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Theology of the Sacred Liturgy. Unit Three: Sacraments and Prayer OLM Spring 2014 Fr. Llane Briese. Section One. The Mass. Structure of the Roman Eucharistic Prayers. Anamnetic Section: *<1> Preface <2> Sanctus < 3> Post-Sanctus Epicletic Section: **<4> Epiclesis over Bread and Wine
Theology of the Sacred Liturgy Unit Three: Sacraments and Prayer OLM Spring 2014 Fr. Llane Briese
Section One The Mass
Structure of the Roman Eucharistic Prayers Anamnetic Section: *<1> Preface <2> Sanctus <3> Post-Sanctus Epicletic Section: **<4> Epiclesis over Bread and Wine <5> Institution Narrative (includes quotation) <6> Memorial (includes memorial acclamation) <7> Epiclesis over the Communicants <8> Intercessions <9> Doxology (includes Great Amen)
The Preface • The one part of the Eucharistic Prayer that changes Mass to Mass: • Four Parts: • Preface Dialogue • Introduction to the Preface • Specific Thanksgiving • Transition to the Sanctus • Theology: We give thanks for all the good things the Father has done most especially the gift of his Son’s Paschal Mysteru as well as for the specific thing being celebrated in the Mass of the day.
Sanctus and POSt-Sanctus • In the Sanctus, we echo the words of Isaiah 6 and Ezekiel 3 in crying out “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts!” • Remember, the whole Church in Heaven and on earth is participating. • Also, Mass is offered on behalf of the Church suffering in Purgatory. • The Post-Sanctus continues the praise and thanksgiving and transitions to the epicletic section of the Eucharistic Prayer.
Central Part of the Eucharistic Prayer • The epiclesis over the bread and wine invokes the Holy Spirit over the gifts so that they may become the Sacramental Body and Blood of Christ. • During the institution narrative, the words of consecration bring about transubstantiation. • The memorial gives words to the fact that the Eucharist makes present Christ’s Paschal Mystery. • The epiclesis over the communicants invokes the Holy Spirit over those receiving Communion so that they may become the Ecclesial Body of Christ.
The Intercessions and Doxology • After the second epiclesis, the Eucharistic Prayer contains a number of intercessions: • The Church (including the Pope and Bishop) • The Faithful Departed • Particular Intentions (at weddings, ordinations, confirmations, etc.) • St. Monica to her son, St. Augustine, before she died: “Remember me at the altar.” • The Doxology (lit. “glory word”) invokes the Holy Trinity at the conclusion of the Sacrifice. • The Great Amen: The congregation’s response
The Structure of the Mass • Introductory Rites (Anamnetic) • Liturgy of the Word • Readings and Gospel (Anamnetic) • Homily, Creed, Prayer of the Faithful (Epicletic) • Liturgy of the Eucharist • Preparation of the Offerings (Anamnetic) • Eucharistic Prayer (Anamnetic/Epicletic) • Communion Rite (Epicletic) • Concluding Rites (Epicletic)
The Structure of the Mass • Introductory Rites (Anamnetic) • Liturgy of the Word • Readings and Gospel (Anamnetic) • Homily, Creed, and Prayers (Epicletic) • Liturgy of the Eucharist • Preparation of the Offerings (Anamnetic) • The Eucharistic Prayer (Anamnetic/Epicletic) • Communion Rite (Epicletic) • Concluding Rites (Epicletic) • Notice how the entire Mass is an conversation between God and us. We remember, and we request.
The Presidential Prayers • Each Mass has four main variable prayers: • The Collect • The Prayer over the Offerings • The Preface • The Prayer after Communion • Every Mass has one main theme: The Paschal Mystery of Christ (cf. Footprint Handout) • These four major prayers as well as the Scripture readings provide some other major themes for the Mass.
Introducing the Semester Project • Each of you will be assigned one Mass from the Roman Missal, and will be provided a copy of the four main variable prayers as well as the biblical citations for the readings. • Your task is to read and analyze these texts and discern at least three main themes from them. • You will complete a written assignment in which you will develop your three themes and prepare them for a presentation. • Finally, you will prepare a brief 5-minute class presentation with a PowerPoint to present to the class introducing them to the major theological themes of your Mass.
Section Two Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass
Reservation of the Eucharist • Again, the Real Presence remains as long as the accidents remain. • Principal Reason: Viaticum (one’s last Holy Communion before death) • Secondary Reasons: • Giving Holy Communion • Adoration
Communion Outside Mass • While Mass is the ideal time to receive Holy Communion, one may receive outside of Mass. • “The faithful should be instructed carefully that, even when they receive communion outside Mass, they are closely united with the sacrifice which perpetuates the sacrifice of the cross.” (Holy Communion … Outside Mass, pp. 13-14) • Ideally distributed by a priest or deacon, but an extraordinary minister may also do so.
Dispositions for Receiving Holy Communion • One must be free of mortal sin to receive Communion; anyone conscious of mortal sin must first receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. • However, in “urgent necessity and if no confessor is available, [one] should simply make an act of perfect contrition with the intention of confessing individually” as soon as possible. (p. 17) • Communion Fast: Only water and medicine one hour before Communion (exceptions for the sick and those who care for them). • Reception of Communion heals us of venial sins.
Exposition and Benediction • Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament • Goal: To acknowledge in a more solemn way Christ’s Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. • Benediction is a special blessing given with the Blessed Sacrament (only by a priest or deacon) • Eucharistic Processions • Eucharistic Congresses