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TTnet Czech Republic Launching Conference Prague, 21 January 2005. The Training of Trainers Network - TTnet: Objectives, Achievements and Future Perspectives by Mara Brugia TTnet coordinator. The Cedefop's TTnet network: objectives.
TTnet Czech Republic Launching ConferencePrague, 21 January 2005 The Training of Trainers Network - TTnet: Objectives, Achievements and Future Perspectives by Mara Brugia TTnet coordinator
The Cedefop's TTnet network: objectives TTnet - established in 1998 by Cedefop as a Pan-European forum for key players and decision-makers in the field of training of teachers and trainers to share practices, knowledge and expertise on key issues in the professional development of VET teachers and trainers
TTnet’s objectives • To foster cooperation between key national actors in the field of VET teacher training • Through studies and practice-sharing, to produce recommendations, guidance and tools for the community of VET professionals
TTnet overarching theme • To foster teachers’ and trainers’ competences as a key factor in the quality of VET systems • To construct a common reference framework for changes in training occupations The professional development of VET teachers and trainers
National level: the TTnet national networks 19 networks established Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom. Community level: Cedefop TTnet structure
To constitute a forum for discussion between key actors at national level To identify key priority themes for VET teachers/trainers at national level To identify, analyse and disseminate good examples of practice TTnet Structure: National level
To act as a national reference platform: expertise and support to practitioners interface with policy-makers Network members: key national players and decision-makers in the field of training of VET teachers and trainers TTnet Structure: National level
Managed by Cedefop, providing logistical and scientific support Foster coherent action and added EU-level value TTnet Structure: Community level
Make a contribution to the implementation of the EU policy framework for teachers and trainers The main thread of TTnet activities
The new EU policy framework for VET teachers and trainers At national level: • “Continuing competencies development of teachers and trainers in VET, reflecting their specific learning needs and changing role as a consequence of the development of VET” • “The further development of learning-conducive environments in training institutions and at the workplace. ...and implementation of pedagogical approaches which support self-organised learning and utilise the potential provided by ICT and eLearning, thus improving the quality of training”. Maastricht Communiqué on the “Future priorities of Enhanced European Cooperation in VET”(14 December 2004)
The new EU policy framework for VET teachers and trainers At European level: • “The examination of specific learning needs and changing role of VET teachers and trainers and of possibilities of making their profession more attractive, including the continuous updating of their professional skills”. Maastricht Communiqué on the “Future priorities of Enhanced European Cooperation in VET”(14 December 2004)
5 strands of activity: (1) the ‘Objectives process”: group of experts set up by the Commission on ‘Improving the Education of Teachers and Trainers’ (Group A) 3 sub-groups: Supporting teacher professionalism (sub-group 1) Identify indicators (sub-group 2) Quality assurance and teachers and trainers in VET (sub-group 3) TTnet’s Contribution to the Community objectives
(2) the Copenhagen process - Quality assurance and learning needs of VET teachers and trainers: a TTnet workshop (October 2002) on the new skills required by VET teachers and trainers as part of quality approaches; a TTnet study on ‘The place of teachers and trainers in quality approaches in the EU’(April - November 2003). TTnet’s specific contribution to Sub-Group 3. Mandate: define common quality criteria and methodologies for the identification of the learning and professional-development needs of teachers/trainers within the VET system. TTnet’s Contribution to the Community objectives
(2) TTnet’s specific contribution to Sub-Group 3. Results so far: 18 good examples of practice from 10 TTnet networks (B, DK, F, FIN, MT, I, IRL, NL, PT, UK); draft report on quality criteria and approaches to the identification of learning needs of VET teachers and trainers. Final report expected in March 2005. TTnet’s Contribution to the Community objectives
(3) Commission’s eLearning Action Plan - ‘teachers and trainers’ strand [COM (2001) 172 final] + eLearning Programme(2004-06) - Decision 2318/2003/EC: contribution to the Action Plan (2001-02) TTnet thematic project (2002-03)- publication available eTTnet (2003-04),co-funded under the eLearning Action Plan eTTCampus (eLearning programme – strand: virtual campuses) TTnet’s Contribution to the Community objectives
(4) The EU policy priority: "Identification and validation of non-formal and informal learning": TTnet workshop on "Validation of competences and professionalisation of trainers". TTnet Dossier No 5 published. Good examples of practice (F,I,P,UK) collected and analysed under the coordination of TTnet Portugal. TTnet study on “Recognition and validation of informal and non-formal learning for VET teachers and trainers in the TTnet countries” (October 2004 - July 2005). TTnet’s Contribution to the Community objectives
(5) Expanding TTnet to include the new Member States: Six new TTnets in 2004: Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Malta, Slovakia, and Slovenia Czech Republic: TTnet launching seminar on 21 January 2005 Cyprus, Latvia and Poland: to be associated in 2005 TTnet’s Contribution to the Community objectives
TTnet transnational activities:examples of main outcomes • Good examples of practice analysed using a methodology devised at transnational level • Final reports for publication • E-learning for teachers and trainers – Innovative practices, skills and competences Catalogue no.:TI-57-03-451-EN-C • PROFF - Professionalisation of VET teachers for the future Catalogue no.:TI-AF-04-006-EN-C
TTnet activities in 2005:Transnational level • Working themes: • quality assurance and learning needs of VET teachers and trainers • validation and recognition of informal and non-formal learning for VET teachers and trainers (APL) • European Qualifications framework (EQF) for VET teachers and trainers • TTnet events: • thematic workshop on APL (3 June 2005) • thematic workshop on EQF (14 October 2005) • TTnet Annual Conference (8-9 December 2005)
TTnet communication / dissemination tools 1. TTnet Website on the Cedefop’s European Training Village: http://www.trainingvillage.gr/etv/Projects_Networks/TTNet 2. TTnet Virtual Community: 1199 members http://cedefop.communityzero.com/ttnet • increase visibility of national TTnets • foster thematic discussions on key priorities issues for VET teachers and trainers
TTnet Coordination Team TTnet network Coordinator : Mara Brugia Tel. (30-2310) 490 125 Fax (30-2310) 490 117 E-mail: mb@cedefop.eu.int Scientific support : Anne de Blignières-Légeraud Tel. (33-1) 44 05 44 40 Fax (33-1) 44 05 41 25 E-mail: INTERNATIONAL@dep.dauphine.fr Coordinator for the New Member States : Ronald Sultana Tel. (356-2) 3402936 Fax (356-2) 1 338126 E-mail: ronald.sultana@um.edu.mt Project Manager TTnet: Maria-José Janardo Tel. (30-2310) 490 038 Fax (30-2310) 490 117 E-mail: mjj@cedefop.eu.int Organisational support : Vicky Oraiopoulou Tel. (30-2310) 490 034 Fax (30-2310) 490 117 E-mail: vor@cedefop.eu.int Web sites: www.cedefop.eu.int www.trainingvillage.gr http://communities.trainingvillage.gr