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Temporal Battlefield Visualization: Clock Face GUI and Spatio-Temporal Prototypes

Explore spatio-temporal visualization of battlefield data through Clock Face GUI and 7 unique prototypes for military applications. Conducted usability studies for feedback and preference analysis.

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Temporal Battlefield Visualization: Clock Face GUI and Spatio-Temporal Prototypes

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  1. Spatio-Temporal Visualization ofBattlefield Entities and Events Fong Qiyue, Ng Foo Meng, Huang Zhiyong National University of Singapore DSO National Labs

  2. Goals • Extract patterns inherent in large datasets and manifest them in visual forms • Explore various existing work to improve or modify them to adapt to requirements of the military application CGI 2006

  3. Our work • 1 novelTime Query GUI (Clock Face UI) • 7Spatio-Temporal VisualizationPrototypes in one software • Determined usability of Clock Face UI • Determined user preference for the 7 prototypes in terms of informative-ness and usefulness CGI 2006

  4. Clock face GUI Temporal Focusing • What It Is: Time query tool • Motivation: Deviate away from conventional timeline/time dials/calendar controls which have their limitation(s) • Design Goal: Find a visual metaphor closely related to time • Idea: Compact a calendar within a circular layout – to create a space-saving UI • Result: A Clock Face User Interface capable of forming time queries which satisfies Motivation and Design Goal Time of Day Selector (Temporal Brushing) Events Panel CGI 2006

  5. Trail graph Dot graph • Provides a snapshot of the distribution and strength of enemy units at a particular time moment • Provides a snapshot of how enemy units moved within a particular time interval CGI 2006

  6. Raster graph Spoke graph • Functions like Trail Graph • Spokes represent time at which a unit was spotted at location • Allows estimation of movingspeed • Allows differentiation of overlapping units • Rasters provide a snapshot of the state of the battlefield at a time moment • Allows in-depth comparison of states of battlefield (eg. how units moved / split) CGI 2006

  7. Grouped links graph Stacked bar graph • Events occurring at a location over a time interval are stacked (ie.ordered) in a bar • Allows making inferences: order, number of occurrence, recurrence and causalityrelationships of events • Links are drawn to locations where events occurred over a time interval • Links are grouped like “spider’s legs” • Conveys distributionof distinct event types across map very effectively CGI 2006

  8. Calendar graph Dynamic Calendar • Events occurring in a particular timeinterval are plotted directly onto the calendar • Calendar Graph provides a neatreport of what events occurred and when and where they occurred • Dynamic calendar mechanism is implemented to reduce space-wastage by calendar • Calendar is able to show temporal information very well CGI 2006

  9. Usability study Student T-Test for two independent samples was used CGI 2006

  10. Usability study • No difficulty experienced in using Clock Face GUI • Positive responses given to Clock Face GUI in terms of aesthetics, ease-of-use, intuitiveness, feedback and usefulness • Users found all 7 prototypes useful and informative but not necessarily intuitive or communicative at first sight • At 95% confidence, users preferred Trail Graph to Dot Graph; and Calendar Graph to Grouped Links Graph (in terms of informative-ness and usefulness) • Users remained “preference neutral” for the other prototypes CGI 2006

  11. Concluding remarks • The work • One novel time query GUI (Clock Face) and seven spatio-temporal data visualization prototypes • Remarks • GUI Design is challenging • Visualization can be a subjective issue since different people may interpret the same graphical object differently CGI 2006

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