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Ann Arbor VA HSR&D Center Of Excellence VA Center for Clinical Management Research

Ann Arbor VA HSR&D Center Of Excellence VA Center for Clinical Management Research. Eve A. Kerr, MD, MPH Professor of Internal Medicine Director, VA CCMR. Over 35 investigators with over 90 active studies

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Ann Arbor VA HSR&D Center Of Excellence VA Center for Clinical Management Research

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  1. Ann Arbor VA HSR&D Center Of ExcellenceVA Center for Clinical Management Research Eve A. Kerr, MD, MPH Professor of Internal Medicine Director, VA CCMR

  2. Over 35 investigators with over 90 active studies Active partner in recruiting and retaining nationally renowned investigators to VA and UM Funding source for Merit Awards, CDAs, post-doctoral fellowships, pilot and developmental work Synergies: funding opportunities, high impact publications, and translation to practice VA Center for Clinical Management Research

  3. Research Foci • To inform how we measure and monitor quality and efficiency of care; • To implement and evaluate alternative and innovative strategies for efficiently improving quality and outcomes; • To apply rigorous methodologies for informing policy makers and managers about the effectiveness and safety of proposed interventions. In all our work, we strive to translate research findings into real-world healthcare improvement

  4. The CarePartner ProgramUsing Accesible Technologies toStrengthenSelf-Management Supportand ImproveQuality and Efficiency of ChronicIllnessCare

  5. Funding, Publicationsand TranslationtoPractice • The CarePartnerprogram was developed through initial support from VA and has subsequently resulted in: • 5 VA grants • 1 AHRQ grant • 5 additional funded studies • 12 peer-reviewed publications • Regional VA Implementation • Implementation at UMHS

  6. Funding, Publication, and Future Translation • VA Suicide Registry that includes national death index data (NDI) for all Veterans • Junior faculty member awarded VA CDA to study opioid overuse and overtreatment

  7. Funding, Publication, and Future Translation • Submitting VA and AHRQ grants on surveillance • Partnering with clinical leaders on implementation

  8. Synergy

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