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X-ray and g -ray study of large scale acceleration site in universe. Naoki Isobe (ISAS/JAXA). Plan of this talk. Acceleration sites in Universe. Jets in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) Blazars : central part of jets Radio galaxies and lobes.
X-ray and g-ray study of large scale acceleration site in universe Naoki Isobe (ISAS/JAXA) Seminar at SLAC
Plan of this talk • Acceleration sites in Universe. • Jets in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) • Blazars : central part of jets • Radio galaxies and lobes. • X-ray stufy of Energetics in lobes of radio galaxies : My work energy densities of electrons and magnetic fields • Detectors to study acceleration sites: ASTRO-E HXD, MAXI GSC : My work GLAST, etc. • What GLAST can do • Acceleration in lobes and diffuse objects • Searching protons in jets • Spectral evolution of blazars Seminar at SLAC
Hillas plot (Hillas et al. 1984) Lobes AGNs Log (magnetic field [G]) Jets Log (size [km]) Acceleration sites in Universe Proton 1020 eV Proton 1015 eV Seminar at SLAC
Young Stellar Object Neutron Star Black Hole Central Sources Wight Dwarf AGN pc – Mpc 0.1 – 1 pc 10-4 – 100 pc 10-4 – 100 pc Size 10 – 150 km/s ~ 5000km/s 0.2 – 0 .9 c ~ c Bulk Velocity ~ 10 ° ~ 1 ° ~ 1 ° ~ 1 ° Collimation ~ 104 yr ~ 103 yr ~ 103yr ~ 106 yr Age Blazars Radio Galaxies Micro quasars Example Jets – accelerator in universe - • Highly collimated flow of plasma with relativistic velocities. • Ejecting from various kinds of objects. • Observational results and theoretical studies show that particles are accelerated to relativistic energy in jets. Jets seen in radio band Galaxy center 300 kpc 10 kpc Seminar at SLAC (NGC 6251 Bridle & Perley 1984)
Unified view of AGNs Narrow line region Broad line region Accretion disk Molecular Torus Seyfert 2 Galaxies Central black hole (106-109 MO) Radio Galaxies Seyfert 1 Galaxies Blazars (BL Lac) Radio Quiet AGNs AGNs without jets Radio Laud AGNs AGNs with jets 10 % 90 % Seminar at SLAC
day Synchrotron IC X-ray (ASCA) g-ray (EGRET) TeV g-ray Radio Opt. Blazars - a class of AGN Mrk 421 (Takahashi et al. 2000 ) • A class of AGNs. The jet points almost toward our line of sight. • Emission from base of jet is strongly enhanced, because of relativistic beaming. • Rapid variability in various energy band. • Two pronounced non-thermal component; synchrotron and Inverse Compton (IC) component. • Seed photons of IC component SSC : synchrotron photons ERC : external photons TeV g Hard X X-ray UV Seminar at SLAC
Radio X-ray optical GeV g TeV g QHB (PKS0528-134) QHB (PKS0528-134) ERC SSC LBL (Q0716+714) LBL (Q0716+714) HBL (Mrk421) Synchrotron IC Unified View of Blazars Luminosity : QHB > LBL > HBL Peak frequency : QHB < LBL < HBL Seminar at SLAC
a few 100 kpc Jet Lobe Hot Spot (terminal shock) Nucleus Radio Galaxies- The jets has a large angle to our line of sight - Cygnus A 1.4 GHz (Perley et al. 1984) Seminar at SLAC
FR I and FR II radio galaxies FR I : Hydra A (Taylor et al. 1990) FR II : Cygnus A (Perlay et al.) Bright spots : in the middle of source at the end of source Luminosity : low high Blazar counterpart : HBL QHB Seminar at SLAC
Nucleus 2 kpc X-ray views of jets in radio galaxies Jet of M 87 ( Marshall et al. 2002 ) Hot Spot of Cygnus A (Wilson et al. 2000) Radio X-ray Optical (HST) Radio X-ray (Chandra) X-ray Optical Contour : X-ray (Chandra) Gray : Radio Spectrum The radio and X-ray Spectrum SSC model B~ 150 mG Seminar at SLAC
Ue ∝ FX Um ∝ FR / FX Cosmic Microwave background (CMB) (e.g. Harris and Grindlay 1979) Energetics in radio lobes : My Work • Lobes : - storage of electrons and magnetic fields, carried by jets - sufficient size for cosmic-ray acceleration. ( protons : 5 x 1019 eV, e.g. Norman et al. 1995) • Enegetics : fundamental parameters - energy density of electrons ue magnetic fields um • Method : - Synchrotron radio energy flux FR ∝ ueum spectral index aR - IC X-ray flux FX ∝ ueuseed spectral index aX = aR Seminar at SLAC
