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An Analysis of My Classroom Management Style. Danielle McLean CEP 883. Introduction. I currently teach 9 th grade biology, so I have a very active and talkative group of students. The following aspects of my current management style will be outlined:
An Analysis of My Classroom Management Style Danielle McLean CEP 883
Introduction • I currently teach 9th grade biology, so I have a very active and talkative group of students. • The following aspects of my current management style will be outlined: • School rule and classroom rule enforcement • Classroom arrangement • Student –student relationships • Teacher-student relationships • Curriculum and behavior
My Management Style • I used the quiz below to help identify my management style. http://www.cbv.ns.ca/sstudies/gen3.html
My management style is authoritative • Characteristics: • Places limits, yet encourages independence • Teacher is polite, but firm • Teacher is open to classroom debates and other discussions • Offers positive encouragement and provides feedback • Has high achievement expectations http://www.cbv.ns.ca/sstudies/gen3.html
Management is Important! • Classroom management is one of the biggest concerns among teachers. According to Teaching Makes a Difference, studies have shown that 70% of beginning teachers are most concerned about managing behavior in their class (Teaching Makes a Difference, 2002, p. 163). • Times have changed! Teachers are not viewed at the ultimate authority anymore; however it is still the teacher’s responsibility to maintain an environment conducive to learning.
My Approach to Enforcing School Rules • School rules are necessary in order to have a quality learning environment, however, students tend to question why particular school rules are in place. • I strongly enforce school rules, especially rules such as cell phone use. • The school rules are discussed at the beginning of the year and are also posted in my room. • Consequences are outlined in the school’s student handbook. • Students receive constant reminders about rules and consequences throughout the school year.
My Current Management of Classroom Rules • I have very few classroom rules in addition to the school rules. • Each year, I post my rules that I require, and then I ask my classes to come up with a few more that they would like to see enforced in my class. • I try to give a warning before giving punishment since I teach freshman. This age group needs constant reminders! • I strive to make punishment consistent and appropriate.
Motivation behind Misbehavior • Students choose their behavior • The ultimate goal of student behavior is to fulfill the psychological and emotional need to belong. • Student misbehave to achieve one of four immediate goals (Cooperative Discipline, 2003, p.7) • Attention • Power • Revenge • Avoidance of failure (Cooperative Discipline, 2003, p.11)
Motivation Behind Misbehavior • When students psychological needs are not being met, they will act out in order to receive immediate gratification (Cooperative Discipline, 2003, p. 19).
How Can Teachers Manage Misbehavior? • Classroom and school rules must be made very clear to students from day one. According to Comprehensive Classroom Management, “Effective teachers do more than post rules or present procedures. Teachers work with students to ensure that they understand and can demonstrate the rules of procedures”(Comprehensive Classroom Management, 2009, p.175). • Students must be taught proper behavior. “Just like learnings in content areas, it isn’t enough to just tell students what you want them to know. Teach behavior!” (Teaching Makes a Difference, 2002, p.165)
How Can Teachers Manage Misbehavior? • Teachers must also reinforce the positive behaviors that students demonstrate with both verbal and non verbal praise such as smiles and nods (Teaching Makes a Difference, 2002, p.168). • It is natural to get upset when a student misbehaves because it distracts the teacher and the class. Teachers who respond in a relaxed, business-like manor with a firm tone are more likely to be in control of themselves and of the situation (Cooperative Discipline, 2003, p. 11).
How Can Teachers Manage Misbehavior? • Teachers must also strive to meet the needs of students so that they do not feel the need to act out. • The three C’s • Capable-kids need to feel capable of completing tasks • Connect- they must be able to connect with the teacher and other students • Contribute-kids must feel like they can contribute to the group (Cooperative Discipline, 2003, p. 13)
What I Would Like to Improve • I need to be better about teaching behavior I would like to see. Freshman are naturally squirrely and need constant reminders and re-teaching. • It is very easy to become frustrated with hyper freshman, so I need to continue to work on staying calm and keeping my voice relaxed.
Classroom Arrangement • Although my room is small and barely holds my 38 desks, I like to arrange my classroom so that students can have a class discussion. • I keep the desks facing towards the center of the room. That way there is no “back of the room.” • Students have assigned seats at the beginning of the year, then are allowed to give me suggestions as to when they would like to sit as the year goes on.
The Importance of Seating Arrangements • Many teachers do not view class arrangement to be as important as curriculum; however, “physical environment can influence the way teachers and students feel, think, and behave” (Secondary Classroom Management, 2003, p. 31). • Teachers also overlook the link between classroom arrangement and student behavior. Clusters of desks will often encourage social interactions, while rows often discourage interaction (Secondary Classroom Management, 2003, p. 34). • Desks are not the only factor in how a physical environment can affect students. The overall condition of the classroom such as cleanliness should be considered as well (Secondary Classroom Management, 2003, p. 32). • Here is an interesting link to help arrange a classroom: http://classroom.4teachers.org/
The Importance of Seating Arrangements • According to James McCorskey, there are certain seats that are conducive to high interaction and those that are not. • The traditions row arrangement leaves all but the students in the very front with low interaction with the teacher (Communication Education, 1979, p. 100). • A great alternative to rows is a horseshoe shape or arranging desks in groups. This allows for interaction between students and with the teacher (Communication Education, 1979, p. 103).
