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CASTOR / GridFTP. Emil Knezo PPARC-LCG-Fellow CERN IT-ADC GridPP 7 th Collaboration Meeting, Oxford UK July 1st 2003. Outline of this talk. Introduction to CASTOR HSM CASTOR/GridFTP approach GridFTP problems CASTOR/GridFTP test service Configuration issues Usage examples

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  1. CASTOR / GridFTP Emil Knezo PPARC-LCG-Fellow CERN IT-ADC GridPP 7th Collaboration Meeting, Oxford UK July 1st 2003

  2. Outline of this talk • Introduction to CASTOR HSM • CASTOR/GridFTP approach • GridFTP problems • CASTOR/GridFTP test service • Configuration issues • Usage examples • Plan for CASTOR/GridFTP service CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  3. CASTOR • CASTOR Mass Storage System evolved from SHIFT (tape management system of 90’s) • CASTOR is HSM • Today @ CERN: 2066.37 TB of data of 10.51 M files stored in CASTOR • CASTOR provides to users: • Name space • File names are in the form: /castor/domain_name/experiment_name/… for example: /castor/cern.ch/cms/ /castor/domain_name/user/… for example: /castor/cern.ch/user/k/knezo • POSIX compliant I/O: RFIO + 64-bits support, streaming mode; - security CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN


