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Drama – Q2 Agenda

Learn the procedures and set goals for the semester. Stay updated with kindness challenges and reflection questions in your journals. Follow classroom expectations for a successful learning experience.

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Drama – Q2 Agenda

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  1. Drama – Q2 Agenda OOOH, We’re halfway theerre!

  2. Wednesday, October 19, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the classroom procedures and can explain my goals for the semester. • Agenda: • Review Expectations • New Journal Expectations (AKA: Make our lives easier!) • Ensemble Building Activity • Kindness Challenge: Talk to someone new in the lunch room! Journal Warm-Up No Warm-Up! “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  3. New Journal Expectations • At the start of each week make a new vocabulary page in your notebooks – you’ll put all the vocab from the week on this page • Make dates for reflection questions nice and big! Put notes from the day under the reflection question. Put closing questions at the end of the notes. Then you’ll repeat the next day!!  • Kindness challenges – my challenge to YOU for the week. We will reflect at the end of the week. • Warm-ups will now be posted on the website – if you don’t see it, REMIND ME! I’m only human!  • Reminders: • Journals must be kept neat! • Reflection questions must be AT LEAST 4 sentences long; closing questions at least 5

  4. Reminders! • Classroom Expectations: • NO GUM. Period. At all. Automatic lunch detention, 2nd time: referral.  • Sign out and in when leaving the room – always ASK before leaving!!! • When I hold up the Hunger Games sign, you hold it up and STOP what you are doing to listen to me • Be courteous & kind to each other • Haunted House Oct. 29 • Signup: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f044ba5ae22a2fa7-haunted1 • Code: CTCHH • The Election Nov 3-5

  5. Choose ONE of the following: What kind of music do you listen to? Why? What do you look for in a friend? Why?

  6. Choose ONE of the following: If you could win an award, what would you want to win it for? If you were only allowed to read one book, what would it be?

  7. Choose ONE of the following: What is your most prized possession? If you could start your own charity, what would it be?

  8. Choose ONE of the following: What brings you the most happiness in life? Who is the most important person in your life? Why?

  9. What makes you feel proud of yourself?

  10. What is something most people don’t know about you?

  11. What is the most important life lesson you’ve learned so far?

  12. Thursday, October 20, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Quick Notes • Character Analysis Activity • Here Comes Charley • Kindness Challenge: Talk to someone new in the lunch room! • Important Dates: • Haunted House Oct. 29 • The Election Nov 3-5 Journal Warm-Up Vocab: Character – roles played by actors in a play Imagine there’s a new student in your class and you don’t know anything about them. Describe what you would do to get to know a new student. Keep in mind you really want to get to know them. Weekly Quote: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  13. 5 Ways We Learn About a Character in a Script: • What the character says • What the character does • What others say about the character • What the playwright says (stage directions) • How the character treats others

  14. The Taming of the Shrew • Make a list of 5 things you learned about the character Bianca – everyone writes this list in their journals

  15. Closing Question • What kinds of things can we learn about characters that would be helpful as an actor? Why are they helpful? Use examples.

  16. Friday, October 21, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Character Analysis Activity Wrap-Up (P1) • Here Comes Charley Wrap-Up • Restaurant Quirks • Questions Wrap-Up • Kindness Challenge: Talk to someone new in the lunch room! • Important Dates: • Haunted House Oct. 29: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f044ba5ae22a2fa7-haunted1, Code: CTCHH • The Election Nov 3-5 Journal Warm-Up Vocab: Objective: A character’s want, need, or goal RQ: Describe your experience doing the kindness challenge this week. Was it hard? Awkward? Did you learn anything? *When you finish with this question, make sure your closing question from yesterday is done! It was: What kinds of things can we learn about characters that would be helpful as an actor? Why are they helpful? Use examples Weekly Quote: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  17. Monday, October 24, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Count to 10 • Two Lines • Kindness Challenge: Compliment 2 new people each day. • Important Dates: • Haunted House Meeting TODAY after school! • Haunted House Oct. 29: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f044ba5ae22a2fa7-haunted1, Code: CTCHH • The Election Nov 3-5 Journal Warm-Up Vocab: given circumstances: the conditions which influence the actions of a character (who, what, where, etc) RQ: If you were a character, what would an actor portraying you learn from the 5 ways we learn about a character? (Your life is the script) Weekly Quote: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  18. Two Lines Lines Situations A: trapped under an overturned car B: Trying to free person A • A: Help me • B: I can’t

  19. Two Lines Lines Situations A: At the bottom of a well B: At the top of the well • A: Help me • B: I can’t

  20. Two Lines Lines Situations Two students are taking a test; one tries to cheat • A: Help me • B: I can’t

  21. Two Lines Lines Situations A: In jail; tries to get prison guard (B) to let you out • A: Help me • B: I can’t

  22. Two Lines Lines Situations The building is on fire. A: Wants to escape B: Wants to save their cat • A: It’s time to go • B: No, I can’t

  23. Two Lines Lines Situations In a cemetery, after a funeral, a friend tries to pull away a grieving widow • A: It’s time to go • B: No, I can’t

  24. Two Lines Lines Situations Two criminals hiding in an alleyway. A: Sure the cops are gone B: Afraid of being caught • A: It’s time to go • B: No, I can’t

  25. Two Lines Lines Situations Two skydivers about to jump out of a plane A: Excited B: Terrified • A: It’s time to go • B: No, I can’t

  26. Two Lines Lines Situations One kid is spray painting his name on a building when a friend suddenly notices. • A: What are you doing? • B: What does it look like?

  27. Two Lines Lines Situations An older sibling is brushing their teeth when the younger sibling walks into the bathroom. • A: What are you doing? • B: What does it look like?