What I Would Like to Improve • Although I do not have room for a horse shoe arrangement, I can change my desk arrangement so that allows for higher interaction with myself and other students in most areas of the room. • I would like to improve the overall feel of the room by adding more color. I have no windows, so it feels a bit gloomy. I have not realized that the atmosphere had such a large impact on learning!
Student-Student Relationships • It is important for students to feel comfortable in class. I try to have my students work in groups or with partners as much as possible. • I also try to open class up for discussion. This gives students to get to know each other, but also allows then to feel like their ideas are heard and important. • “The creation of a safe, caring community that feels like a healthy family can help students decrease racism, harassment, and stereotyping, thereby creating a more just environment in which students learn patience and compassion and develop an appreciation for the value of all individuals” (Comprehensive Classroom Management, 2009, p. 100).
How to Build Student-Student Relationships • Cooperative learning • Students are grouped together based on varying academic abilities • Students work together and help each other improve in subject matter • Some Specific ideas: • Group Investigations -emphasize higher-order thinking skills like analysis of data and evaluation. Students may also work to complete a project or report on their findings (Education Consumer Guide,1992, p.1). • Jigsaw II- used with narrative material. “Each member is responsible for learning a specific part of a topic. After meeting with members of other groups, who are "expert" in the same part, the "experts" return to their own groups and present their findings. Team members then are quizzed on all topics” (Education Consumer Guide,1992, p.1).
How to Build Student-Student Relationships • Peer tutoring- • Students can learn from one another in a non-judgmental and non-threatening atmosphere. • Students may read aloud to each other, work on vocabulary, or work to complete an assignment. (Tutoring Program Manual, 2010, P. 1)
What I Would Like to Improve • I would like to continue to add activities that allow for interaction between students such as group activities. • I would also like to use more peer editing and peer tutoring in my classes.
Teacher-Student Relationships • It is extremely important for teachers to have a professional, yet caring relationship with students. I try to get to know what activities my students are involved in and try to talk with them individually as much as possible. • According to Kleinfeild, “teachers who were effective with (these) children were able to combine showing a personal interest in the students with demands for solid academic achievement” (Comprehensive Classroom Management, 2009, p. 59).
Teacher-Student Relationships • I have found that students are usually compliant with me if they feel like I care about them and respect them. • Research has shown that academic achievement and student behavior is strongly influenced by the strength of the student-teacher relationship (Comprehensive Classroom Management, 2009, p. 58). • Many of my students do not have a stable support system at home, however; I can help provide a caring environment at school.
What I Would Like to Improve • Each year, there are a few very quiet students that I never really get to know. They are not a behavior problem, and they usually have good grades, but I feel like I should make more of an effort to make them feel more at home in my class. • I would like to keep working on developing a relationship with students who act out, not matter how frustrated they make me. It will probably cut down on their bad behavior and make it easier for me to discipline them properly.
Curriculum and Behavior • I firmly believe that a challenging, yet attainable curriculum can reduce unwanted behaviors in class. • When students are not engaged, there is more opportunity for inappropriate behavior. • It is important to vary instruction and to provide various opportunities for students to show what they know. Otherwise, students may become bored or frustrated and act out.
How Curriculum and Behavior are Related • It is important to vary instruction. In one class, there are several different types of learners. If the teacher only teaches to one style, students will either be bored or lost. (Doing What Works, 2010). • Some ideas: • Hands on activities and labs • Opportunities for students to get up and move • Use of visual aids • Allowing students to use manipulatives
How Curriculum and Behavior are Related • If the pace of instruction is too fast or too slow, disruptions could be a result. • Some ideas: • Embed group work or other student centered learning so that they can work at their own pace. • Peer tutoring allows students to teach each other at an appropriate pace (Doing What Works, 2010).
What I Would Like to Improve • I have some students who are advanced and are bored, and then I have students who are behind and act out due to frustration or avoidance. I would like to incorporate more activities that differentiate more for the different learners in my classes. • I already use quite a bit of group work, but I would like to incorporate more peer tutoring.
References Albert, L. (2003). Cooperative Discipline: Teacher's Handbook. Circle Pines, MN: Ags Pub. Balkcom, S. (1992). Cooperative Learning. Education Consumer Guide, 1(June), Unknown. Classroom Architect. (n.d.). Classroom Architect. Retrieved July 13, 2010, from http://classroom.4teachers.org/ Cummings, C. P. (2002). Teaching Makes a Difference. Edmonds: Teaching Inc.. Jones, L., & Jones, V. (2009). Comprehensive Classroom Management: Creating Communities of Support and Solving Problems (9th Edition) (9 ed.). Alexandria, VA: Prentice Hall. McCorskey, J. C., & McVetta, R. W. (1978). Classroom Seating Arrangements: Instructional Communication Theory Versus Student Preferences. Communication Education, 27(March), 99-111. Modifying the classroom Environment to reduce Behavior Problems. (n.d.). Doing What Works. Retrieved July 11, 2010, from dww.ed.gov/launcher.cfm?media/SchoolRestructuring/RBP/ Venezky, R. L. (n.d.). READ*WRITE*NOW! Tutoring Program Manual. Welcome to the University of Delaware. Retrieved July 13, 2010, from http://www.udel.edu/ETL/RWN/Tutorman.html Weinstein, C. S. (2003). Secondary Classroom Management (2nd ed.). New York: Mcgraw Hill Higher Education. What is your classroom management profile. (n.d.). Cape Breton-Victoria Regional School Board. Retrieved July 13, 2010, from http://www.cbv.ns.ca/sstudies/gen3.html