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The 7th SIPR Annual Lecture The Power of Policing Partnerships Professor Lorraine Mazerolle University of Queensland. Outline for tonight’s talk. Introduce the work of my Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship Talk briefly about experiments in policing
The 7th SIPR Annual Lecture The Power of Policing Partnerships Professor Lorraine Mazerolle University of Queensland
Outline for tonight’s talk • Introduce the work of my Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship • Talk briefly about experiments in policing • Focus on the power of policing partnerships in Third Party Policing context • Describe the ABILITY Truancy Trial
Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellowship
“Multi-Site Trials of Third Party Policing: Building the Scientific Capacity for Experimental Criminology and Evidence-Based Policy in Australia” $2.6 million (2010 – 2015) Goal One: Further our scientific understanding of the theory of Third Party Policing Goal Two: Build capacity for using experimental field trial methods to grow the evidence-base of crime policy in Australia Laureate Research Fellows: Drs Sarah Bennett & Emma Antrobus Laureate RHD students: Laura Bedford, Amanda Acutt, Kate Leslie Research Assistants: Emina Prguda, Liz Eggins, Tanya White, Amelia Grey Systematic Review Team: Dr Angela Higginson and Liz Eggins
So far, we have… • Designed, piloted, launched and executed the ABILITY Truancy Randomized Control Trial (RCT) • Replicated (or started) the Queensland Community Engagement Trial (QCET) in the US, Scotland, Turkey & NZ • Registered (with approvals) a systematic review title on Third Party Policing with the Campbell Collaboration • Created the Australia & New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing (SEBP), with executive participation on the Board of the International SEBP (UK) • Established a Practitioner Master Class in Policing Experiments
Experiments in Policing 66 POLICING experiments ever conducted in the world • 17 RCTs where police focused on juvenile offending • 15 RCTs testing the effectiveness of policing hotspots • 15 RCTs where police focused on domestic violence • + 19 others Take home message: RCTs are rare in criminology, and very rare in policing
40 years of policing experiments • Hotspots policing works to reduce crime & disorder; • Problem oriented policing also helps to reduce crime & disorder, without displacement; • Directed patrols reduce gun crimes; • Foot patrol reduces fear and violent crime problems; • Community wide partnerships work better than POP or hotspots policing to control street-level drug problems; • But...be careful about the backfire effects when police arrest unemployed perpetrators of domestic violence
Sustaining the crime control benefits? • Are street-level drug markets resilient to enforcement intervention? Do they bounce back over time? • Do violent crime problems re-emerge when foot patrols are taken away? (e.g. Sorg et al, 2013 paper) • When is a hotspot no longer a hotspot? When can police re-direct their hotspot patrols? • In short....How long do police have to sustain their activities to maintain their gains?
Follow-ups in policing experiments Of the 66 police experiments…. • Just two RCTs now have long term (> 2 years) follow ups using administrative data • Sherman & Harris (2013*) undertook a 23 year follow up of the Milwaukee DV Experiment using death records; and • Rose & Hamilton (1970) did a 30 month recidivism follow up of a juvenile liaison program • Just two policing RCTs (I think) have ever obtained a priori consent at recruitment to undertake long term (> 2 years) interview follow-ups (Canberra’s RISE and a FGC study in Indianapolis)
Can police sustain the gains? • Juvenile Cautioning & Supervision (Rose & Hamilton, 1970 re Manchester) – no differences in recidivism at the 2 year follow-up point; • Family Group Conferences (Jeong, McGarrell & Hipple) – after 12 months, the crime control effects disappear • Re-Integrative Shaming (Tyler, Sherman, Strang, Barnes & Woods, 2007 re Canberra) – no difference at 2, 3, & 4 years on recidivism, but it did affect people’s orientation to the law • Domestic Violence Arrests (Sherman & Harris, 2013 re Milwaukee) – after 22 years, arrested perpetrators more likely to die than warned perpetrators
Where does this leave us? • FGC and RJ fail to maintain the gains; • Street-level drug markets bounce back over time; • Once a hotspot, always a hotspot; • We know nothing much about the POP. My hypothesis? To have a lasting effect, police need to partner with another entity that offers a long term stake in maintaining the gains.
