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“The Bubble Boom”. presented by Harry S. Dent, Jr. The Spending Wave Births Lagged for Peak in Family Spending. S&P 500 Earnings. 5. 3. 1. 4. 2. Actual data through 3/31/06, S&P estimates through 12/31/07. Source: Standard & Poor’s (www.spglobal.com).
“The Bubble Boom” presented by Harry S. Dent, Jr.
S&P 500 Earnings 5 3 1 4 2 Actual data through 3/31/06, S&P estimates through 12/31/07. Source: Standard & Poor’s (www.spglobal.com)
Historical Price of Oil1946-Present 5 5 3 4 3 b 1 2 a c 4 1 2 Source: Dow Jones Energy Service
29-30 Year Commodity Price CycleCRB Index (PPI before 1947) 2038-39 2009 1980 1920 1951
Dow Channel1974-2010 5 50,000 20,000 3 10,000 4 5,000 1 1,000 2 2005 2010 1980 1974 2000 1985 1990 1995
NASDAQ CompositeRevised Forecast 5 B 3 A C or C 1 4 2
Immigration to the United States1820-2004 Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Total World PopulationProjection for 2010-2100 In billions Source: Investor’s Business Daily, 4/22/2004, Pg A16
World Spending Wave India Pakistan N. Africa Mid East Saudi Arabia China 2 Russia 2 US 1 Europe Mexico SE Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Japan 2 S. Korea US 2 Indonesia Brazil China 1 Russia 1 Japan 1 Source: United Nations
World Innovation/Inflation Wave India Pakistan N. Africa Mid East Saudi Arabia China 2 Russia 2 US 1 Europe Mexico SE Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Japan 2 S. Korea US 2 Indonesia Brazil China 1 Russia 1 Japan 1 Source: United Nations
Europe Spending Wave Source: United Nations
Eastern Europe / Russia Spending Wave Source: United Nations
China Spending Wave Source: United Nations
India Spending Wave Source: United Nations
New Economy Cycle Growth Boom Innovation Shake-Out Maturity Boom Innovation Spending Wave We Are Here Innovation/ Inflation Stable Prices Stable Prices Inflation Disinflation Deflation Inflation 2038 1968 1978 1988 1998 2008 2018 2028
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