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KIC(k) the Baltic baltkic.eu. baltkic.eu. Project Support Facility Council of the Baltic Sea States Powerpoint presentation is accompanying by set of documents. What BaltKIC is?.
KIC(k) the Balticbaltkic.eu baltkic.eu Project Support Facility Council of the Baltic Sea States Powerpoint presentation is accompanying by set of documents
What BaltKIC is? • the macro- regional initiative composed of University of Szczecin (PL) as a lead partner, West Pomerania Region (PL), Northern Chambers of Commerce (PL), BIRTI platform (LV), Helsinki- Uusimaa Region (FIN), Business Kolding (DK), Aalborg University Copenhagen (DK) and Baltic Development Forum (DK), St. Petersburg World International Forum Foundation (RUS) and VTT (FIN) all to be confirmed • BSR interlinked, organizational innovation consortium driven by concept of pan-Baltic helix model as a knowledge free flow in and between pan-Baltic organizations of politics (both national and subregional authorities), business, academe, civil society and finance for BSR trans-national innovation (slide 8)
Focused on attempt to reflect an integration knowledge triangle model within Baltic innovation space (BSR IKT model; slide 17 + accompanying documents) • Dedicated to multi-level governance of innovation in BSR • Designed as a peer learning organization that utilizes its collective intelligence to stimulate an emergence of the BSR innovation partnerships in response to forthcoming challenges called by European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – 2018 KICs themes • Based of findings of BSR Innovation Monitor 2012 FORA
Mission • To exploit a synergy between European Union Strategy towards Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) and European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) within Innovation Union as a flagship initiative of Europe 2020 [slide 6] • To interlink the BSR ecosystem of innovation by involvement of pan-Baltic organizations and networks, EUSBSR flagships, BSR clusters and civil society as an end-user of innovation around goal-oriented target* • To contribute to the process of establishing the Baltic Sea Region Innovation Strategy – BSRIS (EUSBSR Priority Area Innovation) within the framework of multi-level governance (EUSBSR Horizontal Action Involve) understood as involvement of pan-Baltic organizations of regions, business, academe and civil society (also BSSSC) into the process of development and implementation of EUSBSR [slide 7] in area of innovation and enterpreneurship
4) To focus on exploiting the BSR critical mass to inrease innovation capacity for *emergence of pan- Baltic partnerships in line with themes of future 2018 Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) at EIT that will be capable to set up at least one Co-location Centre (CLC) (possibly two CLCs) per 2018 KICs in BSR 5) To closely co-operate with Baltic Development Forum on emergence of pan-Baltic innovation partnerships seen as a magnet to encourage Foreign Direct Investments to BSR in line with ONE BSR subproject BSR IPA 6) To set up BaltKIC Focus Point in perpsective of 2015-2018 that will act as a knowledge broker/innovation intermediary between EUSBSR actors and EIT Outreach initiative that is to be established in 2014 [slide 6 and 19]
Between the Strategies Europe 2020 BaltKIC EUSBSR Innovation Union flagship Horizontal Action Involve Priority Area Innovation European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Pan-Baltic Organizations and Networks(CBSS, BSSSC, BUP, BCCA, BNGON) Focus Point EIT Outreach 2018 EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) EUSBSR flagships with reference to 2018 KICs Colocation Centres (CLC) Nodes
BaltKIC within EUSBSR Baltic Inno Fund ST Parks BSR clusters PA Innovation Baltic Innovation Space BSR3S BCCA& BBA/BDF BSRIS EUSBSR flagships of 2018KICs reference BUP Civil society/ BNGON BALTKIC PA Flagships EIT 2018 KICs Involve pan-BSR organizations HA Involve HA Flagships
Baltic Helix model (lock-in situation) U2 BUP BCCA I2 G(r) 2 I1 U1 U3 I3 G(r)3 G/(r)1 Lock-in escape, Collaboration through networks Lock-in BSSSC Collaborative Network of pan-Baltic organizations I(dustry), U(niversity), G(ovt) BNGON
EIT factsheet • EIT established in 2008 within the framework of Innovation Union flagship/Europe 2020 • Operates throughout Knowledge and Innovation Communities as an international partnerships consortia (3 independent partners organizations from 3 different EU states; at least one university and one private company); long term investments (7-15 years) • 12 KICs from 2009-2018 (slide 11); cross-sectoral, co-operative model of network [slide 12] • 5-6 Collocation Centres per each of KICs (slide 10) • Integrated knowledge triangle as a catalyst of collaboration between business, high education and research and technology (+ emphasize on regions and social dimension); [slide 10]
Integrated knowledge triangle (IKT) Source: EIT documents
2009 KICs map BSR Source: EIT documents
EIT KICs network model (2009-2018) ICT Climate Inno Energy • 2009 • 2014 • 2018 Healthy live& Active ageing Food 4 future Raw Materials Smart & Secure Society (S) Add Value Manufactoring (A) Urban Mobility (U)
Structure of KICsCollocation Centres (CLC) KIC- [Knowledge and Innovation Community] CLC 1-5 – [Collocation Centres] CLC B- [Baltic- located Collocation Centre] Nodes- CLCs partners (eg. Universities, Science and Technology Parks, clusters etc.) BaltKIC- assistant of CLC B and its nodes on EUSBSR aspects (a possible role after 2018(?))
