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Madison International School Strategic Planning Presentation. Self- Assessment. Survey Data Student Responses: 32 (12 th Graders) Teachers: 31 Families : 132 Total Responses: 195. Observational Data. Classroom Observations Over 50 Classrooms Visited
Self- Assessment Survey Data Student Responses: 32 (12th Graders) Teachers: 31 Families: 132 Total Responses: 195
Observational Data Classroom Observations • Over 50Classrooms Visited • Additional observational data comes from teacher trainings, parent meetings, Coordinator meetings and IB meetings.
Survey Data What we asked • What is going well at Madison? • In what ways can we improve?
HOW WE ORGANIZED RESPONSES TOPICS • Instruction • Operations • School Culture • Communication
INSTRUCTION Teachers • Dedicated, caring, helpful • Whole-childphilosophy and approach • Promote a highacademiclevel Students • Friendly and welcoming • Goodcharacter and values
What you said about Teachers & Students • “Teachers are very nice and well-prepared.” • “Teachers have creative ideas and seem to be able to motivate our kids to think, reason and express their ideas.” • “The students are intelligent, respectful and willing to learn.” • “Tienen un gran equipo de profesionalesquetrabajan con mucho entusiasmo, compromiso y calidez.”
INSTRUCTION IB Program • International-mindedness • InstructionalApproach: Conceptual, Creative, Collaborative, Engaging • AspirationalAcademicLevel: Goalistoraise rigor level • Certifications and upcoming Diploma ProgramCertification
What you said about the IB Program • “I like the IB concept very much. It is very different from the traditional method and so far I see the results favorably with my kids.” • “Me gusta mucho queestan en unaescuela global dondeconviven con gente de muchoslugares y aprenden de susculturas.” • “El sembrar en la formaccion de los docentes los valores de IB. El aceptaralumnosdiferentesyaqueesonossensibiliza a todos y nosayuda a aprender a convivir en ammonia.”
SCHOOL CULTURE • Overallsense of happinessonthepart of students, staff and parents • Culture of caring and support • Welcoming and Invitingenvironment • Schoolrepresentsvalues and principles -more thanjustschoolwork. • Teachers and Coordinators are responsivetostudents´ needs • Schoolcelebratesdiversity and culture
What you said about School Culture • “The community cares about Madison succeeding and that can be felt. Everyone is supportive.” • “Our kids are coming back home always happy and want to go the next day again to learn and make friends.” • “En general mishijosestanmuycontentos y hansidobienaceptadospor la comunidad a pesarsernuevos.” • “{La escuela} esdinamica, alegria, optimismo y empenoporsermejores.”
OPERATIONS FACILITIES • Boththecurrentfacilities and thevisionforthefuture are excellent and exciting. “Thefacilities are comingalongwellforsuch a youngschool and are headed in therightdirection.”
COMMUNICATION • Relationshipsformedbetweenclassroomteachers and parents • Improvementshowneachyear • “La manera de resolver las problematicas de cada estudiante, la communicacion entre los profesores y los alumnos creando un ambiente de seguridad y cofianza para todos.”
OPERATIONS AREAS OF GROWTH • EnrollmentProcedures - Application & ScreeningProcess - Decision-makingProcess • New Family & StudentOrientation Howcan webestorientparents & studentstoschoolprocedures, schedules, culture? • Payment Procedures How can procedures be modernized, and more accommodating for families?
OPERATIONS AREAS OF GROWTH • Technology infrastructure and resources BIG PICTURE QUESTION What is our long-term plan for equipping our faciilties and classrooms with the technology required for a 21st Century Education?
OPERATIONS AREAS OF GROWTH DAILY OPERATIONS (BIG PICTURE QUESTIONS) • How can we maximize instructional minutes and minimize scheduling conflicts and supervision issues within our daily schedule? • How do we create a 10th-12th Grade schedule that is driven by the IB AND meets UAD/SEP requirements? • How can we improve our after-school academy enrollment, advising and offerings?
What you said about Operations • “Induccion o reunion exclusivapara los de nuevoingresopara resolver dudas de utiles, materias, clases de academia….” • “I think that more thought needs to be given to the process of incorporating new families into Madison as quickly as possible.” • “I think the school has grown too fast….I recommend a more planned growth plan, without sacrificing the quality of education.”
