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Future studies of TMDs. Delia Hasch. SIR05- International Workshop on Semi-inclusive reactions and 3D-parton distributions May 18-20, 2005; Jefferson Lab, Newport News (USA). object. add k T dependent DF :. transversity. new class of FF more functions @twist-3 …
Future studies of TMDs Delia Hasch SIR05- International Workshop on Semi-inclusive reactions and 3D-parton distributions May 18-20, 2005; Jefferson Lab, Newport News (USA)
object add kT dependent DF : transversity • new class of FF • more functions @twist-3 … • manifest in azimuthal/SSA ___ Future TMD measurements _________________ SIR05 Workshop on TMDs and GPDs _______ Newport News (USA), 20-05-05
left right pp e+e- sidis DFFF e+ e- observables DY, ATT incl. jets Collins FF IFF unpol FF AUT(f±fS) , ALT(f±fS) AUL(f), ALU(f) AUU(f), … L production, VM, … AN jet correlations, … ___ Future TMD measurements _________________ SIR05 Workshop on TMDs and GPDs _______ Newport News (USA), 20-05-05
pp e+e- sidis future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary observables experiments @6GeV (very) far future PAX JLab@12GeV EIC
left right with current data set till 2005 (Pb=0.5): • map kinematic dependencies xF, PT • hadron ID: p+/-/0, K+/-, p • new observables to disentangle different mechanism: RHIC: √s ~200 GeV future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHICPAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary TMDs @RHIC contributions: • Collins effect • Sivers effect • higher twist Fermilab E704: √s ~20 GeV
FMS silicon tracker AT with 32pb-1 future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHICPAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary TMDs @RHIC azimuthal back to back correlation between hadrons in opposite hemisphere jets: clean channel for Sivers effect 1-30 pb-1 Pb = 0.5 • analysis of jet structure: • isolate Collins effect • 2hadron interference 30-100 pb-1 Pb ≥ 0.5 • DY, inclusive jets: • direct access to h1 0.1-10 fb-1 Pb ≥ 0.7
future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary TMDs in SIDIS polarised lepton beam AUT, AUL, ALU, ALT ,… single/double hadron production L production, VM polarised target
p0 , K+ on the way • data taking with transverse target till end 2005: ~0.8∙(2002-2004) statistics in 2005 • weighted asymmetries under study future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary TMDs @HERMES Collins + Sivers effects disentangled ! significant non-zero results
future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary TMDs @HERMES significant non-zero result add 2005 statistics, ALU on the way
transversely polarised target: • AUT(f±fS) 1-hadron production • exclusive: (f -fS) • 2-hadron production • L polarisation • longitudinally polarised target/beam: • ALU(f), AUL(f) 1 or 2 hadron prod. • unpolarised:<cos2f>UU future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary TMDs @HERMES HERMES will run till mid 2007 • 2005: ~7-8M DIS p+ p- p0 K+ r0 p+ p p • 2000 /2007 p+ p- p0 K+ • 2007 p+ p- p0 K+/-
results from 2002 data (~1.6M DIS) + 2003 ~4∙(2002) improved trigger for higher x, Q2 hadron ID with RHIC + 2004 ~2∙(2003) future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary TMDs @COMPASS
future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary COMPASS: L, L polarisation 2002 statistics high potential for polarisation measurement
transversely polarised target: • AUT(f±fS) 1-hadron production • exclusive (f-fs) • 2-hadron production • L polarisation • longitudinally polarised target/beam: • AUL(f), ALU(f) 1 or 2 hadron prod. • unpolarised:<cos2f>UU 3He – 4He dilution refrigerator (T~50mK) superconductive solenoid (2.5 T) dipole (0.5 T) 2006++ 180mrad present acceptance present acceptance 70mrad 70mrad two 60 cm long target-containers with opposite polarisation proton target in 2006: 30 days NH3 future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary TMDs @COMPASS COMPASS is foreseen to run up to the end of the present mid-term plan of CERN (2010) • 2006 (>2008 ?) p+/-/0, K+/- on d,p r0 2006 / (>2008 ?) d/p target * new Compass magnet 2007/08 priority of hadron program * no analyses yet …
424 PbWO4 ……..crystals IC CLAS+IC • high potential for running with transversely polarised target CLAS future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLabEIC BELLE summary TMDs @JLab (6 GeV) • longitudinal target/beam asymmetries from CLAS: AUL ALU PRELIMINARY p+
valence region • small z-range limited f acceptance future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLabEIC BELLE summary TMD @JLab (6 GeV ) transverse target polarisation: projections for 24 days approved proposal @Hall-A with 3He neutron p-
transversely polarised target: • AUT(f±fS) 1-hadron production • exclusive: (f -fS) • 2-hadron production • L polarisation • longitudinally polarised target/beam: • AUL(f), ALU(f) 1 or 2 hadron prod. • unpolarised:<cos2f>UU JLab @12 GeV talks by V. Burkert A. Lung future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLabEIC BELLE summary TMD @JLab (6 GeV ) • 2006++ p- (p+) on n target 2004 / 2005++ || !factorisation tests !
