Electronic Search and Rescue System for People at Risk
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Electronic Search and Rescue System for People at Risk . Public Safety Agency Training Program. Version 3 – August 2010. Course Objectives. Familiarize participants with the operation of the LoJack SafetyNet Program
Electronic Search and Rescue System for People at Risk
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Electronic Search and RescueSystem for People at Risk Public Safety Agency Training Program Version 3 – August 2010
Course Objectives Familiarize participants with the operation of the LoJack SafetyNet Program Instruct participants on how the program and system works and all the components of client management Objectives will be accomplished by covering topics such as: LoJack and History of Electronic Search and Rescue (SAR) LoJack SafetyNet Program Autism, Alzheimer’s, and other Dementia or Cognitive Conditions Program Management System Overview LoJack SafetyNet Equipment and its Operation Search Techniques and Applications Field Training Written and Practical Testing
Agenda 8:00 - 8:30AMOpening Remarks/Introductions/Course Discussion 8:30 - 8:45AMLoJack Corporation and the SafetyNet Program 8:45 - 9:30AM Autism and Related Conditions for the First Responder 9:45 - 10:30AM Alzheimer’s and Related Conditions for the First Responder 10:30 - 10:45AMProgram Management System 11:00 - 11:45PMLoJack SafetyNet Electronic SAR Equipment Familiarization 11:45 - 12:00PM Written Test 12:00 - 12:30PM LUNCH 12:30 - 2:00PM Practice Field Exercises and Searching Techniques 2:15 - 3:15PM Field Exercises (Testing) 3:15 - 4:30PM Vehicle Tracking 4:30 - 5:00PM Course Review/Questions/Certification
About LoJack Corporation Premier worldwide provider of tracking and recovery systems Utilizes proven Radio Frequency technology Most appropriate for tracking and recovery or rescue Operates on FCC allocated frequency Delivers 90% Success Rate for cars and trucks Fully integrated with law enforcement Available in 28 states plus the District of Columbia and 30 Countries around the world More than 8 Million units installed globally More than $5 Billion in assets recovered globally Over 250,000 vehicles
LoJack: Our Mission – Our Vision LoJack will be the pre-eminent brand synonymous with helping to find, protect and recover anyone or anything of value anywhere around the world at any time. To be the unsurpassed global leader in finding and recovering mobile assets and people by delivering innovative solutions and services that leverage our strong relationship with law enforcement
Expanding LoJack to meet a growing need
Wandering: A Growing Concern Approximately 127,000 people get lost annually in the United States Roughly 34,000 are reported to police Approximately 13,000 are never found Resources are required for Search & Rescue of wanderers Law Enforcement required to search for those with diminished capacity who are missing This program is about life and death situations where you can make a difference
Wandering: A Growing Concern
Wandering: A Growing Concern
Wandering: A Growing Concern
Wandering: A Growing Concern
Technology for Keeping People at Risk Safe Using some form of new technology is ONE OPTION among other strategies for coping with wandering behavior Most comprehensive study to-date: conducted by the Locating Technology Project at McMaster University in Toronto in 2006, funded by the Canadian government
Locating Technology Project Five Systems Tested Two distinct types of technology Global Positioning System (GPS) Radio Frequency (RF) “Both technologies have advantages: the GPS based systems provide theoretically exact and historical location information of the person wearing the device whereas RF systems can easily pinpoint the location of a person wearing the device when they are in close proximity.”
Locating Technology Project Bottom Line Results Of the 5 systems tested, 4 were GPS technology and 1 was RF technology Only the RF technology system, working with trained public safety personnel, successfully located the wearer in every instance.
