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PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY PSYC 465(565) section . 001 Fall , 2014 Bryan D. Devan, Ph.D. Class Meeting : CLA Bldg , Room LA 3105, Mon & Wed Office and Phone: LA 3146; 410.704.3727 Office Hours : Mon- Thur 3:20-4:20 pm (except the 1 st Wed of every month); or by appointment
PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGYPSYC 465(565) section .001Fall, 2014Bryan D. Devan, Ph.D. Class Meeting: CLA Bldg, Room LA 3105, Mon & Wed Office and Phone: LA 3146; 410.704.3727 Office Hours: Mon-Thur3:20-4:20 pm (except the 1st Wed of every month); or by appointment Email: bdevan@towson.edu Websites: Homepage: http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan Class website: http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan/PSYC-465%20slides.htm Other resources: http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan/Physio_Psych.htm Lab website (LCN): http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan/LCN.htm (Internet Explorer only)
Pinel, J.P.J. (2011). Biopsychology (8th edition) Boston: Allyn & Bacon. TEXTBOOK: This is the course Textbook You could use these alternatives 2009, 7th ed. 2014, 9thed. 2006, 6th ed. But you are responsible for ALL assigned material from this edition
COURSE DESCRIPTION: • An introduction to the physiological bases of behavior. The topics that will be considered include: • basic neuroanatomy and neurophysiology • sensory and motor systems • memory systems • “higher order” behavioral systems 3 hours of lecture per week
PREREQUISITES: You may remain in this course only if you have passed a General Biology course with at least a grade of "C" (2.00 GPA) in that course. Among the courses at Towson University that would satisfy the prerequisite are BIOL 110, 115, 190, 201, 213 or BIOL 120 plus the lab component 120L. If this is not the case, it is your responsibility to drop this course immediately. You should also have at least 9 units of PSYC or the consent of the instructor. Please present a transcript (either official or unofficial) to me by the second course meeting so that I can verify that you have successfully completed the course prerequisites. An unofficial transcript may be printed by going to online services on the Towson University website. The trail is as follows: Self Service > Student Center > Transcript: View Unofficial Transcript (This is found in the dropdown bar next to current class schedule). From there you should be able to print a copy of your unofficial transcript.
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: • The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a basic/broad understanding of the biological foundations of behavior through a survey of theoretical perspectives and research findings in different subfields of biopsychology (defined as the scientific study of the biology of behavior). Although an exhaustive account of topics is not possible in a one-semester course, the general goals will include: • a review of basic concepts in psychology and neuroscience to understand some contemporary problems biopsychologists are attempting to answer • a description of the research methods used in different subfields of biopsychology • a discussion of the former concepts and methods to promote critical thinking and evaluation of biopsychological research findings.
COURSE FORMAT: The course will include a combination of lecture material, including multimedia presentations, and open discussion of topics. The course is not constructed such that the lectures will stand alone. You are expected to do the assigned readings before our discussion of the material in class (that is, if the material will be discussed). Given the complexity of the material, this may mean that you will have to read the assigned text more than once in order to fully comprehend the material, especially if you have very little college background in the biological sciences. I will make time to answer questions and review very difficult reading material in class. However, I expect that you will be prepared for class by having read the assigned chapters/sections beforehand.
Frequency A B C D F bimodal distribution Are you in the pink? If so, then make sure you: • Prepare for class (3 Rs) • Ask (and answer) questions in class • Practice outputting material (study group)
Summary of Assignments • Exams - 4 equally weighted multiple choice with short answer questions for extra credit • Article summary– a brief summary of a scholarly peer-reviewed journal article. • Requirements - content includes Brain and Behavior (Biology-Cognition) • Recent study or review (no latter than 2005) • 2-3 p. summary with journal article
ASSIGNMENTS: Examinations There will be four equally weighted exams in this course covering material from both the book and lectures. The format for these exams will be multiple choice and short answer/short essay. Exams are given on the dates scheduled. Make-up exams will only be given if an exam is missed due to a medical emergency or a religious holiday (a doctor’s note with the physician’s phone number must be presented in case of a medical emergency). No other reasons will be accepted. If you are going to miss an exam, you must contact me in advance of the exam. If you do not contact me in advance, you will not be permitted to make up the exam and will receive a 0 for that exam. All makeup examinations will be short essay in format and must be completed within three days of the student’s return to class. It is the student's responsibility to arrange this time with the instructor.
ASSIGNMENTS: Article Summary Each student will write a brief summary (approximately 2-3 typed, double-spaced pages) of one recent (no older than 2005) primary literature journal article concerning some aspect of neurological/neuropsychological functioning (i.e., brain and behavior; a list of suggested topics is provided at the class website http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan/Physio_Psych.htm). The summary should include a brief description of the study objectives, the basic methods used in the study, the basic results of the study, and conclusions AND your critique of the study/article. A copy of the journal article (including reference section) must be included with the summary. Also include your critique (critical assessment of the potential problems, confounds, weaknesses and also the strengths) of the study.
