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Objektif Kursus. Objektif Kursus : Memberi kefahaman yang jelas kepada pelajar berkenaan senibina dan organisasi sistem komputer moden. Parallelism. Teknologi. Bhs. Pengaturcaraan. Aplikasi. R/btk Ant.muka. Computer Architecture: • Instruction Set Design • Machine Organization
Objektif Kursus • Objektif Kursus : Memberi kefahaman yang jelas kepada pelajar berkenaan senibina dan organisasi sistem komputer moden. Parallelism Teknologi Bhs. Pengaturcaraan Aplikasi R/btk Ant.muka Computer Architecture: • Instruction Set Design • Machine Organization • Implementation OS Sejarah
Apakah “Senibina Sistem Komputer” • Senibina Komputer ialah rekabentuk komputer pada antaramuka hardware/software. • Senibina Komputer = Senibina Set Arahan + Organisasi Mesin Senibina Komputer R/btj Set Arahan Organisasi Mesin Computer Interface Komp2 Perkakasan Compiler/System View Logic Designer’s View “Building Architect” “Construction Engineer”
Senibina Set Arahan • Senibina set arahan adalah merujuk kpd sistem komputer yg dilihat oleh pengaturcara assembly language programmer atau compiler. Yakni • Set Arahan (what operations can be performed?) • Format Arahan (how are instructions specified?) • Storan Data (where is data located?) • Mod2 Pengalamat (how is data accessed?) • Exceptional Conditions (what happens if something goes wrong?) • Kefahaman tentang senibina komputer sangat penting bagi compiler writers, operating system designers dan general computer programmers.
MIPS R3000 Instruction Set Architecture (Summary) Registers • Instruction Categories • Load/Store • Computational • Jump and Branch • Floating Point • Memory Management • Special R0 - R31 PC HI LO 3 Instruction Formats: all 32 bits wide OP rs rd sa funct rt OP rs rt immediate OP jump target
Organisasi Mesin • Organisasi Mesin adlh berkenaan komputer dari pandangan seorang logic designer. Yakni • Krateria Kapabiliti & Prestasi bagi unit fungsian (cth., registers, ALU, shifters, dlln.). • Cara komponen2 ini disambung diantara satu sama lain • Bgnm aliran data/maklumat di dalam dan di antara komponen2 ini • Bgmn logik dan aliran data/maklumat dikawal • Bgmn unit fungsian di koordinat utk merealisasikan ISA • Selalunya organisasi mesin direkabentuk supaya ia bersesuaian dengan ISA yg diberi. • W/bgnmpun, utk mendptkan IS yg bagus adlh sangat penting mengetahui bgnm senibina IS perlu dilaksanakan.
Pertimbangan2 dlm “Senibina Komputer” Application • Koordinasi levels of abstraction • Under a rapidly changing set of forces • Design, Measurement, and Evaluation Software Operating System Compiler Firmware Instruction Set Architecture Instr. Set Proc. I/O system Datapath & Control Hardware Digital Design Circuit Design Layout
A A Y NAND 2 x 1 Mux B Y NAND B NAND S S Levels of abstraction • Konsep penting dlm senibina komputer ialah penggunaan pelbagai levels of abstractions. • Setiap level of abstraction mengandungi • an interface (outside view of what it does), and • an implementation (inside view of how it works) Implementation Interface
Faktor penting yg mempengaruh Senibina Komputer Technology Programming Languages Applications Computer Architecture Operating Systems History
DRAM chip capacity Microprocessor Logic Density DRAM Year Size 1980 64 Kb 1983 256 Kb 1986 1 Mb 1989 4 Mb 1992 16 Mb 1996 64 Mb 1999 256 Mb 2002 1 Gb Hala Tuju Teknologi • Thn 1985, wujud pemproses 32-bit dlm satu cip tunggal dan single-board computer • Thn 2002, keseluruhan sistem komputer dlm satu cip sahaja.
Hala Tuju Teknologi • Pemproses • Kapasiti logik: meningkat lbh krg 30% setahun • Kadar jam: meningkat lbh krg 20% setahun • prestasi: meningkat lbh krg 50% setahun • Memori • Kapasiti DRAM: meningkat lbh krg 60% setahun (4x setiap 3 thn) • prestasi: meningkat lbh krg 3.4% setahun • Cakera • kapasiti prestasi: meningkat lbh krg 60% setahun • prestasi: meningkat lbh krg 3.4% setahun • Apakah kesannya kepada sistem komputer masa depan? • Apakah kesannya kepada rekabentuk?
Prestasi Pemproses • performance now improves 50% per year (2x every 1.5 years) RISC introduction
Pengukuran dan Penilaian Senibina merupakan proses lelaran ‘iterative process’ -- mencari rekabentuk2 yg berkemungkinan -- pd semua aras sistem komputer Accurate measurement and evaluation is crucial to making the right design decisions Creativity Cost / Performance Analysis Good Ideas Mediocre Ideas Bad Ideas
Aras Pewakilan temp = v[k]; v[k] = v[k+1]; v[k+1] = temp; lw $15, 0($2) lw $16, 4($2) sw $16, 0($2) sw $15, 4($2) High Level Language Program Compiler Assembly Language Program Assembler 0000 1001 1100 0110 1010 1111 0101 1000 1010 1111 0101 1000 0000 1001 1100 0110 1100 0110 1010 1111 0101 1000 0000 1001 0101 1000 0000 1001 1100 0110 1010 1111 Machine Language Program Machine Interpretation Control Signal Specification ALUOP[0:3] <= InstReg[9:11] & MASK ° °
Komponen2 Komputer • Selalunya sistem komputer terdiri drpd lima jenis komponen: • datapath – melaksanakan operasi aritmetik dan logik • e.g., adders, multipliers, shifters • memory – memegang data dan arahan (instructions) • e.g., cache, main memory, disk • input - hantar data ke komputer • e.g., keyboard, mouse • output - dapat data daripada komputer • e.g., screen, sound card • control – beri directions kpd komponen2 lain • e.g., bus controller, memory interface unit
Kos Komponen Komputer Computer Processor Workstation Design Target: 25% of cost on Processor 25% of cost on Memory Rest on I/O devices, power supplies, box Memory Devices Control Input Datapath Output
Komponen2 Sistem Komputer Proc • Semuanya ada interfaces & organizations Caches Busses adapters Memory Controllers Controllers Disks Displays Keyboards I/O Devices: Networks
Summary • Computer Architecture includes the design of the Instruction Set Architecture (programmer's view) and the Machine Organization (logic designer’s view). • Levels of abstraction, which consist of an interface and an implementation are useful to manage designs. • Processor performance increases rapidly, but the speeds of memory and I/0 have not kept pace. • Computer systems are comprised on datapath, memory, input devices, output devices, and control.