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The Vacuum Phototriodes for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter P R Hobson, D C Imrie, O Sharif Brunel University, UK K W Bell, R M Brown , D J A Cockerill, P S Flower, B W Kennedy, A L Lintern, M Sproston, J H Williams CLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
The Vacuum Phototriodes for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter P R Hobson, D C Imrie, O Sharif Brunel University, UK K W Bell, R M Brown, D J A Cockerill, P S Flower, B W Kennedy, A L Lintern, M Sproston, J H Williams CLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK (With acknowledgements to H F Heath and colleagues at Bristol University, UK and D Seliverstov and colleagues at PNPI, Russia) HEP2001 Budapest - Hungary July 2001 HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 1
Outline of Talk • Overview of CMS • The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) • Properties of Lead Tungstate • Radiation levels • VPT Performance (End cap) • APD Performance (Barrel) • Status summary HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 2
Compact Muon Solenoid ECAL HCAL Superconducting coil Total mass : 12,500t Overall Diameter: 15.0m Overall Length: 21.6m Magnetic field: 4T HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 3
ECAL design objectives Benchmark physics process: Search for ~130 GeV Higgs via H (Sensitivity depends critically on mass resoln) m /m = 0.5[E1/E1 E2/E2 / tan(/2)] WhereE/E = a/E b c/E Performance Aims: BarrelEnd cap Stochastic term, a: (p.e. statistics/shower fluctuation) 2.7% 5.7% Constant term, b: (non-uniformities, shower leakage) 0.55% 0.55% Noise term, c: (Electronic noise, event pile-up) Low L 155MeV 205MeV High L210MeV 245MeV (Angular resolution limited by uncertainty in position of interaction vertex) HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 4
Lead Tungstate Properties • Advantages: • Fast • Dense • Radiation hard • Emission in visible • Disadvantages: • Temperature dependence • Low light yield • Photodetector with gain • (in a strong magnetic field) HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 5
CMS ECAL Layout Full projective geometry (‘Off-pointing’ by 3o) Barrel: 17x2 Crystal types End cap: 1 Crystal type 1290 mm 3170 mm HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 6
HCAL Barrel ECAL Endcap 0.2 1.2 0.35 0.5 2 ECAL Barrel 5 3 70 20 50 Doses and neutron fluences Integrated dose (kGy) and neutron fluence (x1013 cm-2) for L = 5x105 pb-1 (~10 yrs) Black: Dose in the Crystals at the position of the shower maximum Blue: Dose behind the crystals at the position of the photodetectors Red: Neutron fluences behind the crystals HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 7
=26.5 mm MESH ANODE Photodetectors: end caps • B-field orientation favourable for VPTs • (Axes: 8.5o < || < 25.5o wrt to field) • More radiation hard than Si diodes • (with UV glass window) • Gain 8 -10 at B = 4 T • Active area of ~ 280 mm2/crystal • Q.E. ~ 20% at 420 nm • Vacuum Phototriode (VPT): • Single stage photomultiplier tube with fine metal gridanode HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 8
VPT Gain vs Dynode Voltage HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 9
VACUUM PHOTOTRIODE HV FILTERING ELECTRONICS CRYSTAL ‘Supercrystal’ Layout ‘Supercrystal’: carbon-fibre alveola containing 5x5 tapered crystals + VPTs + passive HV filter (160 Identical Supercrystals per Dee) Signals fed via 600 mm cable to Preamplifier + Front End electronics behind Dee Backplate HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 10
Characterisation of VPTs Detail of RAL test Cell 4.0T Solenoid at Brunel 1.8T Dipole Magnet at RAL All VPTs are measured at 0 B 1.8T and -30o 30o at RAL Sample VPTs are measured at B =4.0T and = 15o at Brunel Perspex diffuser plate with LEDs at corners. (Red circle indicates effective VPT diameter) 500 ‘Preproduction’ VPTs delivered by RIE (St Petersburg) HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 11
Response vs Angle at B=1.8T Arrows indicate angular regions of end caps HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 12
0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 Response vs B-Field Strength VPT Axis at 15o w.r.t. Magnetic Field HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 13
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 (%) Distributions of Gain (B=0) and Quantum Efficiency Taken from the ‘passport’ supplied with each tube by the manufacturer Gain and quantum efficiency are uncorrelated HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 14
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Anode Response Distribution B=1.8T =15o Spread in anode response Some sorting of VPTs necessary HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 15
Test beam:Energy Resolution No preshower detector With preshower detector HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 16
Faceplate optical transmission Post-irradiation Loss in optical transmission of 2 faceplate samples after 25 kGy 60Co irradiation (380Gy/hour) (approx 10 yrs LHC at = 2.6) HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 17
VPT Behaviour Under Irradiation 60Co Irradiation (58 Gy/hr) Photocurrent produced by Cerenkov light in VPT window. (Vertical lines correspond to pauses in irradiation) VA=1000 VD= 800 HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 18
VPT Summary • A new generation of fine-mesh VPTs has been developed to satisfy the high magnetic field/radiation hardness requirements of CMS • An automated characterisation facility has been commissioned to handle 15000 devices • The performance of 500 pre-production VPTs from RIE meets CMS requirements HEP2001, Budapest, July 2001 R M Brown - RAL 19