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Join us for an informative evening to learn about the Year 3 curriculum, teaching team, student support services, and school policies. Get insights into book work expectations, curriculum areas, homework, planned excursions, assessment and reporting, and more.
ASPLEY STATE SCHOOLwww.aspleyss.eq.edu.auYear 3 Parent Information Night 31st January, 2018
YEAR THREE TEACHING TEAM • Mrs. Carolyn Nicholson 3N • Mrs. Cathie Bell 3B • Ms. Toni Monaghan 3M • Mrs. Keri-Anne Butler 3K • Mr. Troy Hawthorne 3H Student Support Services • Mrs. Sally Agnew
BOOK WORK Expectations for Year Prep -6 At Aspley State School we have a book work policy which all students must adhere to. Your child will be expected to complete quality work of the highest standard. It should always be their BEST work. All book work should: • be neat, and • have no graffiti, doodling or pictures. • All corrections should be done neatly – using an eraser. • A SHARP pencil should be used at all times. • If an eraser is not used a single, neat line through work will be expected.
YEAR 3 CURRICULUM AREAS English • Oral - talks related unit work in various subject areas • Written – genres …..persuasive, procedural, narrative, poetry • Reading and Comprehension • Handwriting Mathematics – Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability • Problem Solving ….mental calculations • Place value • Fact families, number facts Science (Mrs Alsion Wakeford (3N & 3B) and Mrs Sue Mantell (3K, 3H & 3M) • Children are given opportunity to use the 5 E’s - Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.
YEAR 3 CURRICULUM AREAS HASS (Mrs. Bell) • Communities • Changes Over Time • Celebrations and commemorations Digital Technologies (Mrs. Butler) • Connections between learning and assessment • Digital Systems and solutions Design Technologies (Miss Monaghan) • Materials and technologies in society • Creating a designed solution Problem Solving/ Social Skills ( Mr. Troy Hawthorne) Term 1/2 Problem solving, Term 3/4 Social Skills Grammar & Punctuation/Visual Arts (Mrs. Nicholson) • Visual Arts • Music (Mrs McIntyre) • Dance (Footsteps) Health and Physical Education (Mr. Schmidt) • Athletics, Ball Games, Health • Swimming (Swim Solutions) ICTs - Use of computers and IPADS to enhance presentation of work, word processing, desktop publishing.
HOMEWORK Homework will consist of a booklet designed to provide flexibility in the homework routine. • Designed to reinforce concepts previously taught in class. • Each week will contain one page of English based skills and one page of Maths skills. • Based on skills contained in the Australian Curriculum. • Acts as a tool for consolidation • Promotes self-discipline – a skill that will be called upon continuously throughout your child’s lifetime. • Differentiated for students needs – sight words may be included. (please contact your class teacher if your child experiences unreasonable difficulty in completing the homework. • Homework is handed out on Monday and due to be returned on Friday. Homework booklet will also include your child’s spelling list for the Term.
PLANNED EXCURSIONS TERM 3 • Nguatana-Lui Thurs 9th August TERM 4 • Overnight Camp 29th/30th November? Some incidental experiences can occur throughout the year e.g. arts council, music, drama, life education. These usually attract a very small additional cost.
ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING Report Cards June and December Parent Interviews 1 x End of Term 1 1x Middle of Term 3
INDEPENDENCE AND ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS Our aim for this year is to help your child improve on these skills. These skills are very important as they move up in grade levels and into high school and beyond. In year 3, because our curriculum is so jam packed, the children are needed to move from one place to another, from one activity to another quickly, quietly and efficiently. We would appreciate your support in helping us achieve this. We have some suggestions: Get your child: • To begin packing their lunch • To put their lunch in their bags • Pack their equipment for the next day (gently remind them; resist the temptation to do this for them) • Get them to bring notes to the teacher by themselves. • Allow them to walk independently to their respective classrooms
BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT School Rules: Be Safe Act Responsibly Show Respect Value Learning 3 opportunities to STOP, THINK and DO. If behaviour continues, child is given a red ticket. 2 tickets in 5 school days = Reflection Room visit . If your child attends the Reflection Room you will be notified by way of a letter. This letter will need to be signed by yourself and returned to school the next day with your child. The Reflection Room provides your child with a time to reflect on their behaviour choices with a teacher and follows a restorative justice policy.
NAPLAN WHAT IS IT? NAPLAN is the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy tests. These tests are for all students in Australia in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. NAPLAN tests students ability in: • Language conventions - spelling, grammar and punctuation. • Writing - knowledge and control of written language. • Reading - comprehension. • Numeracy – number, measurement, chance and data, space, algebra, function and pattern. WHEN IS IT? NAPLAN is held annually in May. In 2018 the test days are: • Tuesday 15 May – Language Conventions and Writing • Wednesday 16 May – Reading • Thursday 17 May - Numeracy
LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS Tuesday 15 May 2018 The students have 40 minutes to complete approximately 46 questions on spelling, grammar and punctuation. Questions are a mix of short answer and multiple choice.
WRITING Tuesday 15 May 2018 The students have 40 minutes to write a complete exposition on a set topic. They have 5 mins to plan, 30 minutes to write and 5 minutes to edit their writing.
READING Wednesday 16 May 2018 The students have 45 minutes to complete approximately 35 questions. There time is split into 5 minutes perusal of the reading magazine and 40 minutes to complete the multiple choice questions.
NUMERACY Thursday 17 May 2018 The students have 45 minutes to complete approximately 35 questions on number, measurement, chance and data, space, algebra, function and pattern. The questions are generally a mix of short answer and multiple choice.
NAPLAN – HOW YOU CAN HELP There are a number of ways you can help your child prepare at home for NAPLAN (or any school tests): • talk to your child about the purpose of the tests and how they will be given an opportunity to show what they have learnt in class. • discuss the format that test questions can take, such as multiple choice items, short response questions and writing tasks. • your child will need to work on an individual basis for set periods of time - explain to them that it will be just like when they do homework on their own. • when you read together, ask your child questions about the story to make sure they understand what they are reading. • encourage your child to write persuasive and narrative texts. • maintain a positive attitude about the tests. • ensure your child gets plenty of sleep leading up to tests. • ensure your child exercises and eats healthy meals regularly, including breakfast.
Thank you for your participation this evening! We look forward to a WONDERFUL YEAR AHEAD working together as a parent - teacher team because………… Together Everyone Achieves More Carolyn, Cathie , Toni, Keri-Anne and Troy