fragmentation function e+e- future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurementsRHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary fragmentation in sidis
e+ q f2-p e+ q f f1 e+ e- e- e- future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary FFfrom e+e-
e+ e- future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary FFfrom e+e- first estimate of Collins FF from DELPHI data : AC = 6 – 12 % • KEKB: L >400 fb-1 • jet production from light quarks • sufficiently high scale pQCD regime: • Q2 ~ 100 GeV2 • not too high energy • A scales lnQ2 • avoid Z-pole • √s ~ 10 GeV << MZ √s = 10.58 GeV (Y(4S)) off-resonant (60MeV below res.) 10%
KEK: L~150 fb-1 per year 10% off-resonant • “unlimited” running: KEK superKEK 2012++ • FF measurement will be dominated by systematic uncertainties e+ e- future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary FFfrom e+e- • add p0: favoured/unfavoured • extension to IFF straight forward Milestone!
first extraction of TMDs feasible e+ e- future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary current facilities: near+mid term future • Collins/2hadron FF with high accuracy JLAB @6GeV far future JLab @12GeV PAX @GSI and a “dream” EIC
T=15 GeV (s=5.7 GeV) T=22 GeV (s=6.7 GeV) Anselmino et al. PLB 594,97 (2004) xF=x1-x2 future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary Drell Yan @GSI spin-transferfrom polarized electrons of the target to antiprotons RHIC: t=x1x2=M2/s~10-3 exploration of the sea quark ATT very small (~ 1 %) GSI:M2~10 GeV2, s~30-50 GeV2, t=x1x2=M2/s~0.2-0.3 exploration of valence quarks (h1q(x,Q2) large)
future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary 1 yr of data taking Drell Yan @GSI experiment: asymmetric collider: p = 15.0 GeV in HESR p = 3.5 GeV in CSR internal polarised target with p = 22 GeV
higher centre of mass energies specific geometry • angular separation between elm. probe and target fragments future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary dream: Electron Ion Collider
future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary eRHIC @BNL polarised electron/positron beam facility to collide with the existing RHIC ions / polarised protons • linac + eRing + RHIC • optional: linac + RHIC • 5-10 GeV polarised e+/e- • 20-250 GeV polarised p, • light ions luminosity ~ 1033cm-2s-1
future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary ELIC @JLab one accelerating & one decelerating pass through CEBAF • 3-7 GeV polarised e- • 30-150 GeV polarised p, • light ions • luminosity ~8∙1034 cm-2s-1
pp AN for inclusive hadrons, di-jets Sivers AT in jets: Collins FF IFF ATT inclusive jets, DY BRAHMS, PHENIX, STAR PAX SIDIS AUT, AUL, ALU, ALT, AUU for single and double hadrons L production, VM COMPASS, HERMES, JLab@6GeV JLab@12GeV, EIC TMDs e+e- CollinsFF , IFF BELLE factorisation universality future TMD pp sidis e+e- measurements RHIC PAX HERMES COMPASS JLab EIC BELLE summary Summary