Electronic Search And Rescue (SAR) 43rd Virginia SAR team in Chesapeake, Virginia starts Project Lifesaver in 1999 LoJack Corp. acquires Locator Systems equipment manufacturer in April, 2008 In December, 2008 Project Lifesaver and LoJack agree to work together to expand the availability of the program In March 2010, both organizations agreed to provide their own separate programs. LoJack SafetyNet is concentrating primarily on select metropolitan areas. LoJack will continue to provide equipment to Project Lifesaver, but will offer its own program - LoJack SafetyNet Over 1,100 agencies are currently using LoJack SafetyNet equipment in 46 U.S. states and Canada More than 2,100 saved lives since 1999 Key Benefits: Save Time Save Money Save Community Resources Save Lives!!!!
LoJack SafetyNet Overview Enables public safety agencies to conduct effective electronic search and rescue operations Utilizes Proven Radio Frequency Technology Designed for those with cognitive conditions who wander Autism, Down syndrome, Alzheimer’s and other similar conditions Search and Rescue technology and training provided to public safety agencies at no cost LoJack SafetyNet service components: Personal Locator Bracelet (PLB) worn on wrist or ankle of client 24 X 7 emergency caregiver support Search and rescue database of key information about clients for public safety agencies Search and rescue receivers for public safety agencies Training and ongoing support for public safety officials Trained Specialists provide comprehensive caregiver support in the enrollment process
LoJack SafetyNet Overview
Autism and Related Conditions for the First Responder Autism Facts Causes Diagnosis Common Characteristics Recognizing Someone with an ASD Approaching Someone with an ASD Transporting Someone with an ASD ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism Facts Nearly 1.5 million people live with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the United States Approximately 1 in 100 people are born today have ASD Autism Spectrum Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is growing at a rate of about 10-17% per year A new case of autism is diagnosed every 20 minutes
Autism Facts Autism knows no racial, ethnic, or social boundaries; family income levels; lifestyle choices; or educational levels, and can affect any family and any child Although the overall incidence of autism is consistent around the globe, it is four times more prevalent in boys than girls There is no known single cause for autism, but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities of brain structure or function
What is Autism? Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a developmental disability that usually appears during the first three years of life The Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) neurological disorder impacts: Social interactions Communication and language skills Behavior Varying levels of functioning: Low functioning Middle functioning High functioning
The 5 Categories of Autism 1. Autism Language and communication deficits with challenging behavioral traits 2. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Complete loss of language at age 2 with little subsequent improvement 3. Rett Syndrome 90% affected are females who have multiple severe disabilities 4. Asperger Syndrome Typically high intellect and verbal abilities, but still lack common social skills 5. Pervasive Developmental Disorder or PDD-NOS (Not otherwise specified) Diagnosis given for children who are present with some of the characteristics of either autism or Asperger Syndrome, but not severe enough for a diagnosis of either of these conditions
Most Common Theories for Cause of Autism Genetic Vulnerability Environmental triggers (chemicals, toxins) Vaccine Injury (immunizations, thimerosal) What’s the answer?????