INSTRUCTION AREAS OF GROWTH • Teachers´ English Proficiency • Teachers´ Experience with the IB Program and/or in international schools • Clear academic standards and assessment practices – related to international standards • Adequate instructional resources for an IB school
What you said about Instruction • “I am a student at Madison since the school started…I feel like there has been a combination of the IB and SEP/UAD, so our preparation has not been fully imparted by the IB … I would prepare teachers more, so that they are competent enough to successfully teach their own subject (from an IB perspective).
INSTRUCTION “BIG PICTURE” QUESTION • Howcan weensurethatallstudentsgetan IB Experience in theirclassroom? • INCLUDING…. - Teacherrecruitment, induction, mentorship and training - Teacher-leadershipopportunities - InstructionalResources and Investment - Assessment and ReportingPractices
SCHOOL CULTURE AREAS OF GROWTH • Lots of time is spent communicating rules and policies to parents and students, but it is unclear how much time is spent teaching or enforcing the behavior expectations. • It is not clear what resources are in place for new students to help them transition into the Madison culture. • How do we ensure that the kids we accept into Madison help maintain the positive school culture?
SCHOOL CULTURE “BIG PICTURE” QUESTIONS • Whatisourstudentprofile and how do weensurethatadmittedstudentsmeetthisprofile& successfullytransitionto MIS? • School-wide PBIS System: A lot of time isspentpresenting Rules and Regulations, buthow do weensurethatourapproachhelpsstudentsmeetexpectations?
COMMUNICATION AREAS OF GROWTH • Unclear expectations/guidelines for how to communicate • Lack of consistency with bilingual communication, often times it is either Spanish or English, not both • Inconsistent timeliness of responses to parent concerns • Unclear or inconsistent communication of student progress and academic objectives/student progress
Communication “BIG PICTURE” QUESTIONS • School/Home Communication - Whatistheexpectationforhowwecommunicatewitheachother? - In whatways are wecurrentlycommunicating? - Howdoweensurethat non-Spanishspeakingfamilies are ableto be a part of ourcommunication? - Howdo weensurethatourcommunicationistimely?
What you saidabout Communication “I do not have the sense that there is a functioning communication flow between the school and parents…I never hear back and am increasingly frustrated. My main concern is the level of communication about what is happening in the classroom with the parents. La communicacion. Realmente son muydesorganizadosyacuandovamosconociendo el sistema
WHAT ABOUT “THE CHAT”? PROS • Quick and efficient way to communicate school events • Quick and efficient way to answer calendar questions • Essential in the case of an emergency CONS • Not a school-sponsored tool for solving discipline issues or personnel issues • Makes issues “bigger” and harder to solve • Crowd-sourcing is not helpful (Post and Recruit Method) • Privacy laws prohibit public comment from school
Other Topics of Note (Identified as single concerns, not part of a larger theme) • High Class-Sizes in Kinder Classrooms • Drop-off and Delivery Procedures • Menu Items • Uniforms
The Madison Story Madison continues to grow incredibly fast, powered by positive energy, community support and aspirations for greatness…..in a city that exhibits all of these same attributes….with the potential to be a truly exceptional international school... AND….
The Madison Story Our ability to respond well to the challenges presented by this growth and these aspirations will be essential over the next three years, including…..
The Madison Story • Raising expectations for instructional quality and student academic performance relative to international standards. • Raising expectations for English proficiency and practice amongst staff and students. • Raising expectations for instructionalleadership skills on the part of school leaders. • Raising expectations for instructional resources that meet international standards. • Raising expectations for student behavior through proactive and preventative strategies.
The Madison Story AND…. Maintaining our capacity to meet the facility and operations needs relative to our growth and development, including: • Innovative and world-class facilities • Technology integrated infrastructure • Instructional and technological resources
Next Steps…. • Create Action Teams in the following Focus Areas: Communication, School Culture, Operations & Instruction • Develop short-term (For Next Year) and Long-term (Next 3-years) Goals in each Focus Area • Develop an Action Plan for each Focus Area • Present Action Plan (Spring, 2019)