IC X-rays from lobes Faint Diffuse Hard spectrum • Fornax A 20 arcmin 10 arcmin ue~um (Kaneda et al. 1995) • Centaurus B Contour : Radio Color : X-ray Contour : Radio Color : X-ray ue~6um (Kaneda et al. 1995) (Tashiro et al. 1998) Discovery with ASCA ASCA • Low background • Wide energy range 0.7 – 10 keV Difficult to detect Seminar at SLAC
Progress with Chandra : My work Chandra X-ray telescope • Excellent angular resolution ~ 0.5 arcsec • Energy range 0.3 – 7 keV Small lobes CCD • 3C 427.1 (Isobe et al. in prep.) • 3C 452 (Isobe et al. 2002) 10 arcsec = 50 kpc 1 arcmin = 80 kpc Radio contour X-ray color Seminar at SLAC
Progress with Newton : My work XMM-Newton • 3C 98 • (Isobe et al. submitted to ApJ) 2 arcmin = 70 kpc • Large effective area • Good angular resolution • Wide energy band Radio contour X-ray color Faint lobes Seminar at SLAC
aSR = aX Spectrum of the lobes : My Work IC X-Ray Radio Synchrotron Seminar at SLAC
Properties of “IC X-ray lobes” : My Work. Size of the lobes Redshift z = 0.006 - 0.7 80 - 1000 kpc Energy index • IC X-ray emission have been detected from about 15 lobes of radio galaxies. (including some published results by others; Brunetti et al. 2001, 2002, 2003, Croston et al. 2004) a = 0.6 – 1.1 Seminar at SLAC
100 mG ue / um = 1 10 mG ue / um =100 Magnetic energy densityUm[erg cm-3] 1 mG Electron energy densityue [erg cm-3] What we have learned : ueand um in Lobes 5 orders ue~ 10 um Seminar at SLAC
Energetics associated with jets Hot Spot B= 50 – 300 mG ue / um~ 1 (e.g Hardcastle et al. 2004, Kataoka et al. 2004) Equipartition Blazars (near jet base) Lobe ; My Work B= 0.1 – 1 G ue / um~ 10 (e.g Inoue and Takahara 1996, Kubo 1998) B= 1 – 100 mG ue / um~ 10 Electron dominant Electron dominant Seminar at SLAC
Summary of my work.- Energetics in radio lobes - • Detection of IC X-ray emission from lobes of about 10 radio galaxies. • Evaluation of electron and magnetic energy densities in these lobes. ue = 10-13~-9 erg/cm3, um = 10 -15~-10 erg/cm3 • Significant electron dominance in these lobes. ue~ 10 um Seminar at SLAC
Detectors to study acceleration sites • keV X-ray to MeV g-ray Chandra, Newton, Integral, Swift, etc., in operation. ASTRO-E II : Satellite mission, Launch this summer - X-ray telescope + hard X-ray detector - high spectral resolution and wide energy range (0.1 – 600 keV) MAXI : mission on International Space Station, Launch in 2008 - Gas Counter + CCD - 0.5 – 30 keV, daily all sky survey with high sensitivity, • GeV g-ray GLAST : Satellite mission, Launch in 2007 - e+e- tracker with Si detector - 20 MeV – 300 GeV, wide field of view, - daily all sky survey with high sensitivity • TeV g-ray Cangaroo,HESS, Veritus, etc. - Stereoscopic Cherenkov Telescope, in operation Seminar at SLAC
Isobe HXD Prof. Kamae (1) ASTRO-E HXD ASTRO-E and Isobe • The 5th Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite. Its launch was failed. ⇒ ASTRO-E II ( This summer ) • 3 kinds of detectors XRS : High energy resolution XIS : Moderate imaging capability HXD : Sensitivity to hard X-rays (1999 Nov. 15th) HXD Team (1999 June) Seminar at SLAC
PIN GSO Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) • Well-Type Phoswich Counter (GSO/BGO) + Si PIN diode • Energy Range PIN : 10 – 60 keV GSO : 40 – 600 keV • Field of View PIN : 30 arcmin GSO : 4 degree • Low Background • High Sensitivity Seminar at SLAC
MAXI on ISS SSC GSC FoV of MAXI Monitor of All Sky X-ray Image (MAXI) • All sky X-ray monitor on the Japanese Experimental Module of International Space Station (ISS) • Launch in 2008 • Two X-ray detectors GSC : Gas proportional counter 2 – 10 keV SSC : CCD 0.5 – 10 keV • Scan almost all over the sky in 90 minutes. • Real time announce of new transient X-ray source flares of known sources. H : 80 cm W: 80 cm L : 185 cm Seminar at SLAC