The Answer’s Simple We Don’t Know The Cause
How Autism is Diagnosed No medical or blood test available to detect Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Diagnosis based on observation of communication, behavior, and developmental levels
Who Makes an ASD Diagnosis Generally, a multidisciplinary diagnostic team, which may include: Neurologist Psychologist Developmental pediatrician Speech Therapist Occupational Therapist
A Few Common Characteristics It is essential to remember that every person on the spectrum is affected by autism in a different way, though certain similarities do exist. Some common characteristics may include: Loud noises and other sensory stimuli may overwhelm the person and cause sensory overload It is common for people with ASD to have seemingly inappropriate reactions to situations, commands and body language. May invade the personal space of others Extreme reactions to changes in routine
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD Speech Body language Body movements Sensory impairments Sense of fear, pain and safety Repetitive behaviors Self injurious behaviors
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD: Common Speech Patterns Many people with ASD will simply repeat words that have been spoken to them (known as echolalia) Many people with ASD will repeat phrases that they have learned in the past (known as scripting) The above should not be confused as comprehension of your words or commands
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD: Speech Many people (approximately 50%) with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are non-verbal People with ASD who are verbal may have limited speech and struggle to express themselves, especially in stressful situations People with Asperger Syndrome may appear to be more verbally sophisticated but still lack comprehension capabilities and social skills
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD: Body Language Appear to be poor listeners Little or no eye contact Flat facial affect (no expression) Difficulty interpreting your body language May have an inappropriate reaction to the situation (laughing when afraid)
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD: Body Movements May have the following: Unusual walking pattern or balance Prone to repetitive actions, including spinning of objects, rocking self back and forth, flapping of hands, and pacing or constant movement Tend to wander without reacting to surroundings
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD: Sensory ImpairmentHypersensitive/Hyposensitive Sights Hearing Smell Touch Taste
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD: Little Sense of… Pain: apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to pain Fear: no fears of real danger Personal safety
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD: Repetitive Behavior Stimming (Stereotypy) Compulsive behavior Sameness-resistance to change Ritualistic behavior-activities the same way each time Restrictive behavior-limited in focus, interest, or activity Self Injury: 30% of children with ASD
How to Recognize Someone with an ASD: Self-Injurious Behaviors Bruising in many areas Pulling hair out Skin injuries, open wounds Biting themselves Picking scabs, scratching Face grinding Teeth grinding A person with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) may engage in self injurious behavior on approach
Autism and Wandering 92% of parents of children with Autism report that their child(ren) are at risk of wandering (National Autism Association – online survey) Elevated death rates among those with autism were in large part attributed to drowning, after they had wandered away (Report by the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders) Dr. Dennis Debbaudt (2002) suggested the following as reasons people with autism wander: curiosity to return to a place of interest obsessive compulsive behavior such as an attraction to certain locations a need for sensory input
How to Best Approach a Person with an ASD Stay alert Clear communication Be calm, simple and literate Sign language or PECS picture cards Don’t try to stop (non-injurious) repetitive behavior Avoid touching or standing behind person
How to Best Approach a Person with an ASD: Expectations Don’t presume a nonverbal child or a child who doesn’t seem to be listening cannot understand. Always explain what you’ll be doing and where they’ll be going Expect the unexpected, stay alert Changes can happen in a second
How to Best Approach a Person with an ASD: Communication Speak simply using a calm voice Give plenty of time for the person to respond to questions. 3-10 second delay is not uncommon Be prepared to repeat your question. Also, try inverting your questions to validate the persons response
How to Best Approach a Person with an ASD: Communication Try to utilize communication cards to communicate, though not all people with ASD are familiar with them
How to Best Approach a Person with an ASD: Communication Provide paper and a pen or a laptop for the best chance of getting the information required from the person Use established communication systems if available
How to Best Approach a Person withan ASD: Be Calm, Simple and Literal Use calm, simple language Be literal and specific Avoid slang words/expressions - “Go fly a kite” “Take a hike” “Break a leg”
How to Best Approach a Person with an ASD: Communication Some non-verbal people with ASD communicate with sign language instead of or in addition to using the PECS picture cards
How to Best Approach a Person with an ASD: Don’t Interfere Never try to stop a repetitive behavior unless it is self-injurious or dangerous to others. Allow the person to finish the behavior because this self-stimulating behavior (“stimming”) can be self-soothing.
How to Best Approach a Person with an ASD: Approach Avoid touching or standing behind the person. Always be aware of the possibility of bolting: people with ASD are very prone to running away.
The Search: Check Attractive Hazards Many Individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorders( ASD )wander; it may even be the call first responders get most often. Start by checking attractive hazards: Water (pools, lakes, rivers, swamps, etc.) Construction sites Drainage areas Train tracks Traffic areas Place of height (trees, high tension towers, roof tops, etc.)
