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The Electronic Employee. Boston Workstation Implementation at Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston Workstation. Task Automation and integration Allows healthcare organizations to automate manual tasks Manage workflow Improve productivity Error check in real time
The Electronic Employee Boston Workstation Implementation at Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston Workstation • Task Automation and integration • Allows healthcare organizations to automate manual tasks • Manage workflow • Improve productivity • Error check in real time • Update multiple tables at once • Use existing vendor client to build new functionality
Boston WorkStation can…. • Read from… • Write to… • Or react to … • What occurs on an application’s client • Load data from lists into a database using the application client • Handle exceptions • Easily connect new applications or functionality to an existing application
Boston Workstation – The difference • Traditional scripting tools are generally limited to linear processes • BWS automates tasks requiring branching logic or that may have exceptions and/or unexpected errors. • Rules based scripting, that include: • Connect • Login • Open file/application, etc.
Boston Workstation – The difference • Creates a graphical tree style view of the process allowing for easy display of possible exceptions • ION – The Electric Manager • Watches what the end user types and corrects, warns, etc if not correct. • Can also stop an action, kick of a script, send an e-mail, alert, etc.
Boston Workstation – The difference • Executive Dashboard • Provides a visible way to manage, change or analyze any of the scripts running • Service Orientated Architecture • Allows organizations to integrate systems, data, applications, scripts and process. • Simplified Data Processing • Built in graphical parser that supports ASTM, HL7, x.12, XML, Excel, Word, Access, fixed length, delimited files, etc.
Boston Workstation – The difference • Scripting the Internet • Allows automation of web browsers by recording the actions of users as they call up web pages and read, update the information on those pages. • Can also auto-fill and manage data input to web pages from existing data sources.
Boston Workstation – The difference • Easy Script Scheduling • Can set scripts to run unattended at a set time, in real time, on a batch basis or when a condition has occurred • Can be set to run once, once an hour, day, week, etc and at a frequency from minutes to days.
Boston Workstation – The difference • Logging and Reporting • Built in logging can be used for testing and maintenance. • Script can track the steps of the script and every action performed. • A report can be generated in Excel, Access, CSV or any convenient report format.
Boston Workstation – The difference • Message Management • BWS provides message pathways including SMTP, FTP, TCP/IP, SOAP, SNMP and Citrix shared clip board. • BWS can interact with message queuing systems such as MSMQ • BWS provides internal queuing to allow the creation of bi-directional scripts to interact with interface engines or by listening/sending to a port
Boston Workstation – The difference • Universal Connectivity • PC based software • BWS can run on any screen on a Windows PC – such as Terminal Emulators, Windows apps, or Website • Can even run on a purely graphical screen like a Citrix session • Built in connections to specific HIS displays like CPSI, IDX Term, McKesson HBOWem, Meditech, etc.
Licenses and Support • BWS Developer, Runtime or Site licenses are downloaded directly from the website • Web site includes: • Support contact information • Technical notes • Script Library • Virtual User Group • Training is excellent and on going • Customer service is fantastic
Boston Software Systems • A pioneer in script-based interfacing • In the 1990’s marketed to the healthcare industry by MicroScript • 2002 created a more full-featured, highly developed version now called Boston WorkStation (BWS)
Boston Software Systems • Customer base includes: • Mayo, Tenet, HCA hospitals • Univ. of Pittsburgh, Harvard Medical School, UMass Medical Center • Partners Healthcare Systems/ MGH • McKesson, Siemens, Misys, Emdeon, Perot Systems and more.
MGH Use Case – Skipping Site Defined Prompts • The problem • Users skip over a Sunquest billing prompt that only appears for certain conditions such as special billing for research or for an outside hospital.
The Solution • Boston WorkStation – The Electronic Manager • Monitor the Screen input based on the condition that is present. • Disable save function until correct condition is satisfied.
MGH Use Case – Test Order rules • Certain combination of tests should not be ordered together • How do you teach and enforce these exception rules with high turn over of staff ?
The Solution • Electronic Manager • Provide pop box that will not go away until problem is resolved • Or BWS Script solution to remove test from client screen
MGH Use Case – BTS Inventory Transfer • The problem • New Blood Bank system can transfer data/history but not current inventory of specialized blood products. • This has taken weeks to do at other sites • The solution • Create a file/report from current system and “ teach” BWS to key the data into the new BTS System. • It does not make mistakes and does not go on vacation
MGH Use Case – Delete Cassettes • MGH created an automated system for creating a fixed average number of bar-coded cassettes based on specimen/case type. • Often the Grossing Techs end up with more cassettes than they need. • If they simply toss them away then the system believes they still exist and someone is expecting them in Histology, etc. • The process to delete a cassette is cumbersome and the Gross tech needs to un-glove, find a PC, etc, etc.
The Solution • The BWS Electronic Employee • We created a light VB application to allow the cassettes to be scanned into a file. • BWS checks the file on a regular interval, it logs into the APLIS, deletes the cassetttes, and then marks the cassettes as deleted for an audit trail. It then logs out of the application.
The Demo • The following is a scripted demo using a training tool called Captivate to capture and record the actual screens as Boston WorkStation does it’s job.
Questions? • Lyman Garniss • LGarniss@partners.org • Site: MGH • Matt Hawkins – Boston Software Systems • Matt.Hawkins@bossoft.com