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Write Markers for Probabilistic Quorum Systems

Write Markers for Probabilistic Quorum Systems. Michael Merideth , Carnegie Mellon University Michael Reiter , University of North Carolina. Replication via Quorum Systems. Clients. Replicated data Server becomes n replicas. Server. Replication via Quorum Systems. Replicas. Clients.

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Write Markers for Probabilistic Quorum Systems

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  1. Write Markers for Probabilistic Quorum Systems Michael Merideth, Carnegie Mellon University Michael Reiter, University of North Carolina

  2. Replication via Quorum Systems Clients • Replicated data • Server becomes n replicas Server 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  3. Replication via Quorum Systems Replicas Clients • Replicated data • Server becomes n replicas • Clients issue read and write operations • Involve quorums (subsets) of replicas • High availability • Yet, no writes lost, forged, or corrupted 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  4. Types of Servers (in Examples) non-faulty faulty bowling ball ice cream fish any value 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  5. Types of Clients (in Examples) non-faulty faulty 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  6. Write Operation • Client wants to write “ice cream” to system 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  7. Write Operation • Client submits write to write quorum 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  8. Write Operation Complete • Positive responses from quorum means write complete 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  9. Write Operation Complete 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  10. Read Operation • Client queries read quorum for values 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  11. Read Operation • Determines read value based on votes (responses) from entire quorum • (Chooses “ice cream”) 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  12. Write Markers Concept • Write marker: additional data (written with value) that identifies write quorum • Verified by clients during read • Improves properties of probabilistic quorum systems • Tolerate more faults and use smaller quorums 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  13. Outline • Strict, Byzantine quorum systems • Probabilistic, Byzantine quorum systems • Benefits of write markers • Idea for implementation 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  14. Byzantine Quorum System[malkhi & reiter 98] • Byzantine (arbitrary) faults • Faulty nodes may lie • Faulty clients and servers may collude • b faulty servers • Identity of faulty nodes unknown by non-faulty nodes 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  15. Write Operation • Write quorum may contain faulty servers 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  16. Write Operation Complete 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  17. Read Operation • Faulty servers may fabricate value 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  18. Stale Values • Stale (logically older) values are detectible 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  19. Conflicting Values • Faulty servers may also fabricate conflicting (logically concurrent) values • E.g., same timestamp • Here “fish” conflicts with “ice cream” • But ice cream has more votes 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  20. More Conflicting Values • Non-faulty servers may also return conflicting values • For example, in single-round write protocols • Such protocols are desirable for efficiency • Client may (perhaps unknowingly) submit a write that is conflicting 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  21. Conflicting Write • Same as normal write 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  22. Conflicting Write Incomplete • Accepted by non-faulty servers that have not accepted (conflicting) value • Write does not complete 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  23. Which Value is Correct? • “Ice cream” was complete • … therefore is correct • “Fish” was incomplete • … therefore should be ignored • But ice cream and fish get equal votes • Client uncertain ? 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  24. Conflicting Values: Problematic • Must outvote conflicting replicas • Thus, many potentially conflicting replicas implies ability to tolerate (relatively) few faults ? 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  25. Impact of Conflicting Replicas ? 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  26. Choice of Quorums Important • Choices of read quorum and both write quorums led to problem • Other choices lead to correct answer ? 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  27. Choice of Quorums Important • Choices of read quorum and both write quorums led to problem • Other choices lead to correct answer 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  28. Idea: Select Quorums at Random (an access strategy) • In fact, correct answer in expectation (in this example) • If quorums chosen uniformly at random 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  29. Probabilistic Quorum Systems[malkhi, reiter, wool, wright 01] • Weakening intersection property to hold only with high probability • Provides better availability • Tolerates more faults • Bounds error probability • Probability that quorums chosen according to access strategyyield incorrect (or uncertain) result 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  30. Probabilistic Opaque Quorum Systems[merideth & reiter 07] • Generalize access strategy • Quorums chosen from access sets • Access sets are chosen according to access strategy • Tolerate Byzantine clients for all probabilistic quorum systems • Enforce access strategy 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  31. Probabilistic Quorum Systems • Reduce number of conflicting values in expectation • Therefore, tolerate more faults (with some bounded probability of error) 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  32. Reduce conflicting replicas further? • Yes (for probabilistic masking and opaque quorum systems) • Write markers 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  33. Write Markers • Recall, • Write operations write values • Read operations poll replicas for values • Write marker • Additional data (written with value) that identifies the write quorum (or access set) that was used • Client accepts vote (during read) only if replica was part of write quorum (or access set) 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  34. Write Operations with Write Markers • Create write marker for quorum 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  35. Write Operation Complete 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  36. Conflicting Write with Write Markers • Same as normal write 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  37. Conflicting Write Incomplete • Accepted by non-faulty servers that have not accepted (conflicting) value 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  38. Which Value is Correct? • “Ice cream” was complete • … therefore is correct • “Fish” was incomplete • … therefore should be ignored 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  39. Which Value is Correct? • Faulty client can only vote for “triangle” • Faulty client cannot vote for “star” 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  40. Benefit of Write Markers • Faulty servers cannot vote for conflicting value unless they are part of write • Due to probabilistic access strategy, faulty server not always part of write • Thus, fewer conflicting servers to outvote in expectation 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  41. Benefits of Write Markers • Tolerate more faults 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  42. Benefits of Write Markers • Tolerate more faults • Use smaller quorums • See paper 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  43. Example with Benign Clients • For writes: clients choose access sets uniformly at random • Then encode and, e.g., digitally sign their choices (i.e., create a write marker) • For reads: clients verify write marker 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  44. Write Markers with Byzantine Clients • Faulty clients: • Cannot be trusted to follow access strategy • May intentionally choose quorums that maximize conflicting values • Constrain clients [merideth&reiter 07] • Even faulty clients follow access strategy • Avoids additional communication on critical path • Choice is verified by servers as (pseudo) random • Treat choice as write marker • Modify protocol so that clients also verify choice 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  45. Protocol Intuition … • Servers provide pseudorandom sequence of access sets per client • Threshold signature from servers 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  46. Protocol Intuition … • Servers provide pseudorandom sequence of access sets per client • Threshold signature from servers • For each operation, client locally chooses next access set in sequence; servers verify choice 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  47. Protocol Intuition … • Servers provide pseudorandom sequence of access sets per client • Threshold signature from servers • For each operation, client locally chooses next access set in sequence; servers verify choice 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  48. Misuse by Faulty Client … • What if faulty client: • Skips ahead to “better” access set? • Waits to perform operation until advantageous? • In either case, access set no longer random 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  49. Defending Against Misuse … • Exponential increase in cost to use later access sets • Client puzzle (requires solution) • Correct value propagates in background [c.f. malkhi et al. 03] • Sequence becomes invalid as system progresses • Must obtain new sequence 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

  50. Write Markers Mechanism … • Use client puzzle • Servers already verify solution • Have clients verify as well • Treat solution and access set as write marker • Return during read operations • Provides mechanism for write markers 4/3/08 Michael Merideth

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