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Work based projects within full-time programme delivery – an example Gerhard Fehringer

Work based projects within full-time programme delivery – an example Gerhard Fehringer Director of Placements Engineering and Environment. Placements vital for employability skills.

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Work based projects within full-time programme delivery – an example Gerhard Fehringer

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  1. Work based projects within full-time programme delivery – an example Gerhard Fehringer Director of Placements Engineering and Environment

  2. Placements vital for employability skills • Study carried out for Northumbria University students in 2012 by Sue Griffiths (on behalf of Careers & Employment Service) • Students taking a placement: • Achieved higher degree classification • Were more likely to be employed and be employed at graduate level • Have higher salaries • Findings were statistically significant

  3. Examples of employers we work with

  4. Placement alternatives? • Other options when full one year placement not suitable/desirable for a programme? • How not to disadvantage students compared to sandwich degree options? • How to integrate work based learning into full-time programme delivery?

  5. Placement alternatives? • Developed 20 credit Level 5 module Work Based Project • Incorporates strong work based learning element – placed one day per week in the workplace • Currently running successfully on FD ICT programme, considering to offer on other Computing programmes

  6. Preparation – going through normal placement preparation events • Induction for first year students: “Employment Skills in the Digital Age” delivered by Oracle • Schedule of events from induction week in year 2: • Placement briefing sessions • Poster Fair with students coming back from placement • Employment skills session (HP) • CV preparation sessions (Careers)

  7. Specific Preparation and Delivery • Placement office working with academics to source suitable employment opportunities during Sem 1 • Preparation module in Sem 1:Project Management & Professional Issues • WBP 20 credit module Sem 2 Level 5 with unique delivery: Students spend the week before Sem 2 starts in the workplace, followed by one day per week for Sem 2 • 6x1hour support lectures • 1:1 meetings Week 2 (proposal), 7 (feedback on proposal), 11 (report) • Surgery session Week 12 (presentation)

  8. Assessment – Proposal • Proposal (Week 5): • Introduction/ organisational context • Description of project/aims & Objectives • Module Learning to be used, • Skills to be enhanced, new skills to be developed • List of professional requirements to be used as a guide • Project Plan

  9. Assessment – Final Submission • Product/Portfolio, Presentation and Report (Week 14) • Reflection and evaluation of • Achievement of Objectives • Module learning • Skills and project process • Personal performance • Future personal development • Future product/portfolio development

  10. Challenges for Students and Staff • Students: • Pushed out of their comfort zone • Different learning environment with line manager, colleagues and customers • Staff: • Finding and keeping the employers • Not to disadvantage students that cannot be placed • Not to disadvantage students where placement did not work out – 1:1s important to pick up any problems early

  11. Employers and Example of Student Work • Hashimoto: Helpdesk system development • Stead Lane Primary School: – e-Learning Platform development • David Grey PLC: First Line IT Support • Security Risk Management Ltd: Network & Server maintenance • Nissan: Development of bespoke information system • High-Tech Seals – Part of website

  12. Feedback on the module • Students: • - “...the module was a great confidence booster” • - “...really enjoyed working outside of University” • - “...good opportunity for real employment” • - “...improved my communication skills by interacting with clients” • External examiner: • - “A good range of projects, including some excellent work” • - “The Work Based Learning activity is a particular strength, with students undertaking real world activity...”

  13. Thank you!

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