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A Look at Intrinsic Factors. Because my classroom has always had a strong behavioral focus, I feel good about the extrinsic behavior system that I have in place.This course has made me realize that there are a number of intrinsic components that I could improve upon. The following pages explain s
1. An Analysis of Classroom Management Margaret (Cahill) Rogan
CEP 883
Summer ‘04
2. A Look at Intrinsic Factors Because my classroom has always had a strong behavioral focus, I feel good about the extrinsic behavior system that I have in place.
This course has made me realize that there are a number of intrinsic components that I could improve upon. The following pages explain some of the changes that I plan to implement next year.
3. 5 Factors of Comprehensive Classroom Management Sound theoretical foundation
Interpersonal relationships
Motivation and Instruction
Organization and management
Helping students evaluate and correct unproductive behavior J & J, pg.24J & J, pg.24
4. 5 Factors and My Classroom Management Many of my students come to me with needs that affect their behavior in the classroom. When analyzing students’ behavior, I look at physical and psychological needs that students may have.
I approach each student individually and establish a positive relationship.
Learning in my classroom is highly individualized and based upon the students’ current levels of achievement. All students can feel success.
5. 5 Factors and My Classroom Management Classroom routines are highly organized. Behavioral expectations are developed with the students and re-taught several times a day.
Each day as expectations are re-taught, students evaluate their own behavior and discuss if they met the expectations.
6. My Classroom Management Done Well
5 factors of management Will Improve Upon
7. Intrinsic Management To increase intrinsic motivation, the classroom must:
Address students’ academic needs.
Promote a positive teacher-student relationship
Promote positive student-student relationships
Establish a home-school connection Make them want to behave and make it easy to behaveMake them want to behave and make it easy to behave
8. 14 Academic Needs Those done well in my classroom:
Actively involve in the learning process
Have learning goals relate to student interests
Experience success.
Receive realistic and immediate feedback
Receive appropriate rewards
See learning modeled
Experience a safe learning environment
Have time to integrate learning
Have positive contact with peers
Receive instruction matched to learning style and strengths
9. 14 Academic Needs Needing improvement
Understand and Value Learning Goals
Understand the Learning Process
Be Involved in Self-Evaluating One’s Learning and Effort
10. Understand and Value Learning Goals Current status
My students do not generally understand why they are learning.
They do not see the big picture.
My plan
Spend a few minutes ‘setting the stage.’ Talk to the students about why this information is important.
Incorporate ‘Objective, Reason, Activity, Assessment’ on the Whiteboard for most lessons. Pg. 195Pg. 195
11. Understand and Value Learning Goals Example: In Language Arts, 4th grade students read a story about forest fires. The story included information about naturally occurring fires, the suppression vs. ‘letting it burn’ debate, forest cycles, and suppression strategies. Living in Southern California, forest fires are a part of our lives. Every summer and fall, there are major fires. This story gives the students information to understand what is happening in their community. Before reading the story, I can talk to the students about what I want them to learn and why.
12. Understand the Learning Process Current Status
My students complete work assigned to them, but do not understand what learning really is or how it happens.
My Plan
Teach students about learning styles.
Teach students what learning looks and sounds like. Pg. 196Pg. 196
13. Understand the Learning Process Example:
In the beginning of the year, I will do a lesson on what learning looks and sounds like. I will turn this information into a poster for the students to refer to throughout the year.
I will also do a lesson in the beginning of the year to help students discover their learning style. We will make a graph of each student’s style and will refer back to this as we do various lessons. Pg. 196Pg. 196
14. Be Involved in Self-Evaluating One’s Learning and Effort Current Status
My students regularly self-evaluate their behavior, but rarely do I ask them to evaluate their learning.
My Plan
Increase the amount of self-evaluating that students do.
Have students assess their level of effort for certain activities Pg. 233Pg. 233
15. Be Involved in Self-Evaluating One’s Learning and Effort Example:
During Monday’s spelling lessons, students will set a goal for the number of new words to learn for the week. On Friday, after the spelling test, students will determine if they met their weekly goal.
After the Friday spelling test, students will complete a chart about what homework they completed, how hard they tried, and whether or not they met their goal. Pg. 233Pg. 233
16. My Classroom Management Done Well
5 factors of management
11 academic needs
Will Improve Upon
Learning goals, learning process, self-evaluate learning
17. Teacher-Student Relationship Done well
Create open and appropriate dialogue with students.
Maintain a high ratio of positive to negative comments
Communicating high expectations.
Giving specific descriptive feedback.
Responding effectively to inappropriate behavior.
Needs improvement
Getting to know students.
Listening to students
Pg. 77Pg. 77
18. Getting to know students Current Status
I learn all of my students’ names within the first 10 minutes of school. But I gradually get to know them over the first few months of school. I don’t really seek out much personal information from my students. I allow the student to tell me things when they want.
My Plan
I will increase the amount of background knowledge I have of my students by gathering information from several different sources.
