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MPPC Saturation 13/9/2011. Shinshu University High energy physics lab Akito Kobayashi. Table. Back ground Feature of MPPC Purpose Method of measurement Set Up Result Summary Task. International Linear Collider (ILC). International Large Detector(ILD).
MPPC Saturation13/9/2011 Shinshu University High energy physics lab Akito Kobayashi kobayashi Shinshu
Table • Back ground • Feature of MPPC • Purpose • Method of measurement • Set Up • Result • Summary • Task kobayashi Shinshu
International Linear Collider (ILC) International Large Detector(ILD) ILC is a new Linear Collider that use erectron and positron. ・The exact measurement of Higgs. ・Discovery new physics such as SUSY. <Feature of ILD Cal> ・The detection layer is segmented to improve space resolution. <Devices requasted> ・Small and anable to make many channel. ・Higher Gain. ・tolerant of strong magnetic field. ↓ MPPC(Multi-Pixel Photon Counter) Calorie meter sensor kobayashi Shinshu
Feature of MPPC APD(Avalanche Photo Diode) can amplify electron when bias voltage is over break down voltage(V0) . APD’s output don’t depend on number of entering photons. MPPC curcuit ↓ MPPC’s output is total of all of APD pixel output. APD Pixel kobayashi Shinshu
Response performance of MPPC • APD can detect only one photo electron. →MPPC can’t detect more photon than number of pixel at once. • Number of detected photon and input photon is depend on the following function:(1). kobayashi Shinshu
Purpose • MPPC output is dependent on Number of Pixel. ↓ • Compare response curve to some MPPC’s. (number of pixel = 100 , 400 , 1600 , 2500 , 4400) • Evaluate dynamic range of MPPC. • Relation between time structure and response curve. • Compare measurement and simulation. ↓ Understand the performance of MPPC kobayashi Shinshu
Method of measurement of Response Curve • Light hits MPPC and PMT. • Measure the signal of MPPC and PMT by ADC. • MPPC’s ADC mean convert to Nfired. • Data plot Xaxis : PMT output , Yaxis : Nfired. • This plot is called “Response Curve” MPPC Light source PMT kobayashi Shinshu
Convert ADCCount to Nfired If MPPC’s parameters (C and V0) are known. Without AMP(A=1) The d’ is computed by considering errors of V0. Divide by MPPC ADCCount to d’ to determine Nfired. kobayashi Shinshu
Object of measurement • 5 type of MPPC (sensor : 1mm ×1 mm) 2500 , 1600 pixel package 4400 , 400 , 100 pixel package To measure response curve at same condition, we need to make special measurement system. kobayashi Shinshu
Design of Set Up MPPC 8cm LED WLS Fiber 3cm 1.4cm 14cm 24cm Fiber 0.1cm 9.5cm PMT 27~28cm kobayashi Shinshu
Photo kobayashi Shinshu
Condition of measurement ・Gate Pulse Width = 150ns ・Light Pulse Width = 15ns (half width) ・PMT bias = 600V ・Gain = 1.5×105 LED driver output kobayashi Shinshu
Result of measurement kobayashi Shinshu
2 MPPC plot kobayashi Shinshu
Summary • Measurement of MPPC’s response curve ↓ • Measurement of response curve of another pakage MPPC is success. • Deference of Nfired in large X between 5 MPPC’s is seen. • MPPC saturation phenomena can’t be seen for all MPPC. kobayashi Shinshu
Task • More narrowly the time width of light pulse. • Simulation of response curve. • Measurement using another light source. • Evaluate reproducibility of measurement system kobayashi Shinshu
Back Up kobayashi Shinshu
MPPC fixed part • MPPC is putted in fixing board • Fixing board is pressed down by two screws • Fixing board kobayashi Shinshu
PMT fixed part • PMTは左右+後方から金具で固定 • ファイバーはプラスチック版(厚さ1mm)で固定 • ファイバーと光電面の間にグリス等はなし ファイバー kobayashi Shinshu
Fiber&LED fixed part • ファイバーを溝にはめ込む • 光を当てる部分以外はテープで覆う • 露光部分は反射材を被せる 反射材 LED kobayashi Shinshu
Saturation curve following function(1) kobayashi Shinshu
Response curve sample(1600pixel) kobayashi Shinshu
Result of 4400pixel kobayashi Shinshu
Result of 2500pixel kobayashi Shinshu
Result of 1600pixel kobayashi Shinshu