  28. Two Lines Lines Situations A frazzled mother is sweeping the floor when her lazy teenager comes into the kitchen. • A: What are you doing? • B: What does it look like?

  29. Two Lines Lines Situations An art student is making a strange sculpture when another student sees his/her work • A: What are you doing? • B: What does it look like?

  30. Two Lines Lines Situations A: Toddler who just spilled milk B: Babysitter cleaning it up • A: I’m sorry • B: It’s not your fault.

  31. Two Lines Lines Situations B: Pet just died A: Friend trying to comfort her. • A: I’m sorry • B: It’s not your fault.

  32. Two Lines Lines Situations A husband & wife have been arguing heavily for hours. One of them tries to end the argument. • A: I’m sorry • B: It’s not your fault.

  33. Two Lines Lines Situations An office worker (B) has just been fired. A coworker (A) just heard about it. • A: I’m sorry • B: It’s not your fault.

  34. Two Lines Lines Situations A: Demanding boss B: Secretary who is very busy • A: I need you • B: Just a minute

  35. Two Lines Lines Situations A: Window washer who just slipped off ledge of building and is hanging on for their life B: Partner who isn’t paying attention • A: I need you • B: Just a minute

  36. Two Lines Lines Situations A: Teacher who is angry at a student B: Student who is busy texting • A: I need you • B: Just a minute

  37. Two Lines Lines Situations A: wife who is having trouble zipping up her dress B: Husband who is busy shaving • A: I need you • B: Just a minute

  38. Closing Question • Describe how the meaning of text can change depending on the character and the situation.

  39. Tuesday, October 25, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Elephant, Giraffe, Tree • Tableau Transformation • Kindness Challenge: Compliment 2 new people each day. • Important Dates: • Haunted House Oct. 29: • The Election Nov 3-5 Journal Warm-Up Vocab: tableau: a silent and motionless depiction of a scene, often from a picture RQ: What does this week’s quote mean to you? How can you apply it to your life? Closing ? From Mon: Describe how the meaning of text can change depending on the character and the situation. Weekly Quote: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  40. Wednesday, October 26, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Tableau Transformation • Kindness Challenge: Compliment 2 new people each day. • Important Dates: • Haunted House Oct. 29: • The Election Nov 3-5 Journal Warm-Up Vocab: walk-on: a small role with no lines RQ: Think of your FAVORITE movie. What is the main character’s objective in the movie? Weekly Quote: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  41. Thursday, October 27, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Tableau Transformation • Kindness Challenge: Compliment 2 new people each day. • Important Dates: • Haunted House Oct. 29: • The Election Nov 3-5 Journal Warm-Up Vocab: walk-on: a small role with no lines RQ: Think of your FAVORITE movie. What is the main character’s objective in the movie? Weekly Quote: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  42. Closing Question • How did the given circumstances help you to portray your character physically?

  43. Friday, October 28, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Tableau Transformation • Movie • Kindness Challenge: Compliment 2 new people each day. • Important Dates: • Haunted House Oct. 29: • The Election Nov 3-5 Journal Warm-Up Vocab: none RQ: Reflect on the kindness challenge of the week Closing Quest from Yesterday: How did the given circumstances help you to portray your character physically? Weekly Quote: “When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind” - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

  44. Monday, October 31, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Once Upon a Mattress • Kindness Challenge: Hold the door open for someone (as many times as you can!) • Important Dates: • The Election Nov 3-5 • FALL PLAY CAST & CREW – MAKE SURE YOU KNOW TIMES FOR THIS WEEK! Journal Warm-Up Vocab: RQ: What was your favorite Halloween costume you’ve dressed up in and why? Happy Halloween!! BE SAFE! Weekly Quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” - Nelson Mandela

  45. Once Upon a Mattress

  46. Tuesday, November 1, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Once Upon a Mattress • Kindness Challenge: Hold the door open for someone (as many times as you can!) • Important Dates: • The Election Nov 3-5 • FALL PLAY CAST & CREW – MAKE SURE YOU KNOW TIMES FOR THIS WEEK! Journal Warm-Up None Weekly Quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” - Nelson Mandela

  47. Wednesday, November 2, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Once Upon a Mattress Character Analysis • Kindness Challenge: Hold the door open for someone (as many times as you can!) • Important Dates: • The Election Nov 3-5 • FALL PLAY CAST & CREW – MAKE SURE YOU KNOW TIMES FOR THIS WEEK! Journal Warm-Up Who was your favorite character from the movie? Why? Weekly Quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” - Nelson Mandela

  48. Thursday, November 3, 2016 • Learning Goal: I can explain the ways we learn about a character. • Agenda: • Once Upon a Mattress Character Analysis • Kindness Challenge: Hold the door open for someone (as many times as you can!) • Important Dates: • The Election Nov 3-5 • FALL PLAY CAST & CREW – MAKE SURE YOU KNOW TIMES FOR THIS WEEK! Journal Warm-Up Who was your favorite character from the movie? Why? Weekly Quote: “It always seems impossible until it’s done” - Nelson Mandela

  49. Write down the following chart and fill it in:

  50. Once Upon a Mattress Character Analysis Project • In group of 4, complete the following: • Pick a character from this list: Queen, Dauntless, Fred, Larkin, Harry • Each character can be picked no more than twice, and each character must be represented once. First come first serve. • Create a poster using the giant paper that includes: • A trace of the character, with outfit and physical features portrayed • The character’s name • The character’s objective, obstacle, and tactics • 3 personality traits for the character and 2 pieces of evidence for each • One quote from the movie that portrays your character well

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