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Restaurant WebQuest

Restaurant WebQuest. By: Roberto Hochkammer. Differences in Spanish and Mexican Cuisine . Spanish. Mexican. Mild Influenced by the Mayans Chilies . Hot Influenced by the Europeans More lean foods. In Spain, when do they eat?. Breakfast is medium sized meal Lunch is the largest meal

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Restaurant WebQuest

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Restaurant WebQuest By: Roberto Hochkammer

  2. Differences in Spanish and Mexican Cuisine Spanish Mexican Mild Influenced by the Mayans Chilies Hot Influenced by the Europeans More lean foods

  3. In Spain, when do they eat? Breakfast is medium sized meal Lunch is the largest meal Dinner is a smaller meal Restaurants serve dinner from 9-12 FerranAdria

  4. Food Madrid, Spain is famous for • CocidoMadrileño: • Stew that is a whole meal • 2 portions • Soup first • Meat and veggies second • Meat is mainly pork

  5. CochinilloAsado • The name means “Roast suckling pig” • Takes a long time to prepare (3 hours)

  6. Spanish food Vocabulary Spanish word English word Picture lasespinacas el pepino el pimiento el guisante la coliflor la cereza el albaricoque el melocotón la pera el pomelo Spinach Cucumber Pepper Peas Cauliflower Cherry Apricot Peach Pear Grapefruit

  7. Spanish food Vocabulary (Cont.) Spanish word English word Picture la sidra el vino Horchata Ponche Atolblanco el cordero el chorizo Cider Wine Rice drink Fruit punch Hot corn flower drink Lamb Sausage

  8. Spanish food Vocabulary (Cont.) Spanish word English word Calamares Makerela ensalada de francés ensalada de pasta Buñuelos Arroz con leche Squid Mackerel French salad Pasta salad Fritters Rice Pudding

  9. Sources • http://www.helium.com/items/1402248-how-spanish-and-mexican-cuisines-differ?page=2 • http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071210123755AAVTAVH • http://gospain.about.com/od/madrid/tp/madrid_food.htm • http://spanishfood.about.com/od/maincourses/r/cochinilloasado.htm • http://www.vocab.co.uk/vocabulary/uk/spanish/food.htm

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