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Linkage Fire and Security, offers reliable safety solutions as a leading commercial fire alarm service company in New York. Ensure safety and compliance Today!
ABOUTUS LinkageFireandSecurityisaprofessionalcompanydedicatedtoprovidinga safeenvironmentintermsofFireProtectionand properemergency response.Weworkwithprofessionalengineers,filingrepresentatives,aswell as Fire Department Officials and County Fire Marshalls, to ensure that all building occupancy groups comply with the latest Local Building Codes and NFPA Standards. Linkage Fire and Security's expertise is in the installation and maintenance of life safety building systems such as Fire Alarm, ARCs, CCTV,AccessControlsandBurglarSystems. LinkageFireandSecuritystandsasabeaconof innovationintheworldofbuildingintegration.Wearea dynamic team of talented professionals dedicated to advancingthesafetyofbuildingoccupants.
FIREALARMENGINEERING Linkage Fire and Security is the company to work with when you need a top-notch Fire Alarm Design in NYC. Submitting a FireAlarmApplicationwithFDNYrequiresabasic architectural drawing showing the building layout. At Linkage FireweprovideDraftingservicestogenerateAutoCAD Drawings. Based on building Characteristics from Certificate ofOccupancy,ScheduleofOccupancy,orLetterofNo Objection. Fire Alarm Systems are designed by a Certified EngineerasperthelocalBuildingCode.LinkageFirewillguide you through the entire design process of obtaining a set of ApprovedDrawings.
ENGINEERINGSERVICES We Offer the Entire Engineering Package however submitting a code compliance fire alarm application can be challenging even among professionals. Linkage Fireand Securitycan achieveanysizeortypeoffirealarmproject.
DraftingArchitecturalLayouts Older buildings don't have proper digital AutoCAD Drawings. At Linkage Fire we provide scaled architectural layouts that will allow a proper fire alarmdesign.Wearehands-ononthefield,surveybuildings,andmeasure every wall if necessary. Other scenarios are with scanned PDF drawings andatLinkageFireAlarmEngineeringNewYorkdepartmentcanconvert PDFdrawingsinto.DWGCADfilesreadyforaFireAlarmDesign.
FireAlarmDesign At Linkage Fire we design Fire Alarm systems based on minimum requirements specified by local authorities and nationalNFPAStandards.It'sextremelyimportanttohirean experienced engineer that does not over-design, select the right type of fire alarm system, and at the same time protectsthemostcriticalareasofthebuilding.Thiscriterion willsaveresourcesandpotentiallyreducethecostof installation. Our Staff counts with a Professional Engineer andNicetLvIIICertifiedDesigners.
FireAlarmPostApproval Amendment FireAlarmJobApplicationsFiledbyanyapplicantcanbe supersededbyanotherapplicant.FireAlarmApplications canbeamendedformultiplereasonslike simply to correct any adding/removingaflooror discrepancyonagivendesign.AtLinkageFireand Security,wealsocomplementthisservice.
SpecialServices iBwave Designs: We can Provide iBwave Designs for ARCs to ensure proper wave propagationwithinprotectedpremises. Post FireSmokePurgeSystems:Our EngineeringStaffprovidesPurgeSystems Designs Systems Systems. andServiceExistingPurge integratedwithFireAlarm
CONTACTUS (914)-339-0997 www.linkagefirecorp.com Info@Linkagefire.com