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TG ARCH Gateway Update

TG ARCH Gateway Update. Nancy Wilkins-Diehr wilkinsn@sdsc.edu. Gateways Greatly Expand Access. Almost anyone can investigate scientific questions using high end resources Not just those in the research groups of those who request allocations Fosters new ideas, cross-disciplinary approaches

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TG ARCH Gateway Update

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  1. TG ARCH Gateway Update Nancy Wilkins-Diehr wilkinsn@sdsc.edu TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  2. Gateways Greatly Expand Access • Almost anyone can investigate scientific questions using high end resources • Not just those in the research groups of those who request allocations • Fosters new ideas, cross-disciplinary approaches • Encourages students to experiment • But used in production too • Significant number of papers resulting from gateways including GridChem, nanoHUB • Scientists can focus on challenging science problems rather than challenging infrastructure problems TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  3. What are we working toward in 2008?Gateway Objectives for PY4 and 5 • TeraGrid integration will be straightforward for new and existing gateway developers • There will be a set of easy to discover general services provided by and for Gateways • The targeted support program will adapt to changing needs • We will be able to routinely count end gateway users • Who will constitute a significant fraction of all TeraGrid users • There will be avenues for sustained Gateway funding TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  4. Biggest challenges in the next 2 years • TeraGrid processes must work smoothly • Allocations, community account requests, security requirements, community software areas, data collection hosting, accounting • TeraGrid must remain a service organizations • Gateway developers invest considerable time in TeraGrid integration, this must be worth their while or they won’t remain interested • Reliability at scale • Intensive work over many months to improve stability under increased load for LEAD’s WxChallenge • Counting end users • Per user accounting for gateways • Sustainable gateway funding • TeraGrid support is for integration only • Adaptability to changing technologies • Application and gateway hosting, clouds, virtual machines TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  5. Review Panel comments on Gateways • "TeraGrid should be commended for their rapid development in this area." • "A suggestion from the review panel is that coordination of outreach and education efforts to K-12 through a Science Gateway that organizes the material in a way appropriate for students of that age group. It could include fun challenges like computational competitions and challenges that self-motivated students or students under guidance of a science teacher can take. The challenges run on TG resources and use special educational software or true research-level software." • "To further expand Gateways, the TG staff are encouraged to bring their "build a gateway in a day" tutorials to audiences outside of TeraGrid 07, such as to major meetings of national organizations (e.g., APS, ACS)." • "In the future, TG has the greatest potential to increase the number of students accessing TG in meaningful ways that also foster excitement for scientific discovery through Gateways. The review panel encourages TG to be proactive in facilitation of relevant and exciting Gateways as mechanism for involving more students." • "The panel regards Science Gateways as playing an important role in making the TG more accessible to a wide range of applications. The shift from developing these to supporting the development by others gives the TG an important role in promoting best practices, capturing and disseminating lessons learned, and building and tracking the Gateway user community. The TG should maintain a strong association with Science Gateways, because the panel foresees that these will eventually become the most common way users exploit TG resources." TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  6. What have we been doing lately? • TG08 • Half day OGCE tutorial at TG08 • Half day “Parade of Gateways” at TG08 • 14 papers • 7 demos • 5 posters • 5 BOFs • 3 student competition entries • 2 tutorials • 1 vis gallery entry • And a working group meeting in a pear tree TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  7. What else? • Gateway vulnerability risk assessment • Conducted by Jim Rome, reviewed by Nancy, currently in review by security-wg • SNS facility has defined the portal as preferred way to access instrument • GISolve used in 2 classes • Attribute-based authentication • working on RP side, logging, ready by end of month • Encourage gateway incorporation in the summer • Plan hands-on AG session • BOF, demo at TG08 gateway meeting • Watching scheduling progress • nanoHUB, GISolve, SimpleGrid, SNS interested in early metascheduling testing TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  8. Web Services Registry • RENCI • Gateway documentation • Launch in early August • IU gateway hosting on Quarry • Available for request through POPS • Using openvz.org • Early adopters include CIMA and SimpleGrid • Opportunity to have a teragrid.org domain name • April presentation by Dave Hancock • Pople at PSC available for gateways • April presentation by Kent Eschenberg TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  9. OSG troubleshooting approaches • May presentation by Shaowen Wang, lead of OSG troubleshooting team • Can we use OSG’s log analysis? • Does TG need a standing troubleshooting team? • nanoHUB success rates using OSG and TeraGrid • May presentation • TG (27%), OSG (64%), local Purdue but outside nanoHUB environment (92%) • Doesn’t distinguish between application failures • App may land on wrong machine and run out of memory, scratch directory may have changed • Need to more closely characterize failures • Cloud computing for gateways • July hands-on experience presented by Kate Keahey, ANL TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  10. PY4 transitions • Caltech to assist Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) • Purdue will focus on new gateways using the HUB approach as well as assist the TeraDRE gateway • RENCI to focus on registry and TG-powered bio web services • U Chicago will assist SIDGrid • IU genomics gateway, PolarGrid/CReSIS and potential work with the MIT SEA Grant program, LEAD component re-use • NCAR will begin work on the Asteroseismology gateway • NCSA will continue activities in the GridShib area, expand SimpleGrid to include account management tools, provide gateway helpdesk support, continue outreach activities and provide targeted support for new gateways TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

  11. TeraGrid Pathways Activities • 2 Gateway components • Adapt gateways for educational use by underrepresented communities • GEON – SDSC, Navajo Tech • Teach participants from underrepresented communities how to build gateways • PolarGrid – IU, ECSU • Limited scope • .25 FTE for 6 months for each activity • Work begins in PY4 TeraGrid ARCH Update, July 17, 2008

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