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Prepare for the notebook quiz by reviewing characteristics of Renaissance art, Renaissance theater notes, and the Baroque period's historical context, art style, and architecture.
Notebook Quiz will begin in 3 minutes! • Don’t ask to go get your notebook because…. you can’t
Notebook Quiz • You need to chart AND graph the following two exams: • Drama and Architecture • First Semester Final • Renaissance Exam • I will be checking the following: • Characteristics of Renaissance Art • Renaissance Theater Notes 25 minutes Get out notebook paper when done
Notebook Quiz • I will be checking the following: • Characteristics of Renaissance Art • Renaissance Theater Notes 25 minutes Get out notebook paper when done
Baroque1600-1750 • The Baroque period began in 1600 in Rome when Catholic popes began to finance magnificent cathedrals and works to display their faith’s triumph after the Counter-Reformation. • The church wanted to attract new worshippers by overwhelming them with theatrical, “must see” architecture.
The Baroque Era-What’s happening in the world? • 30 Years War • Started out as a religious war between the Catholics & Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire but changed to a political war involving the following countries and regions: the Ottoman Empire, Austria, Poland, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, France, Spain, & Sweden • Results: Treaty of Westphalia and a rise in nationalism • Protestant Reformation/Catholic (Counter) Reformation • Martin Luther “thesis” against the Catholic Church • Influences Art: • Catholic- religious subject matter • Popes wanted to remake Rome as the cultural center of the western world. • Council of Trent suggested that religious art: be directed toward clarity, realism, and emotion to increase understanding, make it more meaningful to everyday life, and to arose piety and fervor. • Protestant- avoids religious subjects in favor of landscapes, etc. • Increased Trade • New desires- growth of slavery • New wealth= new patrons beyond courts and churches • New Science theories • Sun at the center of the universe
Baroque 101- Art Style • Most sumptuous and ornate in the history of art • Art was expanded into everyday life. • Light was used to create an emotional impact. • Classical elements were used without classical restraint • Visual art was supposed to speak to the illiterate rather than the well-informed. http://clancyslover.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/judith-slaying-holofernes.jpg http://www.michaelarnoldart.com/bernini_david.jpg http://www.students.sbc.edu/gregg09/Versailles%20images/Versailles%203.jpg
Baroque Architecture
Baroque Architecture affirmed the power of people with absolute authority through the structures and decorative programs of palaces, churches, public and government buildings, scientific and commercial buildings, & military installations.
Renaissance vs. Baroque • Since the Baroque architects now knew how to use the structures, they made them decorative. • B-arch’s emphasized the Renaissance’s use of symmetry and harmonious proportions, but their designs revealed a new sense of dynamism and grandeur. • Renaissance architects has sought to engage the intellect, with their focus on divine sources of geometry, while their successors aimed to overwhelm the senses and emotions. • Baroque mastered the unification of the visual arts. http://www.dl.ket.org/humanities/arch/images/cupola_.jpg http://londontravelogue.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/st-pauls.jpg
Baroque Homes
Baroque Architecture Activity Task Rotation Listen for directions on which tasks to complete If at any point you receive answers from someone on independent work, you will receive a zero. Due at the last 5 minutes of class http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/86/121386-050-4964D6D7.jpg http://www.inetours.com/England/London/images/StPauls/St-Pauls_W_8926.jpg http://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/01/0d/52/53/versailles.jpg http://rlv.zcache.com/cathedral_in_mexico_city_1899_poster-p228007265727699400qzz0_400.jpg
Exit Slip:Complete on Your Own Piece of paper • 1) The Baroque Era’s art emphasized clarity, emotion, and realism due to the influence of what historic event? • 2) Visual art was supposed to speak to the ___________ rather than the _____________. • 3) How did Renaissance architecture differ from Baroque architecture? • 4) Name an example of the following: • Italian Architecture • Spanish Architecture • French Architecture • British Architecture • 5) Which of the buildings mentioned above would you like to visit the most? Why?