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Courtroom Testimony

Master the art of presenting testimony in court with objectivity, honesty, and professionalism. Learn tips on demeanor, communication, and interaction with the jury. Enhance credibility and competence to succeed in criminal investigations.

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Courtroom Testimony

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  1. Courtroom Testimony CJUS 201 Criminal Investigation Part 13

  2. Court • Successful law enforcement - aggressive detection / investigation - must respond appropriately in court a. Reveal / articulate for public - professional skills/training/integrity - won/lost based on officer testimony (1) Cross-examination - centers on quality / credibility / professionalism

  3. Court (2) Professionalism reflected - officer’s word accepted beyond reasonable doubt b. Two themes dominate: - objectivity / professionalism (1) Objectivity - legal system adversary - lawyers are advocates - witnesses: honest / objective to - display bias: discredited

  4. Court (2) Never lie - moral consequences too high - even insignificant detail - destroy credibility - veracity precedes into court (3) Don’t display bias - against judge / defense - do not sit with prosecutor - do not sit directly behind - leave quietly / no sign of feelings

  5. Court - do not stop / discuss case - in court / do not vent emotions - sole mission: express truth (4) When testifying - address trier of fact - ones to be concerned about - explaining diagram / evidence - establish eye contact / rapport (5) Answer honestly / fairly

  6. Court - make mistake: admit it - detail favors defense: admit it - enhance credibility c. Professionalism - not only speak the truth - show by demeanor / competence (1) Appearance - impression: physical appearance

  7. Court - dress carefully - neat / clean / conservative - courtroom is a special place (a) Leave coat / hat behind (b) Gun not showing / clothes in order before taking stand (2) Promptness - be early / necessary evidence

  8. Court (3) Act professional - even before court begins - judge / jury may be watching - poor actions / remarks (a) Discuss in conference room (b) Do not laugh/joke with others (c) Do not discuss the case with defense counsel

  9. Court (4) Taking the stand - quiet / confident manner - before oath: complete stop / pause / accept oath - act like oath means something (5) Do not assume air of importance - be natural / open as possible - sit erect / feet flat on floor - coat unbuttoned - hands on thighs / arm of chair

  10. Court - pay attention to body language - expressed by posture/ manners (a) Do not place hand over mouth while speaking (b) Maintain eye contact with jury / judge (c) Do not cross arms / legs - or clench fists

  11. Court (d) Do not shift around in chair (e) Speak in a loud / clear voice (f) Speak at same rate of speed - in the same manner - in response to all questions (g) Avoid police vernacular - talk in plain terms

  12. Court (6) Remain objective at all times (a) Do not become argumentative - nor over-confident (b) Do not be drawn into position of fencing with defense - remember what you said (c) Listen carefully to questions - do not volunteer information

  13. Court (d) Question contains figures / long list of names / etc. - make sure you agree - before you answer (e) Cannot answer accurately with a “yes” or “no” - advise the court (f) If a particular question hurts - no not show it

  14. Court • Specific techniques of testifying a. Use / overuse of notes - thoroughly review before trial - testify w/o referring to any reports - except to recall specific details - times / addresses / license numbers (1) Since notes not needed - not be taken to stand - details: report handed to you

  15. Court b. Using a writing to refresh recollection - Pros: “Do you have a completely independent recollection of this incident?” - Off: “No, I do not.” - Pros: “Did you make a report concerning this incident?” - Off: “Yes, I did.” - Pros. “Was the report written accurately?” - Off: “Yes.”

  16. Court - Pros: “If you could refer to that report would it refresh your recollection as to information I asked about a minute ago?” - Off: “Yes, it would.” c. Using a writing in place of recollection -Pros: Do you have a completely independent recollection of this incident?”

  17. Court - Off: “No, I do not.” - Pros: “Did you prepare a report concerning this incident?” - Off: “Yes.” - Pros: “Did you base your report upon your own observations and quote only the direct conversations you directly heard” - Off: “Yes.” - Pros: “Was it written during or shortly after the incident while it

  18. Court was still fresh in your mind?” - Off: “Yes.” d. A good narrative - when asked a detailed question - give an expansive answer e. A bad narrative - only answer questions fully - do not try to fill-in with opinions - let prosecutor draw out details

  19. Court f. The pick-up - establish rapport with prosecutor - pick-up on his/her cue questions - prosecutor should pick-up on officer cues • Communicating with the jury a. Always be polite - speak to jury / maintain eye contact - clear / concise as if telling a story

  20. Court b. If an objection - stop speaking immediately - do not continue until judge rules - sustained / overruled c. Be prepared to be an artist - jurors learn better by sight - with “poor” artistry the jury will understand • Courtroom testimony

  21. Testimony a. Why testimony necessary? - rules of hearsay - defendant’s right to confront - defendant’s right to cross-examine - need to create a record b. Stages of officer testimony (1) Before filing charges - warrant for arrest / search - non-adversarial

  22. Testimony (2) Preliminary hearing - setting bail - may or may not be adversarial (3) Motion hearing - to suppress evidence - to dismiss case (4) Trial - by judge or jury - adversarial

  23. Testimony (5) Probation hearing - adversarial - hearsay admissible (6) DOL hearing - adversarial (defense attorney) - hearsay admissible (7) Forfeiture hearing - adversarial administrative - less formal / hearing examiner

  24. Self-Incrimination • Privilege against self-incrimination a. Statements obtained from suspects - investigation / prosecution (1) Raise serious questions - fairness / accuracy - oldest dilemma (2) Most serious crimes - no conclusive evidence - no eyewitnesses - circumstantial only

  25. Self-Incrimination - circumstantial evidence - refuses to talk / prohibited (3) Constitutional law - established criminal procedures - apply limits on self-incrimination - not abolish practice (4) Three doctrines apply: (a) Due process: 5th / 14th Amend

