Shorelines -Filiberto Maldonado
The Shorelines • Shorelines are what in spanish are called “Las costas” also are the same in other form they are beaches or “playas”. The shorelines connect with the ocean (massive bodies of water tha cover almost all earth terrytory). Examples of oceans are: Pacific,Atlantic,Antartic or Artic.
Under the sea Under the shorelines in the ocean they are many fauna like whale sharks
Other spicies Some other spicies like seaworld`s whale shamù normaly live in the sea
How they look? • The shorelines of the world's oceans draw our interest, perhaps because they are the most accessible parts of the ocean. They offer the merest glimpse of the hidden treasures of the ocean. We will divide the shoreline world here into 2 parts, rocky and sandy shores (another shoreline habitat, mangrove swamps, are treated separately). Rocky shores offer a stable base for the attachment of a variety of animals and plants. Sandy shores, with the moving sand particles, offer a very different challenge for animals and plants which would live there.
To say it fast • To understand this fast i´ll say that the ocean fauna divides in two groups like ALL spicies: Carnivor and Herbivor. Only a few of ALL fishes are herbivor cause few it kelp ( giant alga ) or normal alga and the carnivors are whales that eat krill or sharks but most important fishes that eat plancon ( little organisms that flote ore sometimes pieces of fish)
Megalodon He was 20 m. long and was so fast and powerful that he could eat Liopeurdoron like that
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