3. Third Party Policing Is this a Powerful Partnership? Does it reduce crime problems? Do the effects last, over time?
Acknowledgements • Michael Buerger, my co-author of “Third Party Policing: A Theoretical Analysis of an Emerging Trend” in Justice Quarterly, Vol 15, No 2, June 1998. • Janet Ransley, my co-author of “Third Party Policing,” 2006. Cambridge University Press and other publications. • My ARC Laureate Team (RFs, RHD, RAs)
Third Party Policing • Police efforts to persuade or coerce non-offending partners (or what we call “third parties”) to work with police to help control crime and disorder problems • Third parties can be government agencies, property owners, parents, health regulators, building inspectors, or business owners • Civil laws, administrative laws, regulatory rules and regulations underpin the legitimacy of the partnerships between police and the third parties • Unlike POP, these legal provisions dictate the process for third party policing intervention
The Emergence of TPP • Historical roots in the rise of Nodal Governance during the 1990s • Policing, as a result, has and still is being reconceived and reconstructed in Australia, the US, UK and elsewhere • Theoretically, there has been a shift from command & control approaches to cooperative networks • Put pressure on police to forge crime control/crime prevention partnerships and draw on a much wider and more complex web of legal solutions to solve & reduce crime problems
Two Choices for Police • Succumb to external pressure to adopt a partnership approach (e.g. Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 Chapter 4, Section 32 (b); UK Crime and Disorder Act 1998) that mandates police to forge partnerships …..OR…. • Adapt, change and create their own opportunities for solving complex problems by forging partnerships of their own choosing, using legal options that best suit local conditions
Third Party Policing Processes Partnership Legal Lever(s) PROBLEM PEOPLE, PLACES OR SITUATIONS Second Party POLICE First Party PARTNER(S) Third Party General Police Responses
A Typology of TPP Partnerships Single Third Party Project ABILITY Recalcitrant Bars Engagement Continuum Coercive Collaborative Specialized Multi- Agency Response Teams (SMART) – Oakland, CA Troubled Alcohol Accords – e.g. Fortitude Valley Multiple Third Parties
4. The ABILITY Truancy Trial Putting the theory of TPP into practice, under RCT conditions
Ticking all the boxes • Addresses an urgent problem for police - truancy • Partnership between police & schools (with Department of Communities helping) • Uses Education legislation and their policy on non-attendance • UQ team is evaluating Project ABILITY under Randomized Control Trial (RCT) conditions • Builds QPS capacity for running RCTs • One of just 66 police experiments ever undertaken in the world • First ever TPP experiment • One of (maybe?) three “experimental-longitudinal” policing studies
A focus on truancy… Truancy is a significant problem for students, families, police and communities, often resulting in a damaging ripple effect throughout a young person’s environment. Truancy is linked to: Bullying Low self-esteem Mental health Drug and alcohol Family conflict Student stress Parental stress
Truancy Legislation & Policy Legislation: Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (Qld) • http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CURRENT/E/EducGenPrA06.pdf Chapter 9 Parts 1, 3, 4; Chapter 10 Parts 1- 5: Section 426 • Education (General Provisions) Regulation 2006 (Qld) http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CURRENT/E/EducGenPrR06.pdf Part 2 Section 8, Part 4 Policy: • Department of Education and Training and Employment (2013). DETE Policy and Procedure Register. “Managing Student Absences and Enforcing Enrolment and Attendance at State Schools”. Version 3.7
The ABILITY Intervention • Police “ABILITY” Officer and Schools work in partnership together to recruit participants • Family Group Conference facilitator • (Dept of Communities) brings • together police, school rep, young • person and responsible guardian to • discuss truancy • Legal lever (consequence) discussed • Child-centered Action Plan • developed • Police monitor compliance – one • year
Data Gathering • Baseline, 12 week, 6 month, 1 year, 2 year, 5 year interviews with young person and guardian = 6 time points x 102 cases x 2 (YP + Adult) = 1,224 interviews over 5 yrs • Official police data • Official school data • Post FGC survey with all participants • Observations + tape recording of FGC • We are measuring both the direct effects and indirect effects (both positive and negative “backfire” side-effects)
ABILITY Trial Schools • 10 target schools within one highly disadvantaged metropolitan area of Brisbane • 9 of 10 schools fall below the average index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) • 5 of 10 schools are Low Socio-Economic National Partnership schools • 48.9% of families comprise no working parent in these target communities (Australia average is 19.8%) • 36.9% of families on Centrelink allowance (Australia average is 16.8%)
ABILITY Trial – Statistical Power • High powered experiment (of .80 and above), • Margin of error of 10% (i.e. an alpha of .10), • 90% confidence level, • Variability level of 20%, • Sample size needed to be 106.4 cases (ie. 53.2 cases per group)
ABILITY Trial Case Flow Eligibility = Aged 10-16, attendance <85%, no legitimate explanation for absences Recruitment from Oct 2011 to May 2013 (20 months) Average of 5 participants recruited per month
ABILITY Trial Status Recruited all 102 families (young person and adult) and conducted all baseline surveys • 47 FGC conferences completed • 95 (93.1%) 12 week follow up surveys completed • 82 (80.4%) Exit Interviews/6 month follow up surveys complete • 19 (18.6%) One year follow up surveys completed Gathering historical police and schools data including academic results, school behavioural issues & police contact as a victim, witness, or offender
ABILITY Trial Participant Absences • Range from 15% to 62% absenteeism (across 3 school terms) • Average = 23.72% - roughly one day in every school week • Engagement group average = 24.93% (SD = 12.08) • Resource group average = 22.51% (SD = 7.50)
ABILITY Trial Police Contact • 91% of families have had some form of police contact • 42% of families have had police contact due to child protection concerns • 54% of the young people have had some form of police contact including shop lifting, street checks, child protection concerns, and being named as a witness to an incident • 62% of the “responsible guardians” have had some form of police contact including child protection concerns, domestic violence, and drug related offences
Perceptions of Police Legitimacy – 12 week ABILITY Students’ Responses • At baseline – no differences between groups • Engagement students more likely to feel an obligation to obey police than the Resource students after the family group conference, F(1,89)= 4.52, p = .037)
Perceptions of Police Legitimacy – 12 week ABILITY Parents’ Responses • At baseline – no differences between groups • Condition x time interaction, suggesting Engagement parents perceive the police more legitimate following conference, F(1,86)= 5.64, p = .020)
Knowledge of Laws re Attendance – 12 week ABILITY Parent’s Responses • At baseline – no differences between groups • Condition x time interaction, suggesting Engagement parents are more knowledgeable about attendance laws following conference, F(1,81)= 4.08, p = .047)
Concluding Comments • Policing experiments need to be designed to examine long term impacts – what is the point of short term impacts that fail to last? • The future of policing is, I think, about finding crime control partners that offer both legal levers and the mandate to maintain the gains. • The Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012, Chapter 4, Section 32 is about police working in collaboration with “others.” • My view? These “others” should be partners who have access to legal levers, a stake in the problem AND a mandate to help offer long term solutions
With special thanks to…. DrSarah Bennett Dr Emma Antrobus & The ARC Laureate Team
The 7th SIPR Annual Lecture The Power of Policing Partnerships Professor Lorraine Mazerolle