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The Marine Biome. Group Scuba Doo: Emily Brown, Cliff Kicklighter, Sharon Purucker, Robin Schirmer. Communication and Tools Used. Communication: Wimba sessions and email Tools Used: Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Comic Life Wikispaces Windows Movie Maker
The Marine Biome Group Scuba Doo: Emily Brown, Cliff Kicklighter, Sharon Purucker, Robin Schirmer
Communication and Tools Used • Communication: Wimba sessions and email • Tools Used: Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Comic Life Wikispaces Windows Movie Maker Multiple Video Conversion Programs
Traveling Trunk Theme • The Marine Biome with Scuba Doo
Goals, Objectives, and Standards • The Marine Biome Scuba Doo Traveling Trunk is a teaching and learning tool that provides materials to support seventh grade Science (S7L4), Math (M7G2), and ELA (ELA7W2) standards. • The Scuba Doo Trunk contains items that help to teach science concepts on marine biomes with multimedia content. • Standards: • S7L4. Students will examine the dependence of organisms on one another and their environments. • ELA7W2 The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres. • M7G2. Students will demonstrate understanding of transformations.
Learning Objects/Artifacts • The purpose for the Traveling Trunk: Scuba Doo is to meet a cross-curricular unit that includes seventh grade science, math, and language arts with multiple activities. The trunk includes artifacts, books, websites, images, audio and video files to help instruction and learning.
Instructional Activities By the end of this unit you will have completed 6 activities: • A math symmetry activity • A website exploration activity • A movie note taking activity • A poem activity • A comic strip activity • A movie making activity
Movie: Let’s Go on a Shark Dive with Scuba Doo! • Objectives: • Provide students with a virtual shark diving experience • Educate students about Caribbean Reef Sharks, Remora fish, and Current Controversies • Allow students to witness an actual shark feeding frenzy • Show students that not all sharks think that humans are part of their food supply
Challenges • Emily BrownWe didn't have too many challenges during this project except that we had to present a week early due to me having a personal conflict with the presentation date. (Thanks to my group members for working so hard and getting it done early!) It was a lot of work, but I think we all pulled together and got it all accomplished. • Cliff KicklighterThe main challenge was organization and pulling all of the parts of the project together. Another challenge for me was working with a subject that I was not really familiar with (Science). • Sharon PuruckerProject 4 is a huge project with many different components making it difficult to pull everything together coherently, but my group was able to work together to create a consistent project. We decided to complete the project early, and everyone worked hard to accomplish this. • Robin SchirmerThe biggest challenge of this project was that there were so many components that I never felt as if I was completely finished with any of it. There were just too many things to keep track of doing, but our group was so awesome we were able to complete it early.
Lessons Learned • Emily BrownI learned a lot about 7th grade standards. I have always taught 4th grade, so it was nice to see another grade’s standards. I also learned more about wikis and I now feel pretty confident in my ability to create my own wiki. • Cliff KicklighterTo make the comic for our project, I used the Comic Life program. I have used Comic Life a few times in the past so, I didn't have any problems with the program. I ended up learning some good facts about marine pollution when I created the comic for my group. My group did a great job of coming together and accomplishing this task, we even finished everything a week early! • Sharon PuruckerI used Audacity, Wikispaces, and Microsoft Word to create the components that were my responsibility. I learned how to use Audacity better to create the student poems. I learned that in creating a traveling trunk we should incorporate different content areas with many different activities that will be useful to different content teachers allowing for more cross-curricular collaboration. I learned a lot from the traveling trunks assignment, and think this will be a very useful tool at my school. I plan to work with teachers to create more traveling trunks. • Robin Schirmer • Had to convert different video formats so that they could be incorporated into MovieMaker • Learned to download YouTube videos to my computer so that they could be incorporated into MovieMaker. • Attempted to learn how to do the "green screen" method, still working on that one. • Used the Camera Flip video recorder that videotapes in digitized format and plugs directly into the USB port of your computer! I absolutely love it!!!!!
20-20 • Emily Brown • Loved working with this group. • Wouldn’t change anything. We all pitched in where necessary and have a final project I can be proud of. • Cliff Kicklighter • I thought everything went well, we set out to finish the project early and we did it. • All team members completed their part in a timely manner and helped with other parts when needed. • Sharon Purucker • Enjoyed working with this group on Project 4. • The final project was a great team effort. • The traveling trunk is a great resource , and I plan to make more. • Robin Schirmer • Would not have done a thing differently. • My group worked flawlessly at this project. • We communicated well, filled in the gaps when necessary and I would gladly work with them again!