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ORAL REVIEW TOPFLEX6. . Talk about changes in your life . What were you going to do but you didn’t ? Why did you change ? . Tell me about your beliefs and plans you had about your future when you were younger . ( TIPS:Use structures “I was going to + infinitive ”;
. Talkaboutchanges in yourlife.Whatwereyougoing to do butyoudidn’t?Whydidyouchange? . Tell me aboutyourbeliefsandplansyouhadaboutyour future whenyouwereyounger. (TIPS:Use structures “I wasgoing to + infinitive”; “I thought/believed I would + infinitive”)
.Whatregrets do youhave in yourlife? Thinkaboutyourjob,yourstudies, yourmarriage,a trip..What do youwishyouhaddonelastyear?.What do youwishyouhaddoneyesterday?.What do youwishyouhaddonewhenyouweresingle? TIPS-Usethestructures to talkaboutregrets: “ “I wish I had + pastparticiple”; “I shouldhave + pastparticiple”; “I ought to have + pastparticiple”
Speculateonthereasons for thefollowingsituations:1) Ourteacherdidn’t show up for classtoday.2) Mary didwellonthe test.3) John arrivedat work anhour late yesterday.4) Sarah gotveryangryyesterdayafterherboyfriendleftherhouse. Tips- Use modals in thepast to speculate: “subject+ might + have + pastparticiple” “subject+may+have+pastpartciple” “subject+must+have+pastparticiple” “subject+can’t +have+pastparticiple”
What are yourskillsandtalents?Whatkindsofqualification do thesepeopleneed: a painter, a teacher, sportspeople,a manager, a doctor, a craftsperson, a scientist, a social assistant; a singer? TIPS:Considerthefollowingqualification:good memory, artisticability, mathematicalabilty, logicalthinking, compassion,manual dexterity,commonsense; athleticability, leadershipskills.
What’syourfavoriteholiday? How is it celebrated in Brazil? • How do peopleusually celebrateholidays? • Whattypesofholidays do youknow? Canyougive na exampleofeachone? TIPS-Considerthefollowingvocabulary: set off fireworks; march in parades; pray; sendcards; giveeachothergifts; wisheachotherwell; rememberthedead; wear costumes;seasonal;historical;religious;takeplace;dance in thestreets;militaryparades;maketraditionalfood;have a parade;eatallkindsoffood;havepicnics
. Tell me aboutyourweddingtraditions in your country . Are youmarried? Howdidyoucelebrateyourwedding? TIPS-Considerthefollowingvocabulary: getengaged; engagement; wedding; reception; Honeymoon;bride;groom;newlyweds;cutthecakeattheweddingreception; Thebridethrowsherbouquetaftertheweddingceremony; the groom carriesthebride “acrossthethreshold”;bestman;bridesmaid;gown;vows Priest;veil
Are youagainstor in favor ofthefollowingcontroversialissues?Why? • Discrimination • Deathpenalty • Racism • Capital punishment • Censorship • Compulsorymilitaryservice • Corruption • Are you more liberal, conservativeormoderateregarding social andpoliticalbeliefs? Tips-Considerthefollowingexpressions: I’magainst_________because; I’m in favor of______because; Expressionsofagreement-I agreewithyouonthat; I couldn’tagree more; Tha’texactlywhat I think Expressionsofdisagreement:Really? I have to disagreewithyouthere; Do youthinkso? I’mnotsure I agree; Well,I’mafraid I don’tagree;
What do youallowpeople to saywhenyoudiscusspolemicissues? Whatdidyourparentstellyou to do whenyouwere a kid? What does yourEnglishteacherencourageyou to do everyclass? What do youplan to do nextyear? What is somethingyoucan’tafford to buy? Whatdidyourefuse to do whenyouwereyounger? TIPS-rememberthatcertainverbs are followedbyaninfinitivesuch as plan, can’tafford; Refuse, etc. Otherverbsneedanobjectbeforetheinfinitivesuch as allow, tell, encourage, Invite, warn, etc. Theanswersshouldcontainthecorrectformoftheverbs.
What are themostseriousproblems in the world? Canyouthinkofanysolutions? TIPS- -Vocabulary for theproblemsyoucan use: global warming, war, corruption, racism, discrimination, terrorism, poverty, starvation, lackoffood, I’m in favor of----, I’magainst_____, Vocabulary for thesolutions: reducehungerandpoverty, help poor countries grow, raisemoney for thepoor, teachthepoorhow to utilize theirland, changeforeignpolicy, reducepoverty, promotepeace, avoidwar, teachchildren to respectothers, teachdemocraticvalues, governmentcouldspendlessmoneyonwars, savewaterconsumption
Thinkaboutsomethingthat is dangerous. Describepossiblerisks. Whatplace is toosteep for you to climb? Too slipperyfor you to walkon? toofoggy for you to drive? TIPS: -Use thestructures “too + adjective + to + infinitive” or “ too +adjective+for +person +to+infinitive” -Vocabularyyoucan use:foggy, sleepery, steep, dangerous, rocky, quite dangerous, It canbereallyrocky, it canbeextremelysteep, it canbereallyfoggy, it canbeprettydark