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Transformation through Jesus: New Life in Christ

Discover the profound impact of Jesus Christ on humanity's past, present, and future, bringing new life, hope, and redemption through teachings, deeds, and sacrifice. Learn how faith in Jesus can lead to eternal life.

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Transformation through Jesus: New Life in Christ

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  1. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ SECTION 1 – LIFE IN CHRIST By the end of this section you should be able to:  Describe characteristics of human life before the first coming of Jesus Christ.  Explain the ways that Jesus Christ brought new life to the human race. Describe aspects of human life after the coming of Jesus Christ.

  2. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ • LIFE BEFORE CHRIST • A. Life After the Fall (Genesis 6:5-8 and 11:1-9) • µ Because of widespread sin, God destroyed all humanity with a flood except Noah and family. Evil continued because the inclination to sin still existed. •  In their pride, men began to build a tower at Babel to heaven but God confused their effort (languages). •  God confused their effort and began a something new with the human race that would bring a Savior.

  3. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ B. Abraham and His Descendants (Genesis 12:1-5)µ Through Abram of Ur, God would build a family and nation that would be His special possession and from whom the promised Messiah would come. µ God told Abraham that all people on earth would be blessed through him.  Abraham put his faith in God and obeyed.

  4. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ C. Moses, David, and the Prophets (Deuteronomy 18:15-19, 1 Samuel 7:12-16, and Jeremiah 31:31-34) µ Because of famine in their land, descendants of Abraham settled in Egypt.µ Egypt made the Israelites slaves, but God raised up a deliverer, Moses, to help free them.  After their escape, God made a covenant with the people as a nation to be a holy people.  In spite of the Law of Moses, they continued to sin.  After they settled in Canaan, God used judges to help the Israelites when they cried out to God.

  5. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ  After king Saul died, God gave them a new king.  King David united the Israelites into one nation and God gave David the promise that one of his descendants would reign forever (Jesus Christ).  Most of David’s kingly descendants continued to sin, so God raised up prophets to call His people to faithfulness, but the Israelites continued to sin.  So, God gave the prophet Jeremiah a promise of a new covenant that would totally forgive people’s sins.  This new covenant was fulfilled through the Jesus.

  6. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ II. CHRIST BRINGS NEW LIFE In the fullness of time, God sent Jesus Christ to die for humanity’s sin as Savior of the whole world. A. Incarnation (John 1:1-17) µ The incarnation of Christ was the point in history at which Christ (the Word) became flesh.1st way Jesus brought life: God was united to the material world as Jesus became flesh in the womb.  There was now a man on earth without sin. Jesus was both fully God and fully man.

  7. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ B. Jesus’ Life, Teachings, and Deeds (John 11:20 and John 14:5-6)µ In the life of Jesus, the Kingdom of God was made present in the world. (Luke 17:21) µ2nd way Jesus brought life: Jesus’ teachings and deeds taught about the Kingdom of God and made it more real for sinful humanity. Through His life, Jesus’ teaches us how to live a new life.

  8. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ  True life, real life, new life, and eternal life came into the world in Jesus. (John 11:25; 14:6)  3rd way Jesus brings life: Jesus came to give us new life by being united to Him in faith and being born again of God.

  9. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ C. Jesus’ Death Resurrection and Ascension (Romans 3:21-26 and 14:5-6) µ4th way Jesus brought new life: Jesus fulfilled God’s plan to bring new life to the world through His death, resurrection and ascension.µ When Jesus died on the cross, He brought God’s great mercy and forgiveness for all sins for all time (Romans 5:6-11).  By Jesus’ death on the cross, He freed us from the bondage of sin.

  10. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ µ Death was overcome when Jesus’ rose from the dead to new life.µ Satan was defeated forever through the death and resurrection of Jesus (Hebrews 2:14-15; Romans 6:9).  Jesus also destroyed the devil and his works (1 John 3:8).

  11. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ D. The Sending of the Holy Spirit µ5th way Jesus brought new life: Jesus completed the work of bringing new life to man when He sent the Holy Spirit (John 20:22).µ Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ disciples received the power to live the new life that is possible through faith in Jesus.

  12. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ E. The Hope of Eternal Life µ Jesus brought the promise of eternal life with God forever.µ When Jesus returns, He will destroy Satan and a new heaven and new earth will be established (2 Peter 3:10-13).

  13. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ III. LIFE AFTER CHRIST A. New Life in Christ µ Jesus opened the way to new life for all people. We can become God’s children.  We can become a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).  We are called to a life of faith and good works. B. Some Problems Remain  The presence of sin has not been eliminated through the coming of Jesus.

  14. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 1 – Life in Christ µ People who have not heard or accepted the salvation Jesus offers remain in their sins. We can become God’s children.  We continue to sin after receiving Christ as Savior.  Fortunately, we can continue to receive forgiveness by confessing our sins (1 John 1:9).  Christ continues to strengthen us on our journey to heaven through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  15. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ SECTION 2 – GROWING IN CHRIST By the end of this section you should be able to:  Describe the ways that God wants people to grow in Christ.  List and describe the three main obstacles to growth in the Christian life. List and describe the four main keys to growth in Christ.

