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2012/5/15. 飯店布巾室功能. The quality of the hotel laundry can be a factor in whether a customer returns to the hotel again. Read more: Hotel Laundry Jobs Description | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_6727849_hotel-laundry-jobs-description.html#ixzz1uicPmtz9.
The quality of the hotel laundry can be a factor in whether a customer returns to the hotel again Read more: Hotel Laundry Jobs Description | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_6727849_hotel-laundry-jobs-description.html#ixzz1uicPmtz9
beautifully cleaned, pressed and perfectly starched – it makes the perfect impression.
•Bed sheets •Duvet covers •Pillow cases •Bath towels •Hand towels •Face cloths •Bath robes •Bath mats •Shower mats
清理袖口、衣領 有妙方 袖口處發現汙點 用舊牙刷、牙膏去除衣領髒汙。
洗衣定型化契約範本 第 一 條 洗衣憑單或其他收據 第 二 條 送洗衣物之檢查與點收 第 三 條 洗滌標示與洗滌方式 第 四 條 衣物不能返還時之賠償數額 第 五 條 衣物毀損時之賠償數額 第 六 條 重大毀損擬制為滅失之約定 第 七 條 送洗衣物毀損時之返還 第 八 條 洗衣業者之交付、保管義務 第 九 條 顧客之取回義務 第 十 條 爭議之週處
衣物毀損類型 衣物毀損 (例如損壞、縮水、變形、變色、掉色、褪色、移染、污漬、起毛、脫線、勾紗、裡襯剝離、副料剝離、硬化等情形者)
送洗衣物因可歸責於洗衣業者之事由,致遺失、被竊、失火、滅失或其他情形而不能返還者送洗衣物因可歸責於洗衣業者之事由,致遺失、被竊、失火、滅失或其他情形而不能返還者 依洗衣價之二十倍賠償之,但最高賠償限額以新台幣(下同)一萬五千元整為限
衣物毀損時之賠償數額 送洗衣物發生毀損者,洗衣業者應賠償其減損之價值 洗衣業者未遵照洗滌標示或未依約定方式洗滌,致送洗衣物毀損者,其賠償數額以不逾洗衣價之十五倍為限 送洗衣物無洗滌標示,而洗衣業者未依其專業知識及經驗定其洗滌方式致送洗衣物毀損者,其賠償數額以不逾洗衣價之十倍為限
洗衣業者之交付、保管義務 洗衣業者應於約定期間內完成洗滌工作,以備顧客領取;未約定期間者,應於收受送洗衣物後十五日內完成之。 洗衣業者逾前項期間五日,仍未完作洗滌工作者,洗衣費用應予減半。 顧客未於第一項期間屆滿後領取衣物者,洗衣業者仍應以善良管理人之注意,免費保管一個月。
How to Use Hotel Laundry Services 1. Locate the laundry bag in the hotel room. It can usually be found in the bathroom or closet. 2. Read the attached card to check the cost of each item and requirements for service. Each article of clothing has a specified price. 3. Place the clothing into the provided bag and tie it closed. 4. Fill out the attached card and indicate any articles of clothing that need special attention. 5. Call the front desk to let them know the laundry is ready to be picked up. 6. Leave the bag of clothing where the hotel staff instructs you to do so. 7.Wait for the laundry to be returned. If the laundry was sent in the morning, it will generally be returned before dinner. 8. Tipping for laundry service is not necessary, but it's appreciated if the service was better than expected. Read more: How to Use Hotel Laundry Services | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_5082929_use-hotel-laundry-services.html#ixzz1uiZyIp3y Hospitality Management Study International Hospitality Management MSc in the UK
旅客衣物服務作業流程 收件 打開檢查送洗單記載 核對檢視衣物內容與洗衣單是否相符 衣物釘標籤 核算計價 打包集中外送、、、、、 、、、、、、
旅客衣物服務失誤類型 1.服務人員疏失 2.服務廠商疏失 3.客人特殊要求,無法完成任務 4.衣服材質因素
常見服務失誤案例 1.衣服送錯房間 2.衣服收件後未送出洗滌 3.衣服位於約定時間內送回 4.作業時間外客人要求未能提供服務 5.衣服遺失或短少 6.衣服縮水、退色、變形、破損