19. Getting to know students Example:
Early in the year, students will do an activity that describes the people in their lives that are important to them. It will be similar to the Circle of Friends activity. People in the center of the circle are the most important and those in the outer rings are less important.
I will send home a note with each student the first day of school. I will introduce myself and explain my background. The students will write a letter back to me telling me about their family and interests.
When on recess duty, I will float around to different students and join in their game for a few minutes.
20. Listening to Students Current Status
Mostly I do a good job listening to my students. However, when things get rushed and it is the same kid with the same behavior, I tend to not listen as well as I could.
My Plan
It is not always possible to stop instruction to problem solve with students. I will develop and implement a problem solving worksheet that will allow the student to voice their concerns about the incident and allow me a chance to come back to the problem at a later time.
21. Listening to Students Example: Problem-solving Worksheet
Your Name:______ Other Student:______
Describe what happened:
What could you have done differently:
What do you wish the other student had done differently?
What other information do you wish to share?
We will discuss this incident during the next break in class.
22. My Classroom Management Done Well
5 factors of management.
11 academic needs.
Dialogue, positive comments, high expectations, feedback, and responding to behavior. Will Improve Upon
Learning goals, learning process, self-evaluate learning.
Getting to know and listening to students.
23. Student-Student Relationship Done well
Dependence stage of group development
Promote positive self-esteem
Acquaintance activities
Needs improvement
Cooperative learning activities
Desk arrangement
Pg. 120Pg. 120
24. Cooperative Learning Activities Current Status
Currently I do cooperative learning activities only when integrating with a mainstream class. We do this weekly for science lessons.
My Plan
Increase the amount of cooperative learning activities by creating group projects in Social Studies. I will work with the mainstream teachers and modify their projects for my kids.
25. Desk Arrangement Current Status
For the past few years I have placed my desks in rows, front to back. This reduced incidents of student-student misbehavior. It also reduced the opportunity for positive student interaction.
My Plan
I have traded in all of my single desks and gotten doubles. This will force me to allow students to sit with a partner. I am also hoping to put two double desks together to form a group of four.
26. My Classroom Management Done Well
5 factors of management.
11 academic needs.
Dialogue, positive comments, high expectations, feedback, and responding to behavior.
Acquaintance activities, promoting self-esteem, Dependence stage of group development Will Improve Upon
Learning goals, learning process, self-evaluate learning.
Getting to know and listening to students.
Cooperative learning activities and desk arrangement
27. Home-School Relationship Done well
Early contact
Parental support
Student planners
Weekly folders Needs improvement
Parent conferences
28. Parent Conferences Current Status
Parent conferences are held twice a year and at least once a year an IEP conference is held.
IEP is typically scheduled only a week in advance.
My Plan
I will create an outline to use to plan parent conferences. I will save samples of student work to show the parents.
I will schedule IEP meetings at least 3 weeks in advance.
29. Newsletters Current Status
I currently do not do any newsletters. I send home the school’s monthly newsletter and other fliers.
My Plan
I will work with students to create a newsletter that showcases their work and achievements.
30. My Classroom Management Done Well
5 factors of management.
11 academic needs.
Dialogue, positive comments, high expectations, feedback, and responding to behavior.
Acquaintance activities, promoting self-esteem, Dependence stage of group development.
Early parent contact and support, student planners and weekly folders. Will Improve Upon
Learning goals, learning process, self-evaluate learning.
Getting to know and listening to students.
Cooperative learning activities and desk arrangement.
Parent conferences and newsletter.
31. Classroom Organization and Structure as a Management Tool Done Well
Discuss the value of rules
Develop a list of rules
Monitor and review classroom rules
Creating, teaching and monitoring classroom procedures
Giving clear directions Needs Improvement
Getting a commitment
Cue for getting students’ attention
32. Getting a Commitment Current Status
I generate student expectations with my class. We talk about why these rules are important. I never have the students make a commitment to try to live by these rules
My Plan
This is an easy one to improve. I will create a contract for all students to sign agreeing to try to live by these basic guidelines.
33. Cue for Student Attention Current Status
Currently I sit on the table in the front of the class and wait for student attention. Sometimes I will look at my watch and time how long it takes for the class to settle down.
My Plan
I am going to get a noise maker from the teacher store. When I need to get everyone’s attention, I will make the noise and if the class is quiet within 15 seconds, they can earn a square on the 100 chart.
34. My Classroom Management Done Well
5 factors of management.
11 academic needs.
Dialogue, positive comments, high expectations, feedback, and responding to behavior.
Acquaintance activities, promoting self-esteem, Dependence stage of group development.
Early parent contact and support, student planners and weekly folders.
Development and implementation of rules and procedures. Will Improve Upon
Learning goals, learning process, self-evaluate learning.
Getting to know and listening to students.
Cooperative learning activities and desk arrangement.
Parent conferences and newsletter.
Getting a commitment to the rules and creating a cue for attention.
35. Overall Assessment Overall, I think that I have strong classroom management skills.
My skills are heavily weighted toward extrinsic motivation and management.
I now have tools to improve the intrinsic motivation and management of my students.