Reactions May not respond to directives because they do not understand what’s being asked of them or because they are scared Fear may paralyze their ability to process language or understand the directive Stressful or upsetting situations overwhelm people with ASD and can adversely affect them…they may struggle with tasks they could normally perform (regression) Whenever possible, avoid touching people with ASD because some, but not all, will become more agitated, and possibly aggressive, when touched Aggression Regression Sensory Overload
Reactions They may fixate on an object in a room or on your body such as a badge, earrings, or parts of an emergency vehicle They may also fixate on your personal protective gear such as a helmet, reflective tape on your turnout coat, rescue tools or weapon Be aware of hypotonia-people with ASD who may have under-developed trunk muscles and may be unable to support their airway when lying flat on their chest Remember that restraint systems used may frighten people with ASD Use of spine boards or handcuffs may be difficult to apply
Bolt Risk People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are often a bolt risk after rescue. A first responder must stay with the person.
Transporting Sensory issues: sirens, lights, radio Maintain a safe distance Parent or caregiver to assist Avoid touching if possible Keep interior lighting low Use toys or an attractive object to keep the person with ASD calm Be calm as the person with ASD may be looking at you for an example Be alert for sudden outbursts
Avoiding Unfortunate Situations Every year, numerous people with ASD suffer psychological trauma, physical injury, or even death as a result of a lack of understanding by law enforcement and public safety agency personnel Be Patient and Be Calm Always realize that there are many people out there with cognitive conditions that can cause them to act unusually or differently Think about the possibility that the person you are encountering may have Autism If not, your actions could have devastating consequences…….
What can happen…… Police Fatally Shoot Unarmed Man in Koreatownjason.song@latimes.com March 21, 2010|By Jason Song Los Angeles Police officers shot and killed a man in Koreatown early Saturday morning after he reached into his waistband for what officers believed was a weapon, authorities said. Steven Eugene Washington, 27, died from a single gunshot wound to the head shortly after midnight. Although no weapon was found, officers said they feared for their lives because Washington did not respond to their commands and appeared to be reaching for his waistband. The officers spoke to Washington, but he approached them and seemed to remove something from his waistband, police said. Officers Corrales and Diego believed "he was arming himself" and fired, Assistant Chief Earl Paysinger said at an afternoon news conference. "The officers made decisions in a fraction of a second," he added. Washington's family said he was autistic and had learning disabilities but enjoyed riding the bus and trains. He was taking classes at a community college and wanted to become a mechanic. He often took the Metro Red Line subway to visit friends and was probably walking to his home a few blocks to the south, his family said.
Alzheimer’s and Related Conditions for the First Responder Alzheimer’s Facts Alzheimer’s Overview Wandering Recognizing Someone with Alzheimer’s Responding to a Wandering Incident Search Tips Communications Tactics
www.alz.org / 800.272.3900
What is Alzheimer’s Disease? Old/Elderly Fact: One in Eight people aged 65 and older have Alzheimer’s Fact: There is a growing group of people who are diagnosed in their 30s, 40s and 50s. Nursing Homes Fact: Over 70% live in the community Confusion/Disorientation Fact: The type of memory loss associated with dementia is not normal aging.
Alzheimer’s destroys nerve cells and shrinks the brain Alzheimer’s is the 7th Leading Cause of Death
Language, Sense of temperature, touch, pain Judgment, reasoning Vision Memory, language, hearing Basic functions, including breathing Movement, balance Which Functions are Impacted?
