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Education and MDGs. Education and MDGs. The MDGs provided a powerful framework However, there are weaknesses: Equity Interconnectivity of issues Sustainable development In education, enrolment target set the bar low. Education and Post-2015. Consensus around overarching education goal
Educationand MDGs • The MDGs provided a powerful framework • However, there are weaknesses: • Equity • Interconnectivity of issues • Sustainable development • In education, enrolment target set the bar low
Educationand Post-2015 • Consensus around overarching education goal • Good quality and equitable education at all levels • Lifelong learning (including skills for employment) for all • Targets must be set in national context • Strong mechanism to monitor and audit progress
High-Level Panel Report on Post-2015:GPE as Model for Partnerships
What is the Global Partnership for Education? TheGlobal Partnership for Education (GPE) is the only multilateral partnership devoted to getting all children into school for a quality education so they can fulfill their potential and contribute to their societies.
With Our Partners, We….. • Develop education strategies and programs • Promote collaboration, provide unique expertise and guidance to achieve countries’ education goals • Share innovative solutions for education • Provide a unique platform among our education network to share knowledge and achieve education results • Finance sound education sector plans • Monitor education results • Produce relevant data with solid indicators to assess education progress
Challenges in Implementation • At country level, GPE works through Local Education Groups (LEGs) • Challenges: • Ensuring inclusive stakeholder dialogue (domestic government, donor government, private sector, local and international NGOs, etc) • Ensuring strong data and evidence
GPE Addressing these Challenges • Strengthening support to LEGs • Improving data collection and monitoring • Support to civil society on role in oversight and accountability through Civil Society Education Fund
2014 GPE Replenishment Campaign • In 2013 alone, GPE’s partner countries are expected to ask for more than $1.3 billion in support. • In order to keep pace with countries’ need for financial support and reverse the downward trend in donor aid, the GPE is launching its replenishment. • The GPE is asking its partners to commit to supporting: • 1) The GPE Fund • 2) Increases in bilateral aid for basic education • 3) Increases in domestic education budgets
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