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I C E B A R. I c e c r e a m p a r l o u r. MATH REPORT SUBMITTED TO SIR: ABDULLAH. Fantastic six. H uzaifa T ariq (4107) I stabraq A lies M oomal (4160) M uhammad W asif A li K han (4124) S yed M uhammad U zair A bid (4152) M uhammad T aha S hamim (4590)

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  1. I C E B A R I c e c r e a m p a r l o u r MATH REPORT SUBMITTED TO SIR: ABDULLAH

  2. Fantastic six • HuzaifaTariq (4107) • IstabraqAliesMoomal (4160) • MuhammadWasifAliKhan (4124) • SyedMuhammadUzairAbid (4152) • MuhammadTahaShamim (4590) • RoomanMuhammadKhan (4615)

  3. INTRODUCTION OF ICEBAR • The ICEBAR has started their business on 16th Feb 2009. This is a family business which is owned by four partner. They all are equally partner in this organization. • Owner`s has also a factory of ice cream namely “PICINIC FOODS”. They also take order for marriages, parties, picnic etc. • They are running their factory from 25 to 30 years. They are one of the largest supplier in ice cream market.

  4. INTRODUCTION OF ICEBAR • Owner usually spent their most of the time in ICE BAR rather than their factory. The owner comes to shop at 06:30 approximately. • There are currently two employees in their organization and their equal income is 17000/= • The Picnic Foods is very famous in Mawa Matka Kulfi. • The product of ICE BAR are: Cones, Ice cream shakes, Kulfi, Faluda, cold coffee, etc

  5. Executive summary • At the time of starting business their investment and expenses 250,000/= for machine, 50,000/= for generator, 200,000/= for furniture, 35,000/= on rent expense , 26,000/= for shop expense 17,000/= for wages • The cost of 10 litres ice cream is 1,500/= and gets 70 scoops on 10 litres. • The price of scoops is 30/= per scoops. • ICE BAR sells 160 scoops on normal days. • The sells of chocolate flavor is 50% while sells of strawberry is 30% and vanilla is 20%.

  6. Description • Revenue • Total revenue • Variable cost • Fixed cost • Total cost • Profit • Break-even • Product mix • Make or buy decision

  7. Revenue : Price of 1 scoop = 30/= Revenue = Price*Quantity = 30xX TOTAL REVENUE: Total revenue = 30X

  8. Variable cost per scoops : Cost of 10 litres ice cream =1,500/= Scoops on 10 litres 70 scoops • 1,500 70 • 21.42 • 21.5/= per Scoops

  9. Variable cost per scoops : Variable cost per scoops = 21.5X/= Fixed cost: Rent expense = 35,000/= Shop expense = 26,000 /= Employees wages expense = 17,000/= Total Fixed cost = 78,000/= TOTAL cost: Variable Cost + Fixed Cost = Total Cost 21.5X + 78,000 = Total Cost

  10. Profit : Total Revenue - Total Cost =Profit Total revenue =30X Total Cost =21.5X+78,000 • 30X-(21.5X+78,000) • 30X-21.5X-78,000 • 8.5X-78,000 Profit = 8.5X-78,000

  11. Break-even: Break-even = Fixed cost price-variable cost = 78,000 30-21.5 = 78,000 8.5 = 9176.4 = 9176.4 scoops

  12. Product mix: The sells of chocolate flavor is 50% while sells of strawberry is 30% and vanilla is 20%.

  13. Break-even = Fixed cost contribution margin = 78,000 85 = 917.64 Chocolate = 917.64 * 5 = 4588.2 Strawberry = 917.64 * 3 = 2752.92 Vanilla = 917.64 * 2 = 1835.28

  14. Buy or make decision: He is the great manufacturer of ice cream that`s why he should have to preferred the make decision. He is the market leader in ice cream market in that particular area because he has the power of taste.

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