Prevalence 70% of them live in the community and want to age safely at home Over 5 million people in the U.S. are living with Alzheimer’s disease. In urban settings, 44% of missing persons have Alzheimer’s or related dementia
General Communication Tips Approach from the front Introduce yourself Speak slowly Use simple language Be mindful of body language Minimize distractions
Wandering Approaching Alzheimer’s: Make your FIRST response the RIGHT response www.alz.org / 800.272.3900
Getting Lost vs. Wandering In the early stages , can get lost on a familiar route In later stages, can be aimless Risky at any stage Unpredictable One of the biggest challenges for caregivers
About Wandering 70% of people with dementia wander 2/3 will wander more than once Wandering is considered an emergency If not found within 24 hours 50% of people risk serious injury or death Wandering happens on foot, by car or via other forms of transportation
Nursing Homes Not Immune 25% will wander and become lost 70% of elopement claims involve the death of a resident 45% of elopements occurred within the first 48 hours after admission Each week in the US, at least one nursing home resident will wander off and die
You got the call, now what? Recognize dementia Respond using TALK tactics Take action immediately Search tips
Recognizing a person with dementia Age Facial expression Attire Balance/Gait Actions
Responding to a Wandering Incident Take action immediately A missing person with Alzheimer’s disease is always an emergency A pre-determined waiting period could be the difference between life and death Call 911 Initiate search Immediate area and familiar places Dominant hand Former residences or workplace Local chapter for family support & follow up
TALK Tactics Take it slow Ask simple questions Limit reality checks Keep eye contact
Search Tips Immediate area Prior residences or workplaces Short distance from the road Smart not loud Pinball Effect Dominant hand theory Consider wandering by vehicle Alert MedicAlert + Safe Return
Urban Search—Dementia Profile They will go until they get ‘stuck’ or stopped. Attracted to water features Typically found in structures (yards) or walking along roads. Will not leave verifiable clues Will not cry out for ‘help’ or respond to shouts
Make a Difference Alzheimer's is a progressive, fatal brain disease. Be aware of behaviors Search everywhere Search immediately Be prepared for catastrophic reactions Approach slowly, speak calmly, treat the person with respect—TALK Tactics
Program Management System Overview
Key Terms Client: Individual at risk of wandering: person who will be wearing the Personal Locator Bracelet. Caregiver: Individualprimarily responsible for the care of the client. Often there are multiple caregivers (i.e. two parents). Caregivers will be responsible for the daily testing of the Personal Locator Bracelet along with the other caregiver responsibilities: Ensure 24/7 care Call immediately if the client is missing or wanders Ensure client is available for monthly battery and strap changes at designated location
Key Terms Public Safety Agency: A public safety or law enforcement agency primarily responsible for conducting search and rescue for clients that have been reported missing. Examples of Public Safety agencies include: Police department, Fire department, Sheriff’s Office, Search & Rescue team, EMS team, etc. Client Management Provider (CMP): An organization or group that performs the role of client management for the LoJack SafetyNet Program in a given area. This organization may be responsible for a variety of roles, including client outreach and education, client enrollment visits, monthly battery and strap changes. This organization is responsible for ensuring accurate client information and timely updates to client information inthe LoJack SafetyNet Portal.
Key Terms Personal Locator Bracelet (PLB): The Radio-Frequency device worn by the client either on the wrist or ankle. Each Personal Locator Bracelet contains a unique frequency and ID assigned to the client and maintained in the LoJack SafetyNet Portal. The Personal Locator Bracelet requires a battery change every 30 days – referred to as a battery & strap change visit. Program Representative: A member of a Client Management Provider, any individual that has contact with clients. All Program Representatives should be trained on the appropriate procedures relating to enrollment visits, battery & strap change visits, client management paperwork and the LoJack SafetyNet Portal. This individual serves as the face of the LoJack SafetyNet System for clients and caregivers.
Key Terms SAR: Search and Rescue LoJack SafetyNet Portal: Secure online database of client information including a physical description and photo of client, unique transmitter ID and frequency information, address, demographic information, wandering history, caregiver contact information. Other detailsthat may be useful for a Public Safety Agency during a search mission, like key geographic concerns nearby, trigger words to avoid, or additional medical conditions, are also noted for each client.
