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University Course Education for Sustainable Development Innovations in Teacher Education BINE: Reasons, Concept a

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University Course Education for Sustainable Development Innovations in Teacher Education BINE: Reasons, Concept a

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    1. University Course “Education for Sustainable Development – Innovations in Teacher Education” (BINE): Reasons, Concept and First Experiences   Franz Rauch - Klagenfurt University Regina Steiner - FORUM Umweltbildung

    2. Sustainable Development – a regulative idea (I. Kant)

    3. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) ESD as part of a general educational task based on the intention of empowering the learners in terms of a humanisation of life in the future ESD means trying to develop reflective competences to shape our ecological, social, economic and political environment in a local and global perspective

    4. ESD as a Trigger for Innovation in Education ESD may constitute a fertile ground for educational innovation and development, because of the interdisciplinary nature of ESD the present and future relevance of ESD to societies the challenges involved in designing a learning process which meets the goals of ESD

    5. ESD in Teacher Education The research project „Environmental Education in Teacher Education“ (ENITE) (1977-2000) The Network ENITE (2000- ongoing) The University Course „ESD – Innovations in Teacher Education“ (BINE) (2004-2005)

    6. Principles of ENITE All parties involved have an active influence on the design of projects Learning is interdisciplinary, not fragmented into disciplines Learning takes place in close interaction with schools which generate ”local knowledge” in environmental projects Learning includes a research component in terms of systematically reflected practice Innovation is stabilised by creating a structural framework

    7. Prinicples of „BINE“ Equal emphasis is put on theoretical-methodical foundation and learning from one’s own practical experiences Projects on Sustainable Development and research activities in teacher education are related to each other (Action Research)

    8. Structure of „BINE“ In-service training Lead by a team Three Seminars (5 days each) Regional working groups (7 days) Individual research projects (AR) Certificate (indiv. performance profile) Part of „Professional Academy“ (Master of Arts in Education)

    9. Evaluation Concept Formative and summative evaluation Internal components Questionnaires Written and oral feedback External components Group interviews with participants

    10. Participants 21 Teacher trainers from Pedagogical Academies and Pedagogical Institutes A variety of subjects are represented (including specialised didactics and instructional practice)

    11. Motives Development of research competences (further qualification for forthcoming pedagogical colleges) Development of competences in ESD General interest in didactical innovations Exchange with colleagues

    12. 1st Seminar (25th-30th April 04) What do we mean by Sustainable Development? Which courses of action does the concept provide me with as a teacher trainer? How does practice research contribute to the further education of my work as a teacher trainer? How can my current profession be linked to education for sustainable development?

    15. 2nd Seminar (17th - 22nd Oct. 2004) How do I facilitate learning processes in the context of ESD? Which experiences with ESD are there at home and abroad? How do I get information on the effect of my activities and how do I interprete this information? Which effects do these insights have on my actions?

    17. Evaluation of the 1st and 2nd Seminar Positive remarks (170) Variety of methods for research and instruction Good mix of independent work and theoretical input and tools Development of a personal approach to SD/ESD Negative remarks (60) Time pressure Some theoretical input and external experts Personal learning benefits Research competences Development of terminology SD/ESD

    18. Future 3rd Seminar (25th-30th Oct. 05) How do I publish and make my experiences public? How do I integrate my insight from the course of studies into my pedagogic everyday life? Which conclusions do we draw from our common experiences for ESD?

    19. Some midterm Reflections Participant-centered and process-oriented approach towards SD/ESD meets „regulative idea“ Quality of Reflection by the participants has to be encouraged More attention has to be put on ESD in the course of the regional working groups and individual projects

    20. Development and Research Questions How can the complex and contradictory topic of ESD be treated clearly without simplifying it? How can education for sustainable development and action research increase the reflection skills in order to develop competences for learning and shaping the environment? Which conditions support or inhibit the development and implementation of Education for Sustainable Development in teacher training institutions?

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