What BaltKIC can be soon (2013-2014)? Support initiative/project to the process of establishing the Baltic Sea Region Innovation Strategy (led by BSR Stars) by: • provision of knowledge to BSR Stars on EIT/KICs ongoing development (EIT presence in EU inno ecosystem shall be taken into account when establishing BSRIS) • collaboration with BSR Stars on development of BSR smart specialization strategies- ,,Malmoe process” (f.i by exploring possible thematic match-make of sustainable cities as one of proposed BSR 3S’s and 2018 KIC urban mobility) • EUSBSR ,,ambassador project” to EIT- inflow/outflow of information in both ways
What BaltKIC intends to be (2015-2018)? New EUSBSR flagship within Priority Area Innovation (PAI) that: • Stream of the knowledge into Baltic Innovation Spaces (defined as a thematic reflection of 2018 KIC themes) on best solutions to construct the Baltic CLCs (slide 17) • Tool to reach an advantage over other EU KICs driven consortia by exploiting the full potential of the EUSBSR flagships and involvement of pan-Baltic organizations and networks around goal-oriented focus
3. proffesional knowledge intensive service (P-KIS) provider to other EUSBSR priority areas (flagships) on KICs know-how (including organizational structure, financial mechanism, IPR and business strategies) e.g PA Secure vs 2018 KIC Smart secure societies, PA SME vs 2018 KIC Add value manufacturing etc 4. contributes to meet specified EUSBSR Action Plan target of PAI to increase the numebr of international partnerships by 150% in 2020 (by stimulation of building BSR 2018 KIC oriented partnerships and alliances)- Baltic located Collocation Centres and nodes
Example of Baltic (EUSBSR) Innovation Spaceon Smart secure society (KIC) Thematic relevance Universal- BSR IKT model HA Neighbours PA Education PA Secure BaltKIC PA Innovation PA Crime PA SME Emergence of BSR consortia out of knowledge circle
Who can be part of BALTKIC? • BALTKIC is designed to be composed of Direct Stakeholders (project partners with financial responsibilities) and Indirect Stakeholders that are networked within the BCCA, BBA/BDF, BUP, Baltic NGO Network and BSSSC etc (BALTKIC summary accompanying this presentation explains the above definition in details) • Network strongly invites other organizations/networks that are innovation-driven e.g industrial clusters, research and innovation intensive clusters, consultancy firms, centres for excellence, international financial institutions and social organizations to get involved
BaltKIC Focus Point (2015-2018) Board of the Consortium (BoC) LEAD PARTNER (LP) Project Leader (PL) BALTKIC Focus Point SSSTC (S1) UMTC (U1) AVMTC(A1) EUSBSR flagships (S2) EUSBSR flagships (U2) EUSBSR flagships (A2) BSR Innovation Space (S3) BSR Innovation Space (U3) BSR Innovation Space (A3) EUSBSR Innovation flagships (IF)- BSR Fund, BSR Stars, Baltic Ring etc Baltic triple helix networks: BUP, BCCA, BNGON (N) Pan- Baltic organizations: BSSSC, CBSS, BaltMet etc
Project budget • Phase 1: 05. 2013- 12.2013; 8.000 EUR • Phase 2: winter/spring 2014- winter/spring 2015 (SMF/PSF; 85-90% co-finance)- 49,348 EUR • Phase 3: spring/summer 2015- sumer 2018 (BSR Program; 85% co-finance)- 1,100,000 EUR[slide 21]
BaltKIC financial scheme 2013 Financial Advantage Identyfing and match- making partners for BaltKIC Building trust and exploring possibilities of BaltKIC 2014 Ensuring finance from project partners BALTKIC 2014/automn Application KIC’s oriented BSR Consortia stimulation 2018
Project intellectual property Kazik Anhalt BaltKIC Consortium Director Mob: +48 692 218 363 E-mail: kazik.anhalt@wzieu.pl kazik_anhalt@yahoo.com