  16. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ • Vocabulary words: • instrumental – Serving as a means, agent, or tool. • intellect – The capacity for knowledge and rational or intelligent thought. • maturity – The quality or state of being fully developed or mature.

  17. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ I. GROWING IN CHRIST A. God’s Desire for Growth in Christ (Ephesians 4:15- 16, 22-23) µ God desires that we grow in Christ. Much of the New Testament is concerned with the way Christians think and act.  Our growth should result in maturity as a Christian.  We need to cover more advanced aspects of life as we grow in His grace (Hebrews 6:1).  We are to give up our “old life” (Ephesians 4:22-23).

  18. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ µ The old nature tends toward sinful thinking and acting. Part of growing in Christ is learning to put of the old nature and put on the new nature.  Also, our minds must be renewed so we think like Christ.  We, like the disciples, are to do the works that Jesus did (John 14:12).

  19. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ THREE MAIN OBSTACLES TO GROWTH IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE B. The World µ“World” – a system of relationships, ideas, and values opposed to the Kingdom of God. It is not creation (Genesis 1) or people of the world (John 3:16).  The world’s values are controlled by Satan (1 John 5:19).  The world tries to lead us away from Christ into a way of thinking and acting that is contrary to the life of Christ (TV programs with immoral values).

  20. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ µ The world glorifies money and material things. This is contrary to the Bible (1 Timothy 6:10). It is not money that is evil, but the love of money.  God’s word says we are to be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5).  The world expresses itself through philosophies, governments, and media (i.e. TV, newspapers, magazines).  Christians can over come the world through a strong faith in Christ (1 John 5:4 and John 16:33).

  21. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ THREE MAIN OBSTACLES TO GROWTH IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE C. The Flesh µ “Flesh” – Not your physical body, but and obstacle to living like Christ wants us to live. The flesh resides within your heart, mind, and intellect and is the part of our fallen nature that wants to go against God’s will for our lives.  It was inherited from Adam and Eve.  Other names: “old man,” “old nature,” “old self”

  22. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ  The flesh wants us to go our own way and satisfy selfish and sinful desires. µ The apostle Paul struggled with the flesh in his own life. See Romans 7:18-25. Paul’s hope for overcoming the tendencies of the flesh was found in Jesus Christ.  Through Jesus, and the power of His new life living in us, we can overcome the flesh, resist doing evil, and do good.

  23. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ THREE MAIN OBSTACLES TO GROWTH IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE D. The Devil µ The devil, or Satan, is a fallen angel who hates and is opposed to God and His people. Satan is the leader of all other fallen angels called evil spirits and demons.  We must remember that Satan is not equal to God.  God is infinitely greater and more powerful.  Satan only operates because God allows him to.

  24. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ µBecause Jesus has defeated Satan, when we accept Jesus as Savior, we are freed from the power of sin and darkness, and the kingdom of Satan (Colossians 1:13). Until Jesus comes again, Satan will continue to cause harm and promote evil in the world.  Through Jesus Christ and being joined with Him, we will continue in a spiritual battle with the forces of evil (Ephesians 6:10-13).  Satan usually causes most problems by tempting us to sin.

  25. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ µYielding to Satan’s temptation will cause us to sin.HOW TO OVERCOME SATAN’S TEMPTATIONS:  Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:14-18).  Know and believe the Word of God and quote it (John 8:31-32). The Word of God is the main source of truth, and is very effective in overcoming the devil (Matthew 4:1-11).  Use the authority that Christ gives to Christians. We do not have to submit to the devil because we have submitted ourselves to Jesus (James 4:7; 1 Peter 5:8-9).

  26. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ II. KEYS TO GROWTH IN CHRIST (2 Corinthians 10:1-6) While there are other keys to growth in Christ, these four keys will open the way to solid growth. A. Prayer µ Prayer is simply spending time talking with and listening to God. For any relationship to grow, time must be spent with that person. The same is true with Christ. B. Study  God strengthens us through the study of His Word.

  27. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ µAs we read God’s Word, our minds are transformed, and we can better judge God’s Will for our lives (Romans 12:2).  Other books can provide nourishment and give us wisdom and experience of other Christians who have gone before us. C. Service  Jesus came to serve (Matthew 20:28) and wants us to serve others (John 13:12-17).  We can serve through kind deeds, helping the poor, and visiting the sick.

  28. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ µThe greatest way we can serve is to share with people the “Good News” of Jesus Christ.  You can be instrumental in helping someone come to Christ.  God wants you to have the heart and mind of a servant to others so we might grow in Christ. D. Fellowship  God wants Christians to be together and not to neglect meeting with one another (Hebrews 10:24).  All Christians need the help and support of other Christians.

