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Learn how to effectively combine ideas to form compound sentences using coordination. Understand the different types of verbs, clauses, and relationships between sentences. Practice using coordination to write compound sentences.
Learning Objective Name _____________________ Today, we will use effective1 coordination to write a compound sentence. 1 successful Types of verbs Action: eat, fly, jump Mental: think, guess, believe State of being: is, be, are, was Possession: has, have CFU What are we going to do today? What does effective mean? Effective means _________. Activate (or provide) Prior Knowledge The subject is the word that names who or what does the action. A verb is a word that shows action, state of being, or possession. A simple sentence has a subject and a verb. Are these simple sentences? Why? A Orangutans eat fruit and leaves. B Orangutans only live in Indonesia and Malaysia. S V S V CFU Teacher completes sentence A, and students complete sentence B. Identify the subjects and the verbs. Students, you already know that a simple sentence has a subject and verb. When simple sentences are added together to form one longer sentence, we call those compound sentences. Today, we will use effective coordination to write compound sentences.
Concept Development Coordination is a way to combine2 two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are usually linked3 with a coordinating conjunction4 and are separated with a comma. Go to Skill Dev. #1 Go to Skill Dev. #2 Go to Skill Dev. #3 Types of verbs Action: eat, fly, jump Mental: think, guess, believe State of being: is, be, are, was Possession: has, have A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. • The coordinating conjunction shows a relationship5 between two clauses. 2 add together 3 joined together 4 word that joins two related sentences 5 the way things are connected Examples: Not examples of compound sentences: Bears and humans walk flat-footed. Bears eat meat and plants. CFU What is the difference between cause and addition? The difference between cause and addition is _____. What is the difference between negative and contrast? The difference between negative and contrast is _____. What is the difference between choice and result? The difference between choice and result is ______. Which sentence is a compound sentence? How do you know? What is the type of relationship? Explain. A Dolphins live in the ocean, but dolphins are not fish. B Although dolphins live in the ocean, dolphins are not fish. In your own words, what is a compound sentence? A compound sentence is ____________________. Has two independent clauses. Shows contrast because of the conjunction “but”.
Concept Development (clarification) • Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. • A compound sentence has two independent clauses. • Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. Types of verbs Action: eat, fly, jump Mental: think, guess, believe State of being: is, be, are, was Possession: has, have A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. • The coordinating conjunction shows a relationship between two sentences. independent clause independent clause Bears stand up-right. Bears are flat-footed. compound sentence Bears stand up-right, bears are flat-footed. for , yet Most cats avoid water the jaguar is a good swimmer. compound sentence A jaguar has spots runs very fast. and simple sentence CFU On your whiteboard, write “compound sentence” or “simple sentence”. Explain your answer.
Back to Concept Dev. Skill Development/Guided Practice (#1) Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. Whales are the largest animals in the world, and they can grow up to 95 feet long. Lions can live in the wild for up to 12 years, and lions can live in captivity for up to 25 years. Dolphins have to come to the surface to breathe, for dolphins are mammals. Leopards avoid other animals, for leopards are solitary animals. CFU (#2) How did I/you identify the correct relationship between the sentences? (#2a) How did I/you determine the coordinating conjunction to use? (#3) How did I/you use effective coordination to write a compound sentence?
Back to Concept Dev. Skill Development/Guided Practice (#2) Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. Baleen whales do not hunt, nor do they have any natural predators. Leopards do not hunt in packs, nor do leopards share their kill. Dolphins have teeth, but whales have baleen instead of teeth. Cheetahs have solid black spots, yet Jaguars have broken spots called rosettes. CFU (#2) How did I/you identify the correct relationship between the sentences? (#2a) How did I/you determine the coordinating conjunction to use? (#3) How did I/you use effective coordination to write a compound sentence?