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview The LoJack SafetyNet Portal can be accessed via www.lojacksafetynet.com/agency Each Program Representative will have a unique email address login and password, which should be entered on the login page
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview 1 Adding a User From the Home Page, click “Deputies” or “Officers” This will display any/all users of the system
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview 2 Adding a User Click “Add Deputy” or “Add Officer”
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview Adding a User Enter the User’s email address. This will be their login, and should be a valid email address so that they can receive system emails. Create a temporary password for the user Enter the user’s name If the user does not have a Badge Number or Employee ID, please enter “000” Enter the appropriate contact information
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview 8. Enter the appropriate dates for training certifications 9. Choose the user’s authority level Admin: Can add or remove users, and can edit Agency information User: Can edit their user profile, and can add or edit client information Read Only: User can view information, but cannot edit 10. Click Add
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview Accessing a Client’s Record From the Home Page, click “Clients” This will display any Clients in an “Active” or “Waiting Approval” status 1
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview Accessing a Client’s Record Click on the Client’s Name to enter that Client’s record 1 2
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview Demographic information about the Client – fill out any missing pieces of information Any Medical or other key notes about the Client - include anything that would be useful for a search that is not covered in other parts of the page Address information about the Client Photo of the Client - upload a recent photo and update yearly for child or every 2 years for older adult Basic Agency information about the Client - Which agency does search and rescue and which does client management 5 1 4 2 3
LoJack SafetyNet Portal Overview PLB and Caregiver Info : Client’s Specific Transmitter Information Officers assigned to the Client Up to 3 additional Caregivers and their contact information 6 7 8
LoJack SafetyNet Support LoJack SafetyNet Customer Service is available 24/7 for Clients Caregivers Public Safety Agencies Client Management Providers
LoJack SafetyNet Electronic Search And Rescue Equipment
Basic Equipment Basic pieces of equipment that you will be dealing with: Personal Locator Bracelet Receiver Antenna (Battery and Transmitter)
Personal Locator Bracelet (PLB) Personal Locator Bracelet is a transmitter whose output is a mere 10 milliwatts of power Compare to: Walkie talkies – 5 watts Mobile radio - 100 – 150 watts The PLB has a one mile range (bench tested) There are two types of Personal Locator Bracelets
Personal Locator Bracelets (PLB) Lexan PLB (transmitter) Disc PLB (transmitter) Identification Number Frequency Frequency Identification Number
Personal Locator Bracelet Batteries Panasonic Battery (used in the Lexan PLBs) 3 volt lithium-Ion battery Tadiran Battery (used in Disc PLBs) 3.6 volt lithium-Ion battery Both Batteries LoJack SafetyNet requires that the battery is changed every 30 days Both batteries begin to decline after 35 days Operational life span is 45 days Not to be stored touching each other
Personal Locator Bracelet Tester The PLB tester is used to verify that the PLB battery is operational and that the transmitter is transmitting a signal It is used each day by the client’s caregiver It is also included in the equipment provided topublic safety agencies The tester is held next to the PLB and a red light will blink indicating that the PLB is functioning properly
Important Tracking range of the Personal Locator Bracelet with the handheld Yagiantenna on the ground is approximately 1 mile and from the air (helicopter) it is approximately 5-7 miles Tracking range of the Personal Locator Bracelet with the Omni directional antenna (on vehicle) has a range of approximately ¼ mile in each direction
Important Frequency Numbers - Personal Locator Bracelets with the same Frequency number are generally assigned at least 10 air miles apart due to the fact that tracking range from the air can be up to seven miles Personal Identifier Codes Each Personal Locator Bracelet is assigned a specific frequency number along with a specific Personal Identifier Code In the event that two Personal Locator Bracelets with the same frequency number were distributed in the same general area, one could be distinguished from the other by use of the Personal Identifier Code
LSI-G2 LoJack SafetyNet Receiver Display Screen Control Buttons
Control Buttons Frequency Buttons Gain Control Buttons Volume Buttons On / Off Button
Indicators Frequency Indicator Signal Strength Value Signal Strength Indicator Volume Indicator Battery Voltage Indicator Gain Indicator
The Receiver - Setting the Frequency To change the frequency, press yellow arrows located directly below “Freq” on the display screen. = increase = decrease
The Receiver – Frequency Atmospheric conditions can cause a frequency to drift 1 – 3 KHz (max 3 up or 3 down) When placing transmitters always separate by .004 You may have to scroll up and down to get the best signal Always listen for a “Chirp” being emitted every second from the transmitter
Signal Deviation .714 Signals can deviate Remember deviation can be 1 – 3 KHz (1-3 up or 1 -3 down) So increase the frequency KHz or decrease the frequency KHz Always look for the strongest signal .711 .708
Fine Tuning The Signal To change the frequency, simply press the yellow arrows located under “freq” = increase = decrease Adjust until the proper “chirp” sound is achieved. Communicate to others in the search the new frequency as needed.
