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BUDGET WORKSHOP February 3 and 4, 2011

BUDGET WORKSHOP February 3 and 4, 2011. Budget APPROVAL TIMELINES. State Aid Figures – 48 hours after February 22, 2011 Draft Budget to County Office – March 4th Notice of School Election to be Published First Day – Monday, March 7 Last Day – Tuesday, April 5

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BUDGET WORKSHOP February 3 and 4, 2011

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  1. BUDGET WORKSHOPFebruary 3 and 4, 2011

  2. Budget APPROVAL TIMELINES • State Aid Figures – 48 hours after February 22, 2011 • Draft Budget to County Office – March 4th • Notice of School Election to be Published • First Day – Monday, March 7 • Last Day – Tuesday, April 5 • Last Day Budget Approval by ECS - Tuesday, March 22nd • Notice of Public Hearing • Earliest Date – Tuesday, March 22nd • Last Day – Tuesday, March 29th • Deadline to Adopt Budget and submission of Budget Statement to ECS – Tuesday, April 19th • Election – Wednesday, April 27, 2011 • Annual Re-Organization Meeting – Monday, May 2nd to Friday, May 13th

  3. USER FRIENDLY BUDGET • Post on district web-site within 48 hours of the public hearing • Must have visible link on front page • Must maintain on site for entire budget year

  4. PUBLIC NOTICE AND INSPECTION • Upon submission of budget application to Executive County Superintendent for approval, or by statutory due date if earlier MUST make available for public inspection: • Budget Documentation • Supporting Documentation • At the Commissioner’s request all documents listed in 6A:23A-8.1(f)

  5. Sample Documents • Sample Letter of Transmittal - pages 172 & 173 • District Budget Statement Certification – page 174 • Statement of Certification – Separate Proposal – page 175 • Sample Ballot Questions – pages 176 - 178 • General Fund Levy – Base Budget • Separate Proposal for Additional Funds • Sample Statement of Purpose for Capital Reserve Withdrawals/Deposits for Excess Costs and Other Capital Projects (Non-referendum) • Sample Advertised Statement for use of surplus, capital reserve and/or tax levy for approved referendum projects

  6. BUDGET REVIEW CHECKLIST • Pages 179-181 • #30 NEW – Any amounts budgeted in general fund for deferred PERS payments are supported by: • Documentation • Less than the total deferred PERS payments for the district • Reported on Department of Treasury website (should be posted in February) • Districts not on the list are not eligible for the cap adjustment • Final determination by ECS

  7. Election resultsDue to county Office by 9am 4/28/2011 • Approved Budget • Transmit Budget to State • Complete A4F and remit to: • County Board of taxation • Local Assessor • Director, Division of Local Government Services (see page 208) • Municipal Clerk • ECS • School District • Defeated Budget • Prepare Defeated Packet according to 6A:23A-8.1(f) • Deliver to governing body within two days following certification of election • Governing Body determination – Thursday, May 19th • Application for Restoration – 10 working days after action by governing body • Separate Proposals – no appeal to governing body or Commissioner

  8. budget requirements – Accountability Regulations Public Relation Services and Purchased Professional Services –6A:23A- 5.2-a(1) A maximum dollar limit, established annually prior to budget preparation, for public relations, as defined in N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-9.3(c)14, and each type of professional service, with appropriate notification to the board of education if it becomes necessary to exceed the maximum. Upon such notification, the board of education may adopt a dollar increase in the maximum amount through formal board action;

  9. budget requirements – Accountability Regulations 6A:23A-7.3 Maximum travel budget (a) Annually in the prebudget year, each board shall establish by board resolution, a maximum travel expenditure amount for the budget year, which the school district shall not exceed. The board resolution shall also include the maximum amount established for the prebudget year and the amount spent to date. 1. The maximum school district travel expenditure amount shall include all travel supported by local and State funds. Expenditures cannot exceed the amount identified in the identified budget year.

  10. budget requirements – Accountability Regulations 6A:23A-5.8 Board of education expenditures for non- employee activities, meals and refreshments • Establish dollar thresholds for awards to recognize special accomplishments; and • Establish a budget supported by general fund revenues for each category of activity in a non-discriminatory manner (for example, football, boys soccer, girls soccer, photography club). Student activity funds are excluded.

  11. budget requirements – other • Appropriations for 2010-2011 column are based upon transfers as of February 1 • Transfers to administrative accounts 230, 240, 250, 251 must not exceed 10%

  12. Changes to detailed appropriations • Coding Appropriations – COA • Released, October 2008 • www.state.nj.us/education/finance/fp/af/coa/ • Pages 37 – 64 Budget guidelines

  13. Completing Recapitulation of Balance • Columns • 2 – General Fund Unassigned • 3 – Capital Reserve Restricted • 4 – Adult Education Restricted • 5 – Maintenance Reserve Restricted • 6 – Legal Reserves Restricted • 7 – Tuition Reserve Restricted • 8 – Current Expense Emergency Reserve Restricted • 9 – Debt Service Unassigned • 10 – Debt Repayment Restricted • 11 - Totals

