rank in Entertainment: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 8.41
Strategies • Disney Creativity Strategy • 夢想家(Dreamer)的特質 創作力強,任何事都有可能。有效問題:我想要什麼?最理想的情況是什麼?可有甚麼創意構想? • 實幹者(Realist)的特質 執行夢想家的主意,排除萬難,有所行動。有效問題:怎樣執行?怎樣才知道已經達成目標? • 批評者(Critic)的特質 考慮到現實的各方面顧慮,避免事情出錯。有效問題:假如這個計劃會失敗,會在甚麼情況下出現呢? 誰會反對? Walt DisneyTop 50 rank: 7Rank in Entertainment: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 8.41
Strategies • 經營策略 1.投資、改造主題公園,開闢營利心路 2.購買傳媒公司 3.靠品牌經營 4.啟用新人,超常思維 5.利用視覺圖畫和數位科技結合賺取利潤 • 人員管理 1.以身作則 2.重視培訓,提高員工服務能力 3.加強溝通 4.注重團隊精神 Walt DisneyTop 50 rank: 7Rank in Entertainment: 1(Previous rank: 1)Overall score: 8.41
Mission • FedEx Corporation will produce superior financial returns for its shareowners by providing high value-added logistics, transportation and related business services through focused operating companies. Customer requirements will be met in the highest quality manner appropriate to each market segment served. FedEx will strive to develop mutually rewarding relationships with its employees, partners and suppliers. Safety will be the first consideration in all operations. Corporate activities will be conducted to the highest ethical and professional standards. [專注經營公司,提供高附加價值的物流,運輸及相關業務的服務, 使股東有更好的財務回饋。 對於客戶要求將以最高品質的看待,依照不同市場提供適合的服務。 聯邦快遞致力發展與員工、合作夥伴和供應商互惠互利的關係。 安全將是首先考慮的所有操作。 企業活動則以最高的道德和專業標準執行。] FedExTop 50 rank: 8 Rank in Delivery: 1 (Previous rank: 2) Overall score: 6.88
Goal • Economics & Access: increase global commerce sustainably for communities and shareholders. • grow its revenues by 10 percent annually • achieve over 10 percent operating margin • grow its core package business • increase its global reach and accelerate its supply chain capabilities • increase the use of e-commerce and new technologies and create new alliances and services • Environment & Efficiency: create more efficient networks while minimizing our footprint [2012_FedEx Global Citizenship Goals for Environment & Efficiency] • Reducing aircraft emissions intensity 30% by 2020 (restated from original goal of 20% reduction by 2020) • Increasing FedEx Express vehicle fuel efficiency 30% by 2020 (restated from original goal of 20% improvement by 2020) • Obtaining 30% of our jet fuel from alternative fuels by the year 2030 • Expanding on-site generation of and continuing procurement of renewable energy for our facilities • Seeking LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certification on all new FedEx Express buildings in the U.S. FedExTop 50 rank: 8 Rank in Delivery: 1 (Previous rank: 2) Overall score: 6.88
Goal • Community & Disaster Relief: leverage our infrastructure and our people to help communities worldwide • providing logistical and transportation support for emergency and disaster relief • partnered with agencies like the American Red Cross, Heart to Heart . • provides partnership and support to other agencies such as the National Safe Kids Campaign for child safety worldwide. • People & Workplace: foster a culture dedicated to making every FedEx experience outstanding. • maintains a Corporate Diversity Council that focuses on a global culture of diversity and inclusiveness. • Comprehensive safe workplace education FedExTop 50 rank: 8 Rank in Delivery: 1 (Previous rank: 2) Overall score: 6.88
Strategies • Core of corporate strategy: Use IT to help customers take advantage of international markets • Compete collectively by standing as one brand worldwide and speaking with one voice. • Manage collaboratively by working together to sustain loyal relationships with our workforce, customers and investors. 1) Electronic data interchange (EDI) and the Internet2) Match supply to demand without wastage3) Track back along the supply-chain to the point of raw materials FedExTop 50 rank: 8 Rank in Delivery: 1 (Previous rank: 2) Overall score: 6.88
Strategies • Operate independently by focusing on our independent networks to meet distinct customer needs. 1) Used the Internet to re-engineer their supply-chains2) Integration with customer supply-chains3) The express transportation needs associated with the growth in e-tailing and business-to-business e-commerce presented enormous opportunities for FedEx4) FedEx Anticipated growth in consumer EC5) Planned to start a new service called FedEx Home Delivery to meet the needs of businesses specializing in business-to-consumer e-tailing FedExTop 50 rank: 8 Rank in Delivery: 1 (Previous rank: 2) Overall score: 6.88
Apple http://www.apple.com/about/ • Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Careers-Homepage/b?ie=UTF8&node=239364011 • Google http://www.google.com/about/company/ • Berkshire Hathaway http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/ • Starbucks http://www.starbucks.com/ • Coca-Cola http://www.coca-colacompany.com/ • Walt Disney http://thewaltdisneycompany.com/ • FedEx http://about.van.fedex.com/ 參考網站