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Brainstorming on Lesson Plan. 1. What do you understand by lesson plan ?2. It is necessary to design lesson plans?3. What is an indicator.4. Apart from the stages of the lesson plan what other aspects do you consider?. Lesson Plan Design and the use of indicators. A lesson plan is a written descr
2. Brainstorming on Lesson Plan 1. What do you understand by lesson plan ?
2. It is necessary to design lesson plans?
3. What is an indicator.
4. Apart from the stages of the lesson plan what other aspects do you consider?
3. Lesson Plan Design and the use of indicators A lesson plan is a written description of how students will move toward attaining specific objectives.
An indicator describes the teaching behaviour that will result in student learning.
7. They are less complex but help to identify the capabilities of the area.
They have their origin in the in the processes of the capability of each area.
They are helpful in the in the process of evaluation because they give us the indicators of evaluation when they are articulated with the diversified contents.
Infer from text or pictures
Order the sequence
Recognize similarities
Analyze the text
Plans for text production
Writes formal texts.
Use grammatical rules
Check coherence
Describes places or characteristics
8. Stages of a lesson plan PPP are the traditional stages of a lesson design. It stands for Presentation, practice and production.
The MED considers: Beginning, process and output.
Cognitive approach (CALLA) considers: Preparation, Presentation, Practice, evaluation and Expansion,
Jeremy Harmer considers: Lean in, T gives Comprehension task, SS read for task, T gives feedback, T gives text related task
9. What other important things should be considered in lesson planning? The outcome of the lesson: Capabilities, knowledge and attitudes.
The evaluation of the capabilities through the use of indicators.
Achievement indicators (indicadores de logros). They key elements of the qualitative and criterial evaluation.
Level achievement. (niveles de logro). It is the degree of development of the capabilities, knowledge and attitudes.
10. What other important things should be considered in lesson planning? Establish clear aims
The general objectives
The strategies
The materials
The age
The level of English.
The problems
11. Purpose of the Cognitive Approach 1. Focus on the learner
2. Leads to the competence and the use of the language.
3. Motivate students with content topics.
4. Teach learning strategies.
5. English is a cross curricular subject.
6. Prepares the SS for being good citizens of tomorrow.
12. Purpose of the Cognitive Approach Integrates school and cultural topics.
Links SS’ prior knowledge.
Gives cooperative learning tasks.
Uses authentic materials.
Develop language awareness
13. Stages of the cognitive approach (Calla)
14. 1. Preparation Identify the objectives
Set clear objectives
Elicit student's prior knowledge
Pre-teach vocabulary
Provide motivation to call students’ attention.
It is closely related with the item to be learned later on the next stages.
15. 2. Presentation Present the new lesson or new item in varied ways.
Model is presented explicitly, with examples to perceive it clearly.
Explain learning strategies overtly to facilitate learning.
Discuss connections to students prior knowledge.
Ts modifies their language to fulfil students needs.
16. 3. Practice Activities where Students manipulate while they are doing some activity.
Provide different class management activities: group work, pair work, cooperative learning.
Use authentic content tasks.
Ask students to use learning strategies.
17. Applying ideas into practice Grade the difficulty of the activities
Go from easy to complex.
Go from highly controlled exercises to freer activities, preparing the SS for the expansion
Use lots of contextual clues or materials that help SS ‘comprehension.
18. Evaluation SS practice self evaluation to reflect on their own learning. (Meta cognition)
Students speak out clearly the new things they have learned.
Students evaluate themselves.
SS assess or evaluate their own strategy use.
19. Applying Self Evaluation SS see what the benefits of self-evaluation vs. Evaluation by others are.
How you can help English learners to evaluate themselves more accurately by the use of indicators.
Students are evaluated on the things they are learning.
20. Expansion Students apply information to their own lives.
Students make connections between language and content.
Students relate information to first language knowledge to grow as persons.
Parents contribute to learning
21. Applying Expansion SS see
How what has been learned in class can help English learners in their other classes and in their lives.
That better communication with parents or involvement of the community can help English students.
22. Summary of the Cognitive Approach
23. Why using this method The research has reported:
1. The learning process is mentally active and strategic.
2. Learning involves higher level thinking, not jus memory.
Social context and interaction are critical.
Students learn content by relating to their prior knowledge.
Students learn processes through integrative practice individually and with peers.
Learning strategies can be taught and learned
24. Calla uses a Cognitive model
27. Application of the Model.Presentation: Eliciting information What important celebrations do you have in Peru?
Do you know something about the Chinese New Year?
When does Chinese New Year start?
What do they do in this celebrations?
What traditional food do you eat?
44. Oral Production I. Say something about celebrations using the prompts provided.
A. We celebrate ……………………..…
in December 25th in Peru.
B. We generally eat………………in Christmas.
C. The lucky colour in New Year in Peru is……………...
D. We have an army ……………….in July where the soldiers and officers march.
45. Oral Production II. Say two important information about celebrations use the connector ‘and’.
E. g.
E.G. We celebrate Carnival in Peru and throw water at each other.
46. Written Production Order the story by providing appropriate numbers, then write the story on the notebook (straight writing)
Christmas celebration in Peru.
____ We usually go to church to thank our Lord.
____ Christmas is an important religious
celebration that takes place in December.
____ Finally, we eat turkey, or chicken with
____ After the mass we go home to celebrate
all together.
47. Lesson Plan General Information
1. Name of the school
2. Level: Secondary
3. Grade: 3er grade
4. Schedule: Morning 8-1pm
5. Teacher:
6. Period: June-July.
Anticipated problems: Probably problems with the extension, plugs or electricity supply.
54. Thank youˇ