  14. Completing Recapitulation of Balance GENERAL INFORMATION • Preloaded Information Columns 2-11 on lines: • 1595 – Estimated Appropriation Balance 6/30/09 – Prior Budget • 1600 – Appropriation Balance 6/30/09 from Audit • 1605 – Estimated Appropriation Balance 6/30/10 Prior Budget • 1610 – Appropriation Balance 6/30/10 from Audit

  15. Completing Recapitulation of Balance GENERAL INFORMATION • Line 1610 Corrections require the submission by the public school accountant of a corrected audit summary worksheet

  16. Completing Recapitulation of Balance GENERAL INFORMATION • Lines 1620 and 1660 • Agrees with amounts shown in appropriation and revenue section of budgeted fund balance and withdrawals • Agrees with amounts shown in appropriation and revenue section of budget • For Budgeted fund Balance and Withdrawals from: • Capital Reserve • Maintenance Reserve • Emergency Reserve • Tuition Reserve

  17. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1620 • Columns 2, 4 and 6 • add together = budgeted fund balance on line 121 • Plus the net increase/withdrawal of the sale/lease-back reserve • lines 131 and 7355 • Column 3 • agree with net increase/withdrawal capital reserve • lines 130, 132, 7690 and 7695 • Column 5 • Enter in net increase/withdrawal from 2010-11 budgeted maintenance reserve as of 2/1/11 • Difference between line 133 and increase on lines 7619 and 7620.

  18. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1620 • Column 7 • Enter in amounts reported for withdrawal from tuition reserve • Lines 134 and 135 • Column 8 • Enter in net increase/withdrawal from 2010-11 budgeted current expense emergency reserve as 2/1/11 • Difference between withdrawal line 125 and 126 and increases on lines 7356 and 7357 • Column 9 • Enter in unreserved debt service surplus funds that were appropriated to offset property taxes in 2010-2011 • Column 10 • Enter in net increase/withdrawal from 2010-2011 budgeted debt service fund reserved for debt repayment reserve as of 2/1/11. • Difference between withdrawal on line 535 and increase on lines 9935 and 9936.

  19. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1630 • Column 2 • Enter additional balances to be appropriated. • Must have Commissioner Approval (6aA:23A-13.3(b) • Column 3 • Enter amount following approval of LRFP, anticipated to be withdrawn between 2/1/11 and 6/30/11 • Enter amount following approval of LRFP, anticipated to be transferred by board resolution between 2/1/11 and 6/30/11 to debt service to offset principal and interest for approved bonded projects • Column 8 • Enter amount of additional balances to be appropriated from fund balance to general fund between 2/1/11 and 6/30/11 • Must have Commissioner Approval

  20. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1640 • Column 2 • Enter additional balances the district anticipates generating including excess revenues projected through 6/30/11 and any cancelled prior year open purchase orders • Column 3 • Enter unanticipated investment income to be deposited • Column 5 • Enter unanticipated investment income to be deposited between 2/1/11 and 6/30/11

  21. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1650 • ALL COLUMNS Software will calculate the estimated appropriation balance for 6/30/11

  22. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1653 • ALL COLUMNS Key in anticipated year-end transfers from general fund to maintenance, capital, or current expense emergency reserves of any unanticipated revenue or unexpended line-item appropriation amounts or both.

  23. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1655 • ALL COLUMNS Software will calculate the estimated fund balance at 6/30/11

  24. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1660 • Column 2 • Enter in fund balance budgeted for 2011-2012. Audited excess surplus as of 6/30/10 must be budgeted for 2011-12. • Column 3 • Enter budgeted increase/withdrawal capital reserve in 2011-2012. • Difference between withdrawals on lines 130 and 132 and increase on lines 7690 and 7695 • Column 4 • Enter in estimated 6/30/11 balance that must be appropriated in 2011-12

  25. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1660 • Column 5 • Enter in budgeted increase/withdrawal maintenance reserve in 2011-2012 • Difference between withdrawal on line 133 and increase on lines 7619 and 7620 • Column 6 • Enter in budgeted increase/decrease in legal reserve in 2011-12. Audited excess surplus as of 6/30/10 must be budgeted • Column 7 • Enter in amount required to be budgeted in 2011-12.

  26. Completing Recapitulation of Balance Line 1660 • Column 8 • Enter budgeted net increase/withdrawal to emergency reserve in 2011-12 • Difference between lines 125 , 126 and increase/deposit on lines 7356 and 7357 • Column 9 • Enter debt service surplus funds • Must be less than or equal to column 9 line 1655 • Column 10 • Enter budgeted net increase/withdrawal to “debt service fund reserved for debt repayment” in 2011-2012 • Difference between the withdrawal on line 535 and the increase/deposit on lines 9935 and 9936

  27. budget requirements – 14 Administrative Limits • Does not exceed the lower of district’s adjusted, as of February 1 per pupil administrative costs for 2010-2011 or; • 2011-2012 per pupil administrative regional limit for the district’s region. • $1,898 – Northern • $1,768 – Central • $1,761 – Southern • Reports used • 14a – Automatically generated (by function and object) • 14b – used by districts who propose administrative spending under the regional limit but seek ECS approval to exceed the school district’s adjusted per pupil administrative costs for the current year • 14c – Justification of Shared Services Costs • Districts can present to voters a separate proposal to exceed administrative limits

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