358 cm 236 cm Gas Slit Camera (GSC) GSC unit • Detector : Proportional counter (1-d position sensitive) Anode : Carbon fiber (10 mm) Gas : Xe + Co2(1%) at 1.4 atm • Detector Area : 5350 cm2(6 units = 12 counters) • Energy Range : 2 – 30 keV • Field of View : 1.5 x 160 deg2 • Energy Resolution : 15 % at Fe Ka • Position Resolution : 1 mm (3 arcmin) A4 paper size Seminar at SLAC
Within our Galaxy Extra-galactic sources + AGN o Cluster of galaxies RXTE ASM Brightness (mCrab) orbit day week MAXI Distance (light year) Sensitivity of MAXI GSC Seminar at SLAC
Simulation of MAXI observation Seminar at SLAC
g-ray LAT Anti Coincidence Detector Si-Strip Tracker e- e+ CsI Calorimeter GLAST LAT Large Area Telescope (LAT) GLAST Seminar at SLAC
1 arcmin EGRET 3mCrab 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Photon Energy [GeV] GLAST LAT • GLAST LAT will observe g-ray with • large field of view ( ~2sr ) • high angular resolution • large effective area • high sensitivity Angular Resolution Sensitivity Effective Area Seminar at SLAC
What can GLAST do • Search for Evidence of acceleration in lobes and diffuse objects in larger scale. • Search for protons in jet. • Spectral evolution of blazars Seminar at SLAC
Lobe 103 104 105 106 107 108 103 104 105 106 TeV Ch. ASTRO-EII HXD GLAST (1 year) (1) Search for Evidence of acceleration in lobes Radio Synchrotron IC X-ray Fornax A (18 Mpc) Seminar at SLAC
relic Acceleration in clusters of galaxies Radio (gray scale) and X-ray (contour) image of A3667 • Evidence of high energy electrons in clusters of galaxies. - Radio “halo” and “relic” in some clusters of galaxies - Hard X-ray emission detected with BeppoSAX (Nevalainen et al. 2004) • Models of acceleration in clusters - shocks by cluster merging (e.g. Ensslin et al. 2001, Takizawa et al. 2002, e.g. Fujita & Sarajin 2001) - turbulence by cluster merging (e.g. Fujita et al. 2001) - numerical simulation (e,g, Miniati et al. 2001) 1 Mpc center (Rottering et al, 1997) Seminar at SLAC
What can GLAST do(2) Search for protons in jet. • Protons in jets - no direct observational evidence. - large impacts on jet energetics maybe ue << up ( ∵ mp~ 2000 me) - may be accelerated up to 1018 eV (e.g. Mannheim et al. 1993, Honda and Honda 2004) . Seminar at SLAC
p + p → p + X p + g → p + X e+ + e- + X ( X = hadron ) ASTRO-EII HXD GLAST p0 → 2g a = 0.5 – 0.7 a = 0.8-1.0 Emission from protons • Emission from protons in blazars and hot spots - Proton initiated cascade (PIC) model (e.g. Mannheim et al. 1991, 1993) PIC spectra of blazars h = up / ue Proton cascade Synchrotron photons TeV electron Synchrotron cascade ( Mannheim et al. 1993 ) Seminar at SLAC
What can GLAST do(3) Monitoring Spectral evolution of blazars Blazars show rapid variability in various energy band. Spectral evolution of blazars are very compliocated. Mrk 421 (Takahashi et al. 1998) Mrk 501 (Kataoka 2000) Electron Lorentz factor increase during flare Electron number density increase during flare Seminar at SLAC
Multi-band follow-up observations (Radio, Optical, X-ray, TeV g-ray) MAXI 1 day MAXI 1 day GLAST 1 day GLAST 1 day Optical Optical TeV TeV Radio Radio ASTRO-EII ASTRO-EII Monitoring Blazars by GLAST and MAXI Mrk 421 Mrk 501 • GLAST can daily measure spectra of about 20 blazars. (based on EGREG results; e.g Mucherjee et al. 1997) • MAXI can daily measure brightness of about 10 blazars, and announce their flares, almost in real time. Seminar at SLAC
Summary of perspective for GLAST • GLAST can explore the evidence of acceleration in lobes and larger scale diffuse objects, by detecting the g-ray emission from the accelerated particles. • Simultaneous observation by HXD, GLAST and TeV telescpoe, will constrain the proton to electron energy density ratio in jets • Monitoring blazars by GLAST and MAXI will clearly solve their spectral evolution. Simultaneous observations in radio, optical, X-ray, TeV band is very important. Seminar at SLAC