  26. Self-Incrimination (b) Privilege against self-incrim. - 5th Amendment (c) Right to counsel - 6th Amendment b. Cases impacting suspect statements: - Brown to Miranda (1936 – 1966) - Supreme Ct: 30 confession cases (1) 1936: Brown vs. Mississippi

  27. Self-Incrimination - Court: first state confession (a) Obtained through torture - violates 14th due process - began long legal tradition (2) 1942: moving from jail to jail - cannot be contacted by family (3) 1944: Ashcroft vs. Tennessee - 36 hrs. straight questioning

  28. Self-Incrimination (4) 1945: keeping suspect naked (5) 1949: holding for 5 days - without taking before judge - subjected to relay questioning (6) 1954: psychiatrist to help suspect - confesses to psychiatrist (7) 1958: confession save from lynch mob

  29. Self-Incrimination (8) Used “truth serum” on suspect (9) Parental rights terminated if no confession b. Court: several theories - uncivilized standards not tolerated (1) Undue pressure -not simply torture - used unfairly / trained officers

  30. Self-Incrimination - must follow ‘rule of law’ - confessions cannot be forced c. Right to counsel - 1964: Escobedo vs. Illinois (1) Broke new ground - voluntary confessions - inadmissible: lawyer request to see client denied - Miranda confirms due process

  31. Self-Incrimination (2) Interrogation – direct questioning “Any words that the police should know are reasonably likely to elicit an incriminating response.” (a) State has burden of proving - waiver made voluntarily - never inferred from silence (b) Not wanting to be interrogated - must stop for that crime

  32. Self-Incrimination c. Request for attorney - protected under 6th Amendment (1) 1981: Edwards vs. Arizona - all questioning must cease (a) May not re-interrogate - for same / different crimes - Arizona vs. Robberson (b) Unless: suspect initiates

  33. Self-Incrimination - 1983: Oregon vs. Bradshaw - initiated with: “Well, what is going to happen to me now?” (2) 1984: request for counsel -invalidates Miranda waiver - does not apply if family obtain and suspect does not know (3) Suspect formally charged - 1964: Massiah vs. United States

  34. Counsel - entitled to lawyer’s help • Miranda vs. Arizona (1966) - superseded all prior approaches - suspect in custodial compulsion - who is interrogated a. Freedom of movement restrained - 5th Amendment right b. Changes to Miranda

  35. Miranda (1) 1969: Orozco vs. Texas - surrounded / held captive in own home - in custody (2) 1976: Beckwith vs. United States - routinely questioned at home - not in custody (3) 1977: Oregon vs. Mathieson - voluntarily appears at station

  36. Miranda - at police request - at own convenience - not in custody (4) 1984: Berkemer vs. McCarty - does not apply to traffic stops (5) 1984: New York vs. Quarles - prompted by the need - to insure ‘publicsafety’

  37. Miranda (6) 1985: Oregon vs. Elstad - first defective warning - second warning given - statement given accepted (7) 1986: Colorado vs. Connelly - voluntary admission - without custody / interrogation - not covered by Miranda (8) 1990: Pennsylvania vs. Muniz

  38. Miranda - no warnings for DUI - before ordering physical sobriety tests • Varying expectations of privacy - exceptions to the 4th Amendment - warrant requirement - warrantless searches a. Examine constitutionality - 2 primary ways

  39. Miranda - reasonableness approach - warrant /exception approach (1) Reasonableness - public safety - destruction of evidence (2) Warrant/exception - preference for search warrant - limited number of exceptions

  40. Miranda b. Five primary exceptions - hot pursuit / automobile exception - search incident to arrest - international borders - closed container (1) All share 2 important attributes (a) Probable cause to believe - contraband / evidence - in the place searched

  41. Miranda (b) Justified by an exigency - urgent situation - requiring immediate action c. Hot pursuit (1) 1967: Warden vs. Hayden - police enter house - 5 minutes after witness reported - search house / locate evidence

  42. Miranda (a) Court ruled: - to wait for warrant on PC - violent crime suspect enters - risk destruction of evidence - more violent confrontation (b) Allows officers to pursue - within a state - across state lines (c) 1984: Welsh vs. Wisconsin

  43. Miranda - limit on hot pursuit - barred from entering home - gravity of crime not great - no exigency in such cases d. International borders - federal law - Washington law (a) Nation has plenary power - to protect its borders

  44. Miranda - police may stop / inspect - incoming travelers / containers - at random e. 4th Amendment does extend to - variety of border search situations (1) Non-routine / intrusive search - body cavity search - reasonable suspicion of violation - drug courier

  45. Miranda (2) No particularized suspicion - required to stop cars - fixed checkpoints - some distance from border (a) PC required to search - after brief questioning (b) 1976: U.S. vs. Martinez-Fuerte (3) Customs officers search for illegals

  46. Miranda - roving patrols - 100 miles from border - reasonable suspicion to stop - PC to search f. Maritime searches - made without any level of suspicion or cause - Customs / Coast Guard g. Incoming mail

  47. Searches - customs officers - reasonable suspicion h. Immigration / Naturalization - enter officers / industry i. Closed containers - PC needed to seize (1)Exigent circumstances - to keep from being removed

  48. Searches - from the scene - must then obtain warrant (a) Automobiles - arrest - inventory - probable cause (b) Booking - search person - take all property

  49. Searches (c) Container already legally open - lose all expectation: privacy - legally opened / privacy vanishes (d) Applies even if resealed - freight co. opens - sees contraband - reseals / notifies police (e) Officer reseal / control delivery

  50. Specific Crimes • Burglary a. Professional - rarely caught - great deal of planning / expertise b. Juvenile - video games / liquor / money - high probability of vandalism c. Addict

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