GRADING: Exams = 4 x 50 pts. 200 Article Summary = 50 pts. 50 Total 250 See grading chart for % and letter grade equivalents Grad credit – see me
Academic Integrity Expectations Towson University’s full policy to address the variety of behaviors that represent a breach of academic integrity can be found in Appendix F of the University Catalog. In addition, if you type in “Academic Integrity Policy” in the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the Towson University webpage, you will be taken to a page of links. Click on “Towson University Policies” and open the “Academic Affairs” link. You will find a link to the full Academic Integrity Policy at that location. The site can be access by clicking the following link: https://inside.towson.edu/generalcampus/tupolicies/documents/03-01.00%20Student%20Academic%20Integrity%20Policy.pdf
IMPORTANT!!! Plagiarism & Cheating • No credit given (stole the idea) • Credit given but used the same wording • Cheating will not be tolerated No lateral eye movements during exams Attendance • Expected and necessary • Considered in the case of a borderline grade
Emergency Statement: In the event of a University-wide emergency, course requirements deadlines and grading schemes are subject to changes that may include alternative delivery methods, alternative methods of interaction with the instructor, class materials, and/or classmates, a revised attendance policy, and a revised semester calendar and/or grading scheme. In the case of a University-wide emergency, please refer to the following about changes in this course: • Course web page (see above) • Instructor’s email (see above) • Emergency telephone number (i.e., my mobile # -- 410/446-1425)
Emergency Statement: For general information about any emergency situation, please refer to the following: • Towson University’s Website: www.towson.edu • TU Text Alert System: This is a service designed to alert the Towson University community via text messages to cell phones when situations arise on campus that affect the ability of the campus to function normally. Sign up: http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/facilities/police/campusemergency/ • Please note: I will attempt to communicate with you via your Towson e-mail address, the course webpage (given above) and/or the course Blackboard site.
ARRANGEMENTS AND INFORMATION • Students with Disabilities Please see me • Academic Standards • Can only be repeated once without permission of ASC General info turn off cell phones and audible devices syllabus subject to change as needed
Policy on Letters of Recommendation Letters of recommendation may be required if you plan to apply to graduate or medical school. As a policy, I do not provide letters for students based on performance in a single class. It is important to get real research and laboratory experience when applying to programs in order for your application to be competitive. Consequently, I only write letters for students who have conducted research in our lab for at least 1 year. This policy ensures that I will be able to provide truly exceptional students with a substantive recommendation in the highly competitive fields of behavioral neuroscience and psychopharmacology. Typically, I will present students with the opportunity to work in our lab after they have demonstrated exceptional performance in class and as a lab volunteer during a trial period in which the student may demonstrate their competencies, dependability and dedication to gain valuable research experience. Only then will they be invited to become a lab member and register for PYCH.391/PSYC.491 where they may engage in research activities that will become the basis of a letter of recommendation. Getting an A grade in lecture class, helping with lab chores during a trial period as a lab volunteer or other non-research activities do not, in my mind, provide enough evidence/material to write a strong letter of recommendation, consequently it is a waste of both my time, and the student’s time and finances if the minimal requirements described above are not met.
Dewsbury (1991) The “biology” in “psychobiology” should include the whole-animal approaches of ethology, ecology, evolution…as well as the latest in physiological methods and thought…. The “compleat psychobiologist” should use whatever explanatory power can be found with modern physiological techniques, but never lose sight of the problems that got us going in the first place: the integrated behavior of whole, functioning, adapted organisms. (p. 198). Dewsbury, D.A. (1991). Psychobiology. American Psychologist, 46, 198-205.
Multiple levels of organization Psychology: The complete organism Behavior and Cognition Top-down reductionism should be balanced with a bottom-up approach to put the organism back together Why? Systems and Circuits Smaller parts of the complete organism Synapses and Neurons Neurogenetics Molecular Biology Genes and Molecules Subatomic particles or even smaller strings and membranes in 11-dimensional space!
Why study behavior if the all the action is at the molecular and genetic levels? Answer: The proof is in the behavior
The silver bullet of longevity that could extend your life by 50 years A Drug company makes a major discovery! Would you take a longevity pill? But what if there was no proof that it preserves cognitive function?
Genes and Aging http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3401/01.html
Product endorsement? Harvard Anti-Aging Researcher Quits Shaklee Advisory Board By KEITH J. WINSTEIN Wall Street Journal DECEMBER 26, 2008 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123025446150734561.html At an August sales conference, Dr. Sinclair told Shaklee's salespeople that "over a year ago, we set out together to do this, to make a product that you could actually activate these genetic pathways that can slow down aging." In a video of the conference -- posted on the Internet -- he added, "Together, as part of the Shaklee family...we can take this technology right now, to our friends, to our family, and really have the benefits of this new technology right now, within our lifetimes, and you'll learn more about the Vivix product later."