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Limited vs. Unlimited Governments: Governing Systems Explained

Explore differences between limited and unlimited governments, the roles they play, and examples of each type of government. Dive into scenarios and classify them as limited or unlimited. Engage in interactive learning activities.

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Limited vs. Unlimited Governments: Governing Systems Explained

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  1. Limited vs. Unlimited Walkabout Activity and Lesson Governments

  2. Make a list of things that the government provides us or is responsible for doing for us. ENGAGE Government

  3. Makes and changes laws Decides how much tax people pay and how taxes are spent Determines what access to education and health care people should have Decides whether people have the right to elect those in power Protects citizens Government

  4. 1. What does it mean if you are allowed to have unlimited refills of a drink at a restaurant? 2. What does it mean if your parents put limits on how long you can play video games? EXPLORE

  5. So, unlimited means you can have as much as you want. Limited means there are rules and restrictions. Same idea applies to the two different types of government systems in the world. Think from the point of view of the ruler only, not the citizens. What might an unlimited government (rulers) mean? What might a limited government (rulers) mean?

  6. 1. Unlimited Government- Ruled by one person or a group with total power. • There are no limits on their authority. What types of leaders might be examples of “unlimited government”?

  7. Unlimited Governments Saudi Arabia Adolf Hitler- WWII Germany Cuba North Korea

  8. Unlimited Governments North Korea

  9. 2. limited Government - Everyone, including the leader, must obey the laws. • Constitutions and laws limit power so leaders cannot take advantage of the people. What types of leaders might be examples of “limited government”?

  10. United States Limited Government

  11. limited Government Mexico Japan India United Kingdom

  12. EXPLAIN • Read the sentence. • Decide if it represents a limited or unlimited government. • Record your answer on the line. Write “U” for unlimited and “L” for limited government. • Be prepared to explain why you chose your answer.

  13. Practice- Classify EXPLAIN- Classify 1. _____ Citizens or their representatives can remove elected officials from office. Limited 2. _____ The media, newspaper, magazines and television can freely report news from around the world. Limited 3. _____ The military shuts down newspapers and decides who can run in an election. Unlimited

  14. Practice- Classify EXPLAIN- Classify 4. _____ Citizens have few individual rights. Unlimited 5. _____ A national constitution limits the power of government. Limited 6. _____ Individuals have basic rights such as freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion. Limited

  15. EXPLAIN- Classify 7. _____ A leader uses the tax money from citizens for personal purchases of homes, cars, entertainment, and vacations. Unlimited 8. _____ If arrested for a crime, a citizen will receive a fair trial to determine guilt. Limited 9. _____ People who disagree with the government are arrested. Unlimited

  16. EXPLAIN- Classify 10. _____ Citizens must have permission from the government to leave the country. Unlimited

  17. WalKabout A custom of the native people of Australia, the Aboriginals. Walkabout = when a man breaks off from the daily grind and walks in solitude across desert and bush country on a spiritual quest.

  18. ELABORATE: Walk-around • Silently go from poster to poster around the room. • Read the scenario and decide if it represents something you would find in a limited or unlimited government. • Record your answer in the correct box. Identify the key ideas in each sentence that made you choose your answer and write them below your answer.

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