The Receiver - Volume Button To change volume press yellow arrows that are directly below “vol” on the display. = increase = decrease
The Receiver - Gain Button To change the gain, press yellow arrows that are directly below “Gain” on the display screen. = increase = decrease
The Receiver – Battery Power Level Power level is displayed on the screen to determine if the battery power is at the proper level. If it gets below 6.2 volts the Receiver needs to be recharged The lowest level the internal lithium batteries can reach is 6.1 Volts (LOW will be displayed on the screen) At 6.0 volts, the unit will shut down
The Signal Strength Display The signal strength will fluctuate with the reception of a signal from a PLB. The stronger the signal the greater the number displayed on the screen.
Speaker The speaker of the tracker, located in the front of the unit, emits a chirp that the transmitter is broadcasting, approximately once a second. LSI-G2 Speaker Location
The Receiver – Antenna Connection The BNC connector of both antennas connects to the antenna connection on the top of the tracker
The Receiver - Headphone Jack The plug from any standard 1/8” headset fits into the headset receiving port located on the side of the LSI-G2.
Tracker Power Supplies The LSI G-2 utilizes DC power from a lighter in a vehicle or an AC power supply. Both power cables plug directly into the unit in the back of the unit. NOTE: The tracker should be charged at all times as a dead tracker is just that. Tracker can be on constant charge but at minimum should be charged at least every 2 weeks.
The LSI-G2 Receiver-A.C. Charger When the internal lithium-ion batteries need charging, plug in the AC or DC cord supplied in the location shown. Remember to plug into the unit first and then into the power source.
Antennas Two Types of Antennas utilized with the Receiver: 1. Yagi Antenna Hand held antenna Coax cable connects antenna to receiver Cable can connect from either end When the antenna is pointed in the direction of the PLB, you will receive the best signal being transmitted ¾ to 1 mile range 2. Omni-Directional Antenna Mounts on top of a vehicle and will allow the operator to cover more ground Antenna will pick up 360 degrees and will get you in the vicinity of the PLB The Omni-directional’s range is ¼ mile radius
Antennas The Yagi antenna connects to the tracker with a coaxial cable. The BNC connection is located on the top of the tracker and in the middle of the hand held yagi antenna. Either end of the cable can be used to make the connection. The Omni antenna connects to the tracker with a coaxial cable. The BNC connection is located on the top of the tracker. The BNC end of the cable can be used to make the connection.
Positioning of the Omni-Directional Antenna Omni-Directional Antenna Mount this antenna 12 – 18 inches from the light bar When mounted on top of the vehicle’s roof, the Omni will give you ¼ mile in each direction ¼ mile radius 6 1 2 5
Ground Searches Two Questions to Always Ask! Where was the person last seen? 2) How long ago? This will give you an idea of how much area you may have to cover. Note: At the time a LoJack SafetyNet trained officer is dispatched, the Radio Frequency shall be entered into the receiver and tracking should begin while responding to the point last scene.