  5. GridFTP for CASTOR • Motivation for GridFTP interface to CASTOR • LCG • Data-movement protocol to couple different HSM systems of Tier-1 centers • Used by Replica Management System • Experiments • Offer experiments a secure alternative to rfio and FTP • Support CMS world-wide production starting in July Mid-July 2003: 1TB per day to CASTOR from 12 regional centers February 2004: several TB per day from/to CASTOR • Approach for GridFTP interface to CASTOR • Modification of external GridFTP server to act as rfio-client to CASTOR • Solution already proven for FTP servers • Not enough man-power do develop and maintain our own server • Development time restriction CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  6. GridFTP Control Data 2811 GridFTP process GridFTP server RFIO CASTOR stager Tapes Selected GridFTP server Globus Toolkit GridFTP-1.5 server • Based on wu-ftp 2.6.2 • Widely used • expected good support • Supported GridFTP extensions: • EBLOCK mode • PARALLEL transfer • REST STREAM • DCAU • ERET, ESTO • Also supported: • Third-party transfer • PBSZ, PROT • MDTM • Not supported GridFTP extensions: • STRIPING, SPAS, STOR • ABUF, SBUF CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  7. GridFTP problems • Firewalls • Bi-directional data transfer in EBLOCK mode • Cannot open data-connection – blocked by firewall • Firewalls with NAT • GSI mutual authentication errors • HSM • Data existing in HSM name space are not always readily accessible: • Possible disconnection of idle control channel socket by some firewalls • Third-party transfer from HSM suffers from data-connection accept timeout at the data-receiving end. • Solution • Firewall: • Do not use firewalls with NAT • Do not block data-connections in firewall • HSM: • Always pre-stage your data in HSM before transfer • Currently with CASTOR “stagein” command; later when available with SRM interface. CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  8. GEANT US-link DataTAG 1Gb/s 622Mb/s 2.5Gb/s router 350Mb/s half-duplex PIX HTAR 1Gb/s 350Mb/s half-duplex router 1Gb/s  1Gb/s GridFTP server External network connection • GridFTP data-connections to/from CASTOR GridFTP server are routed via 1Gb/s High Throughput Access Route (HTAR) • GridFTP control-connections are routed via PIX (TCP window size is fixed to 64kB if data-connection goes via PIX). • We share 1Gb/s link to GEANT,622 Mb/s connection to US institutes. • Only high # ports connections (data-connections) to/from CASTOR GridFTP server are routed via HTAR • Port #s interval currently applicable:<50k,51k> • Configuration issue CERN CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  9. CASTOR/GridFTP test-service CERN • Test service in operation from mid-January 2003 • Installation based on • EDG Globus, rel.24 (January – middle of June) • VDT 1.1.8 (since middle of June) • Supports • All EDG GridFTP clients, globus-url-copy • Still on server-code To-Do list • 64-bit file support (currently no files > 2GB) • CWD, CDUP fails on CASTOR name-space (“..” problem).In the meantime, full path is to be used by clients for CASTOR files • Internal “ls” to go fully rfio, at the moment CASTOR’s “nsls”client used • Test some GridFTP commands currently not used by supportedGridFTP clients (ESTO, ERET) CASTOR wacdr002d GridFTP 1 Gbit/s GEANT link 1Gbit/s (via HTAR since mid-May) 622 Mbit/s US link rfio GridFTP CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  10. CASTOR stageatlas Serv_1 griftpd GridFTP via HTAR cms001d Serv_2 rfio stagepublic griftpd DNSload-balancing … … Serv_n griftpd UID – stager mapping Evolution of CASTOR/GridFTP service • Set of configurations extended by UID--Stager mapping • DNS-load balancing (still to be verified) • Stager-response logging • Increased data-connection accept timeout (20 min) CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  11. Performance and statistics • Performance • CERN internal transfer was: 5MB/s in/out; now: 7MB/s in/out • Transfer from NIKHEF was 3MB/s in/out; now: not available yet • Standard CERN TCP configuration (64kB TCP buffer size) • Not via HTAR • 10 parallel streams • Statistics • Not properly kept • Ftp-xferlog file – no file size for outbound traffic • GridFTP-xferlog – repeated file-record per every parallel stream of a transfer • Example: 2 weeks statistics May 26 – June 9: • Transferred 1480 files (1217 inbound, 263 outbound) • 627,425 GB stored to CASTOR via GridFTP wacdr002d service • Main user: ATLAS • gppui04.gridpp.rl.ac.uk, aftpexp.bnl.gov, lscf.nbi.dk CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  12. DN -- User mapping EDG-mechanisms used • grid-mapfile with mapping granularity on VO-level • Currently un-maintainable to have user-level mapping granularity • No dynamic pool accounts; edg-gridmap.conf: group ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=testbed1,o=alice,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org alice001 group ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=testbed1,o=atlas,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org atlas001 group ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=tb1users,o=cms,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org cms001 group ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=tb1users,o=lhcb,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org lhcb001 group ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=tb1users,o=biomedical,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org biome001 group ldap://grid-vo.nikhef.nl/ou=tb1users,o=earthob,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org ob001 group ldap://marianne.in2p3.fr/ou=ITeam,o=testbed,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org iteam001 group ldap://marianne.in2p3.fr/ou=wp6,o=testbed,dc=eu-datagrid,dc=org wpsix001 • Up to VO Admin to create subsets of users (new LDAP URLs) for other UIDs • One DN – One User restriction • Hard to sell to experiments • VOMS should solve the problem • VOMS provide <DN + role> based UID mapping • VOMS to be tested with CASTOR GridFTP server (configuration issue) CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  13. Umask and usage examples • Umask 002 => “rw-rw-r—” permissions on CASTOR • Per server umask configuration • CASTOR at the moment still requires world-readable files • Usage examples • Prestage file stagein [-h wacdr002d] -M /castor/cern.ch/atlas/subdirectory/file.name (will be replaced by SRM call) • Retrieve file from CASTOR globus-url-copy [-p 10]gsiftp://wacdr002d.cern.ch/castor/cern.ch/atlas/subdirectory/file.namefile:///home/knezo/file.name • Third party transfer from CASTOR globus-url-copy [-p 10]gsiftp://wacdr002d.cern.ch/castor/cern.ch/atlas/subdirectory/file.namegsiftp://spider.usatlas.bnl.gov/usatlas/workarea/knezo/file.name • Directory listing edg-gridftp-ls –verbosegsiftp://wacdr002d.cern.ch/castor/cern.ch/atlas/ CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  14. Plan for CASTOR/GridFTP service • One year horizon • Support for CMS world-wide production • This is now High Priority Task • Performance challenge for server • Requires TCP-tuning, likely dedicated stager, maybe NAPI • DNS load-balanced cluster of GridFTP servers • Sufficient for users with no strict throughput requirements for the coming year (ATLAS, LHCB, EDG) • Service To-Do list • Performance tuning • DNS-load balancing configuration tests • Prepare user & admin documentation, plus rpms • Shown interest from external institutes: INFN, IFAE, IFIC • Integrate with CERN monitoring, plus scripts to create server usage statistics • Still to improve logging • Synchronisation on package upgrades with EDG • VOMS to improve DN–User mapping • Beyond one year • Need to understand what the Globus GridFTP server evolution will be. CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

  15. Conclusions • GridFTP interface to CASTOR already exists • Ready to use service requires to solve: • Configuration issues • Performance issues • Admin issues • CASTOR/GridFTP service has potential to satisfy CASTOR users for a year CASTOR & GridFTP / Emil Knezo CERN

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