  29. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit SECTION 3 – LIFE IN THE SPIRIT • By the end of this section you should be able to: •  Describe some of the ways the Holy Spirit helps us grow in Christ. • Explain what is meant by “transformation in Christ.” • Define grace and its importance in the Christian life. • List and describe the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

  30. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 2 – Growing in Christ • Vocabulary words: • charismatic – Manifesting a gift of grace from the Holy Spirit to be used for the good of the church. • disposition – Prevailing tendency, mood, or inclination • exhortation – An act or instance of strongly urging or encouraging, especially toward something or someone good. • fervent – Marked by great warmth of feeling; exhibiting deep, sincere emotion. • sheer – Pure and complete; not mixed with anything else. • transformation – To be changed in character or condition. • virtues – Moral excellence; a commendable quality or trait.

  31. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit I. TRANSFORMATION IN CHRIST  In Acts 1:8, Jesus told His disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came upon them.  The Holy Spirit taught them, guided them, and helped them to be witnesses for Jesus.  When the Holy Spirit came to the disciples, they received power to live a fervent and strong Christian life.  “Transformation in Christ” means that our old way of life is changing into a new way of acting, thinking, speaking, and relating (2 Corinthians 3:18).

  32. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit I. TRANSFORMATION IN CHRIST… A. God’s Love µ Through the Holy Spirit, we can know God’s love more deeply and share that love with others (Romans 5:5).  Receiving God’s love and sharing in with others is one of the most important ways that the Holy Spirit works in our lives. B. Gifts of the Holy Spirit  The gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us help us personally live the Christian life.

  33. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit  Isaiah 11:2: “The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him - the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord…” µ Charismatic gifts of the Spirit are given to us to be used primarily for others, to help the church grow stronger and to be renewed.  See Rom. 12:6-8, 1 Cor. 12:4-11, 1 Pt 4:10-11. C. Problems and Difficulties  God often uses problems and difficulties to help us be transformed in Christ.

  34. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit  Romans 8:28 says that God works all things together for good for those that love God. µ God helps us to grow in faith, hope, and love as we overcome difficulties through God’s help and patient endurance.  We become wiser and stronger as we undergo transformation in Christ.  By going through trials and difficulties, our faith can be purified and strengthened (1 Peter 1:6-7).  As we go through the “refining” of trials, God makes us more pure in faith, hope, and love.

  35. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit II. THE LIFE OF GRACE µ Sometimes Christians think that they can gain God’s acceptance and be more like Christ simply by deciding to do better.  The Bible tells us that we are saved by grace and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9).  Grace is the unmerited favor of God to make us acceptable and give us right standing in His sight.  There is nothing we can do to earn our salvation because Christ has already done it all for us.  It is sheer grace.

  36. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit µ Paul told the Galatians that they were foolish to practice the works of the Law to obtain salvation.  He taught them that their salvation only comes through faith in Jesus Christ – it is a gift (Galatians 3:1-2)!  Christ’s grace helps us to live a life pleasing to Him and to grow in Him.

  37. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit III. THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT  The effects of the Spirit are one way that we and others will know we are living a new life in Christ. µ Paul calls the effects of the Holy Spirit in our lives the “fruit of the Spirit.”  Christians should produce fruit that is characteristic of the Holy Spirit’s action in them.  In his letter to the Galatians, Paul lists nine virtues that are the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  The fruit of the Holy Spirit is produced in us as we yield to the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

  38. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit III. THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT… A. LOVE µ Love is the primary and most important “fruit of the Spirit” (Rom. 5.5).  Love is evidence of the Holy Spirit working in us (John 13:34). B. JOY  The joy that we have should be the joy of the Lord (Nehemiah 8:10).  Joy comes from knowing God and the salvation that He has given us (Luke 2:10-11).

  39. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit C. PEACE µ We can have peace even in the midst of trials and difficulties (Philippians 4:6-7).  The peace of God comes from being in right relationship with God (Romans 5:1). D. PATIENCE  Patience helps us remain calm in difficult situations.  Patience is a sign of love (1 Corinthians 13:4).  Patience is not always easy to display.

  40. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit E. GENTLENESS µ A gentle person treats others tenderly and is considerate of others (Matthew 11:29). F. GOODNESS  God is good (Psalm 86:5; Psalm 106:1).  When we do good to others, we are being like Christ (Acts 10:38).  While no one is good but God alone (Mark 10:8), we can do good to others through the power of the Holy Spirit.

  41. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit G. FAITHFULNESS µ Faithfulness is an attribute of God (Psalm 36:5).  Faithfulness helps us keep our word to God and others. H. KINDNESS  Kindness has to do with the way we treat others.  It means that we are helpful to others – even difficult people (Colossians 3:12).

  42. UNIT 3 – NEW LIFE IN CHRISTSection 3 – Life in the Spirit I. SELF-CONTROL  Self-control helps us control our thoughts, actions and desires.  Self-control also means that we look to the interests of others, and we seek to help them rather than focus on our own self-interests.

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