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Ancient Egypt 7000 B.C. to 30 B.C.

Unit 1 . Ancient Egypt 7000 B.C. to 30 B.C. End of last ice age was about ____B.C . About ____B.C . Stone Age hunters settle around Nile River About ____B.C . the ag . revolution hits area About 3,500 B.C. see small farming villages. Intro. Longest river in the world

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Ancient Egypt 7000 B.C. to 30 B.C.

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  1. Unit 1 Ancient Egypt 7000 B.C. to 30 B.C.

  2. End of last ice age was about ____B.C. About ____B.C. Stone Age hunters settle around Nile River About ____B.C. the ag. revolution hits area About 3,500 B.C. see small farming villages Intro.

  3. Longest river in the world • Flows ____to the Mediterranean • Advantages: • Brought moisture to what would otherwise be desert • Predictable floods made soil fertile (not today) • Transportation (linked Upper and Lower Egypt) The Nile River: Giver of life

  4. Nile advantages continued • Attracted wildlife for hunting • ____grew here (used for paper) The nile river: giver of life

  5. _____and ____deserts surround area • Mediterranean and ____Sea • To the south there are 6 cataracts that were impassable • ____peninsula is where most passed • Surrounding desert = barrier to farmers • Built ____systems Natural Barriers

  6. Religious beliefs reflected the importance of ____ • Believed ____controlled nature and life/death • Polytheistic • Believed in village god • Other gods • East (where sun rises) represents ____ • West (where sun sets) represents ____ • Egyptians always built tombs and funeral temples on the ____bank of the Nile Religion in Ancient Egypt

  7. Amon-Re (____god) = most important • ____= God of the Nile • Murdered by brother, Set (evil who caused ____) • ____= Osiris’ wife, brought husband back to life • Osiris returned as god of the underworld and judge of the ____ • Egyptians celebrate the death and rebirth of Osiris • Identified with the rise and fall of the ____ Egyptian Gods

  8. When someone died: “You have not gone away dead. You have gone away alive.” • Believed that in afterlife you were happy, well fed, busy with enjoyable activities • After you die: • Go to the underworld to be judged by ____ • Declare your innocence of sin • Osiris weighed your heart against a ____(symbol of truth) • If you fail you are eaten by a ____, if you pass you go to the afterlife Ammit Life After Death

  9. Egyptians planned carefully for life after death • Wealthy built elaborate ____ • Rulers built ____as tombs • Filled with ____they thought they would need in the afterlife • Needed bodies for a home for the ____ • Hence, ____ • at first only rulers and nobles, eventually lower class Life After Death

  10. Mummification

  11. Priests needed to record rituals, developed ____ • Hieroglyphics • Earliest about ____B.C. (pictograms) • Eventually add ideograms to show ____like sleeping • Symbols to represent sounds • Meaning of hieroglyphics lost until 1800s • Jean Champollion deciphered ____ • Black stone containing hieroglyphics and Greek • Champollion read Greek and deciphered hieroglyphics System of Writing

  12. Villages along the Nile split into ____(south) and ____Egypt (north) • ____united the 2 (successors wore double crown) • Probably first ruling family (dynasty) • About 30 dynasties btwn 2700 and 1090 B.C. • ____Kingdom 2700-2200 B.C. • ____Kingdom 2050-1800 B.C. • ____Kingdom 1570-1090 B.C. • Egyptians recorded events according to which dynasty was in power, not by dates Government in Ancient Egypt

  13. Old Kingdom • “pharaoh”, irrigation, improved hieroglyphics, Pyramids at ____, building pyramids cost a lot of money and pharaohs lost power • Middle Kingdom • Mid and lower class rise, drained Nile ____, expanded border, contact with other cultures, ____of Asia attack with horses and chariots and rule for 200 years, Egyptians learn to fight and unite to get rid of Hyksos • New Kingdom • Saw great growth (wealth and land), Queen Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Amenhotep IV wanted 1 god, son-in-law Tutankhamon, Ramses II • After Ramses, invaders = Assyrians, Persians, Greeks (Alexander the Great), Queen ____tried to restore Egypt, 31 B.C. ____conquer Government Continued

  14. Ancient Egyptian Society ____ ____ ____(merchants, artisans, doctors, skilled workers ____ ____

  15. Valued as mothers and wives Buy and sell property In royal family, regarded as ____ Women in Egyptian Society

  16. Schools first to train ____ • ____didn’t attend • Learned by ____ • Copying the words of the teacher as they spoke • After school, learned a trade or apprentices • ____were held in high regard Education

  17. Measured ___of squares and circles Figure the volumes of cylinders and spheres Predict ____ 365-day calendar (about ____ years ago) Obelisks, pyramids Surgery, set ____, treat ____injuries Scientific Accomplishments

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