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At the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain: ( Pada akhir pembelajaran , kamu boleh menerangkan tentang ) types and function of primary and secondary storage ( jenis dan fungsi storan utama dan storan kedua ) differences between RAM and ROM storage
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to explain: (Padaakhirpembelajaran , kamubolehmenerangkantentang) types and function of primary and secondary storage (jenisdanfungsistoranutamadanstorankedua) differences between RAM and ROM storage (perbezaandiantara RAM and ROM) differences between primary and secondary storage (perbezaandiantarastoranpertamadanstorankedua) OBJEKTIF
Types of computer storage: Jenis-jenisstorankomputer: Internal memory inside the CPU that can be accessed directly by the processor (Ingatan data dalaman yang beradadidalam CPU danbolehdiaksesterusmelaluipemprosesan) RAM (random access memory) PRIMARY STORAGE (penyimpananutamakomputer) (PENYIMPAN UTAMA KOMPUTER) ROM (read only memory) SECONDARY STORAGE (alternatiflain bagipenyimpanandalamkomputer) External storage that refers to various ways computer can store program and data (Penyimpana data luaran yang merujukkepadapelbagaicarauntukmenyimpan data dalamkomputer)
PRIMARY STORAGETypes of primary storage/jeni-jenisstoranutama:
Different between RAM and ROM :Perbezaandiantara RAM dan ROM :
SECONDARY STORAGETypes of secondary storage (jenis-jenisstorankedua) : Magneticc medium : # non-volatile (tidakmeruap) (medium magnet) # any types of storage medium that utilizes magnet patterns to represent information (apasahaja medium storan yang menggunakan magnet untukmempersembahkaninformasi) # the devices use disks that are coated with magnetically sensitive material (perantiinimenggunakancakera yang dilapisidengan bahansensitif magnet) # example of magnetic storage (contohstoran magnet) : a. Magnetic disk : 1) floppy disk used for off-line storage (cakera magnet) (cakerliut yang digunakanuntukstoranluartalian) 2) hard disk used for secondary storage (cakerakeras yang digunkanuntukstorankedua) b. Magnetic tape : including video cassette, audio storage reel-to-reel tape (pita magnet) (termasukkaset video, gelendung pita storan audio) Magnetic tape Floppy disk Hard disk
Optical medium : 1. non-volatile (tidakmeruap) (medium optik) 2. storage media that holds contents in digital form that are read written and read by a laser (media storanmemegangisidalambentuk digital yang akandibacaoleh laser) 3. varius types of CDs and DVDs (pelbagaijenis CD dan DVD) 4. these following forms are often commonly used : (bentuk-bentukbahan yang selaludigunakan) CD, CD-ROM, DVD – read only storage, distributing of digital information such as music, video and computer programs (hanyamembacastoran, membahagikaninformasi digital sepertilagu ,video dankomputer program) CD-R -Write once storage , the data cannot be eresed or written over once it is saved (hanyabolehditulissekali , tidakbolehdipadamatauditulis semulasetelahdisimpan) CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD-RAM- slow to write but fast reading storage , it allows data that have been saved to be erased and rewritten (lambatuntukditulistetapicepat membacastoran, membenarkan data disimpandipadamdanditulissemula) Optical medium
Flash Memory is a solid-state, non-volatile, rewritable memory that functions like RAM and a hard disk drive combined. (ingatankilatberkeadaanpepejal, tidakmeruap, ingatan yang bolehditulisdanfungsinya samaseperti RAM dangabungancakerakeras.) Flash memory store bits of electronic data in memory cell just like DRAM(Dynamic RAM), but it also works like a hard disk drive that when the power is turn off, the data remains in the memory. (ingatankilatmengstor bit data electronikdidalamselingatanseperti DRAM (Dynamic RAM) , tetapiiajugabekerjasamaseperticakerakerasdimanaapabilaiaditutup data akanditinggalkandidalamingatan) example: flash memory stick and flash memory card (‘flash memory stick’ dankadingatankilat) Flash memory card used with(kadingatankilatdigunakandengan): Digital video camera and other portable digital device ( kamera video digital danperantimudahalih digital yang lain) flash memorois also called USB drives, thumb drive, pen drive , are the up-and-coming players in the portable storage market (ingatankilatjugadipanggilpemacu USB, pemacu pen yang sedangmeningkatmajudidalampasaranstoranmudahalih) the advantage is , it offers fast reading access time among the secondary storage devices, durable and requires low voltage, light and small (kelebihannyaialahmasamembacaakseslebihcepatberbandingdenganperantistoran kedua, tahan lama danmenggunakanvoltan yang rendah, ringandankecil) disadvantage is more expensive than the magnatic dick of the sane capacity (keburukannyaialahlebihmahaldaripadacakera magnet yang mempunyaikeupayaan yang sama)
Different between primary and secondary storage:Perbezaandiantarastoranpertamadanstorankedua :
m/s35 Which method of storage is used in the device show Yang manakahkaedahpenyimpanan yang digunakandalamperalatan yang ditunjukkandibawah. A. Universal serial bus (USB) / Universal serial bus (USB) B. Optical / Optikal Magnetic / Bermagnet Non-volatile / Tidakmeruap
m/s 35 Which of the following interface is use to power a peripheral device yang manakahantaramukaberikutmenggunakantenagauntukperalatanluaran Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) / Antaramukakecil system komputer Universal Serial Bus (USB) / Universal serial bus (USB) Parallel / Selari Infra-red / Infra-merah
m/s36 :no. 3 3. State whether the following statement TRUE or FALSE NyatakansamaadapernyataanberikutBENARatauPALSU Random Access Memory or RAM is the memory that the computer uses to permanent store the information as it being processed. Ingatancapaianrawakatau RAM adalahingatanpadakomputerpengguna yang kekaldisimpansemasamaklumatsedangdiproses.
Figure 10 show a computer devices m/s 39 Rajah 10 menunjukkanperalatankomputer figure 10 / rajah 10 Based on figure above , answers the question that follow Berdasarkan rajah diatasjawabsoalan-soalanberikut Give two type of random access memory(RAM) berikanduajenisingatancapaianrawak (RAM) State two differences between Random Access Memory (RAM) and Hard Disk nyatakanduaperbezaanantaraIngatanCapaianRawak (RAM)danCakeraKeras HARD DISK CAKERA KERAS RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY(RAM) INGATAN CAPAIAN RAWAK(RAM)
ANSWER / JAWAPAN Static random access memory (SRAM) Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) B.