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Understanding Moles and their Conversion to Grams and Atomic Mass Units (AMU)

Learn about moles, Avogadro's number, and how to translate between grams and AMU. Discover how to calculate molar and molecular mass, and convert between AMU and grams/mol.

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Understanding Moles and their Conversion to Grams and Atomic Mass Units (AMU)

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  1. “Moles”

  2. MOLEis a way of translating betweengramsandamu’s • a mole is a number that helps us translate between the atomic world and our every day world • specifically “6.02 x1023” • known as: “Avogadro’s Number”

  3. MOLE is a direct translation between grams and amu’s • 1 mole of an atom’s amu = 1 g • 1 gram = 6.02 x1023 amu = 1 mole • (e.g.)carbon-12 [12C] =12 amu 12 amu=6.02 x 1023 of carbon atoms 6.02 x 1023of12C = 12 grams 1 gram of12C = 1 mole of 12C

  4. MOLES and GRAMS • 1 mole of an atom’s amu = 1 g • 1 gram = 6.02 x1023 amu = 1 mole Fe = 55.85 = 56 amu 56 amu =[56Fe] 56 amux 6.02 x 1023= 1mole 1 mole of 56Fe = 56 g 26 Fe iron 55.85

  5. MOLES and GRAMS • 1 mole of an atom’s amu = 1 g • 1 gram = 6.02 x1023 amu = 1 mole Si = 28.09 = 28 amu 28 amu =[28Si] 28 amux 6.02 x 1023= 1mole 1 mole of 28Si = ___ g 14 Si silicon 28.09 28

  6. MOLES and GRAMS • 1 mole of an atom’s amu = 1 g • 1 gram = 6.02 x1023 amu = 1 mole Si = 28.09 = 28 amu 28 amu =[28Si] 28 amux 6.02 x 1023= 1mole 2 moles of 28Si = ___ g 14 Si silicon 28.09 56

  7. MOLES and GRAMS • 1 mole of an atom’s amu = 1 g • 1 gram = 6.02 x1023 amu = 1 mole O = 15.999 = ___ amu 16 amu = [16O] 16 amux 6.02 x 1023= _ mole 4 moles of 16O = ___ g 8 O oxygen 15.999 16 1 64

  8. MOLAR MASS • EQUALS the MASSof“1” MOLE of a substance • it is the MASSof“1” MOLE of a single TYPE OF ATOM (an element) • if the substance consists of a molecule,themolar mass is the MASSof each individual atomin that molecule / compound • Molar Massismeasuredingrams per mole (g/mol)

  9. MOLECULAR MASS • is the combined MASSof the group of atoms forming aSINGLE MOLECULE (smallest unit of a compound) • FIND by “adding” theMASSESof the atoms forming the molecule • Molecular Mass is measured in grams per mole (g/mol)

  10. GRAMS per MOLE • g/mol  how the number of GRAMSof“1” MOLE of any substance would feel • (e.g.) Molecular Mass of CO2=44 g/mol • EXPLANATION: If you had “1”moleof aCO2 molecule, its masswould be 44 g (the feel of “44” USA dollar bills stacked in your hand)

  11. MASS in AMU • you can express the MASSof an ATOM (ELEMENT) or a single molecule (COMPOUND) inAMU (atomic mass units) • (e.g.) 12C = 12 amu = 1 mole 12C = 1 mole =6.02 x 1023 12C = 12 amu = 12 g/mol = 12 g

  12. FINDING MOLECULAR MASS: • 1st  look up the Average Atomic Massesof the molecule’s component ELEMENTS on the Periodic Table • 2nd  round each Average Atomic Massto the nearest WHOLEnumber • 3rd  use the ATOMIC MASS of each ATOM per ELEMENT in the COMPOUND • 4th  find the TOTAL SUM

  13. 6 C carbon 12.01 8 O oxygen 15.999 EXAMPLE – Finding Molecular Mass in AMU: CO2 C = 12.01= 12 amu O = 15.999 = 16 amu CO2 = 1 (C atom) + 2 (O atoms) CO2 = 1 (12 amu) + 2 (16 amu) CO2 = 12 amu + 32 amu CO2 = 44 amu

  14. CONVERTING amu to g/mol: • seldom refer to MOLECULARMASSin amu units, but rather in g/mol • to convert amutog/mol just simply change the units FROMamuTOg/mol • “1” MOLE of any type of ATOM has a MASSingrams EQUAL TO the ATOM’s MASSmeasured in amu

  15. 6 C carbon 12.01 8 O oxygen 15.999 EXAMPLE – Converting amu into g/mol: CO2 C = 12.01 = 12 g/mol O = 15.999 = 16 g/mol CO2 = 1 (C atom) + 2 (O atoms) CO2 = 1 (12 g/mol) + 2 (16 g/mol) CO2 = 12 g/mol + 32 g/mol CO2 = 44 g/mol

  16. Avogadro’s Number: 6.02 x 1023 Amedeo Avogadro • Italian physicist (1811) • discovered that equal volumes of different gases contain equal numbers of molecules if pressureandtemperatureare kept constant • Avogadro’s number = 6.02 x 1023 particles/mole • Avogadro's number can be applied to any substance since it corresponds to the number of atoms/molecules needed to make up a mass equal to the substance's atomic or molecular mass in amu which then converts into g/mol


  18. HAPPY MOLE DAY Oct 23rd

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