Search Techniques X X X X BUILDING The searcher, having previously set the frequency, will then go to each corner of the building searching for a signal. The searcher will do a 360 ̊ turn and increase or decrease the frequency until they locate the signal.
Additional Available Units X X X X Select an Officer in Charge (OIC). Each unit can do an individual 360 ̊ on their corner. If you get a signal, notify the OIC and move out. The OIC needs to keep the units from bunching up. Spreading out will allow the searchers to triangulate on the signal. Advantages of Additional Units Save searching time Cover more ground Will allow you to triangulate on the signal
360 ̊ Out Search If no signal has been located, pick a corner of the building and do the 360 ̊ out search. Intervals should be approx ¼ mile apart.
Utilizing Multiple Units 3rd unit Positioning can be determined by past history of the person. If they wandered before, where did they go? A lot of times they go in the same direction. 1st unit 4th unit 2nd unit
Triangulation When searching for a PLB with more than one receiver, you can use the Triangulation Search. What is triangulation? Triangulation is a way of determining something's location using the locations of other things. RECEIVER # 1 RECEIVER # 3 RECEIVER # 2
Things to Remember Keep in contact with the OIC who is in charge of the search If you get a signal, stop and tell the OIC the direction of the signal Use landmarks, not North, South, East, or West Let the OIC instruct you what to do next Let the OIC know the strength of the signal (weak or strong)
Mobile Searches Advantages: Vehicles reduce the amount of walking Cover more ground quicker Decreases the response time when responding to a search Mobile Search Procedures: Always power up the unit and dial in the frequency when responding to a search First unit on the scene becomes the OIC until a ranking officer arrives OIC positions units as they arrive in the area and has them do a 360 ̊ out until they get a signal
Omni-Directional AntennaSearching Procedures 1st Unit Receives a Signal STOP MOVING IMMEDIATELY! Do not go on foot with the Yagi antenna because you could lose the signal If you sit still and the signal gets weaker or stronger, consider that the subject is moving 2nd Unit arrives and starts receiving a signal At that point they give their location to the OIC Both units can go on foot with the Yagi antenna to determine direction of the signal Once the direction is determined, both units keep each other and the OIC updated on the data received 3rd Unit arrives in the area The OIC should send them further out to establish a perimeter because the person may be moving This procedure allows for containment
Bounce What is Bounce? Bounce is the deflection of a signal off something Examples: a building or a semi-tractor-trailer Always keep in mind to follow the strong signal If it is a deflection, you will eventually pick up the main signal Remember signals take the path of least resistance!! What Sound to Listen For? “Chirp" When you are searching for someone, always listen for a strong chirping signal
Signals vs. No Signals If you have a good enough signal, begin using the Yagi antenna to track If you have not received a signal after 30 minutes of searching, begin planning for a traditional search After 60 minutes of not receiving a signal, begin a traditional search Remember- The LoJack SafetyNet Electronic Search and Rescue Program is just another tool to help save the lives of people at risk of wandering and becoming lost. There are no guarantees!
The Public Safety Agency/LoJackPartnership LoJack SafetyNet is here to support all agencies enrolled in the program There is a 24x7 emergency call center available to respond to any of your needs 1-877-4-FINDTHEM (1-877-434-6384) The LoJack SafetyNet Law Enforcement Division is also available for assistance Scott Martin – LoJack SafetyNet Law Enforcement Director (860) 262-1037 or smartin@lojack.com LoJack SafetyNet highly encourages all agencies enrolled in the program to share success stories (e.g. rescues) soon after they happen with LoJack SafetyNet’s Corporate Communications staff Jeremy Warnick – Corporate Communications Manager – LoJack SafetyNet (781) 251-4251 or jwarnick@lojack.com Paul McMahon – Vice President, Corporate Communications – LoJack Corp. (781) 251-4130 or pmcmahon@lojack.com
Electronic Search and RescueSystem for People at Risk Public Safety Agency Training Program