Skill Development/Guided Practice (#3) Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. Leopards have strong hind legs, so leopards can leap seven times their own body length. Whales have to come to the surface for air, so whales sleep for short periods of time. Leopards sleep in the brush, or leopards sleep in the trees. Killer whales live in cool oceans, or killer whales live in warm oceans. CFU (#2) How did I/you identify the correct relationship between the sentences? (#2a) How did I/you determine the coordinating conjunction to use? (#3) How did I/you use effective coordination to write a compound sentence?
Importance Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. 1. Using effective coordination to write compound sentences will help you combine sentences to keep your writing from being choppy and boring. I went shopping. I bought a new dress. I went shopping, and I bought a new dress. 2. Using effective coordination to write compound sentences will help you do well on tests. CFU Does anyone else have another reason why it is important to use compound sentences? (pair-share) Why is it important to use compound sentences? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more important to you? Why?
Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. My little brother ate ice cream and cake. Concept Closure Why is the sentence above not an example of a compound sentence? _____________________________________________ Skill Closure Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. . A piranha has a single row of sharp teeth, and a piranha will eat almost anything it can find. Most fish are nonthreatening, yet piranhas are known for their vicious appetite. Summary Closure What did you learn today about using compound sentences? Day 1 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Day 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Independent Practice (#1) Name _______________________ Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. Landslides are a movement of land, and landslides require a trigger before being released. A landslide often occurs when a slope is unstable, for heavy rains make the slope unstable. Ladybugs come in bright colors, and ladybugs inhabit most continents worldwide. Farmers love ladybugs, for ladybugs feed on plant-eating pests.
Independent Practice (#2) Name _______________________ Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. People should not cross the path of a landslide, nor should they enter the site of a landslide. A landslide is a gradual movement of land, but a mudslide is the rapid movement of a mixture of water and soil. Insects are a tarantula’s main prey, yet tarantulas have been known to target frogs and mice. A tarantula doesn’t spin a web to catch its prey, nor does it wrap its prey with silk.
Independent Practice (#3) Name _______________________ Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. Landslides can threaten human lives, so people should evacuate immediately. Landslides occur from natural causes, or landslides occur from human activities. Tarantulas can be as small as a fingernail, or tarantulas can be as large as a dinner plate. Tarantula venom is weak, so a tarantula's bite is harmless to humans.
Periodic Review 1 Name _______________________ Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. Most deserts are located at low latitudes, yet some deserts are located at higher latitudes. Deserts cover about one-fifth of the Earth, and they occur where rainfall is low. Deserts have little vegetation, so desert soil has lots of stored nutrients. Deserts do not have much rainfall, nor do deserts provide much shelter from the sun. Large mammals do not live in the desert, for large mammals cannot store water. Animals seek cover from the sun in burrows, or some animals find shade under desert plants.
Periodic Review 2 Name _______________________ Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. Tropical forests are located near the equator, and the average temperature is 77º F. Little light reaches the forest floor, for the canopy of the tropical forest is very dense. Tropical forests receive rain every day, so yearly rainfall can exceed 100 inches. Tropical forests do not receive snowfall, nor do they have a winter season. A temperate forest has four tree species per square acre, but a tropical forest has over 100 species per square acre. Tourists can visit a tropical rainforest in South America, or tourists can visit the rainforests in western Africa.
Periodic Review 3 Name _______________________ Coordination is a way to combine two ideas to form a compound sentence. A compound sentence has two independent clauses. Each independent clause has a subject and a verb. • The two independent clauses are linked with a coordinating conjunction and are separated with a comma. Use effective coordination to write a compound sentence. Half of our Earth’s rainforests have been cut down, so many animals have become endangered. People help endangered animals by replanting trees, or people can raise money to spread awareness. Some chimpanzees can be aggressive, yet the endangered Bonobo is far less aggressive. The Sumatran Tiger is endangered, for only five hundred Sumatran Tigers are alive today. The endangered orangutan does not live in groups, nor does it live on the ground as do other apes. Orangutans have one baby at a time, and the baby remains with the mom until it is eight years old.