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Ellington CMS Training

Learn the essentials of Ellington CMS Admin interface and staff management. Understand categories, sections, and aliases in this comprehensive training session. Get hands-on with user permissions and content organization.

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Ellington CMS Training

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  1. Ellington CMS Training December 16, 2009

  2. Ellington CMS Training Introduction to the Ellington Admin

  3. Using the Ellington Admin • Support site: http://www.ellingtoncms.com/support • Your site: www.yoursite.com • Login to the Admin: www.yoursite/admin

  4. Using the Ellington Admin ADMIN Overview • Organized alphabetically • Application name • Ex: Auth • Model name • Ex: Users • Users View • Only those they have permissions can view this area. • Super Users see all

  5. Using the Ellington Admin • Links • Documentation (designers) • Change password • Log out • Recent Actions

  6. Using the Ellington Admin • Green plus sign (+) = • Add whatever object it is referencing. • Adding or changing an object, bold fields are required

  7. Ellington CMS Training The Auth Model

  8. Auth • Users • Add the user • Add contact info • Add permissions • Add/Change/Delete • Individual permissions • Admin panel privilege: check Staff Status Box • Check the Active Box

  9. Auth

  10. Auth • Groups • Click Green Plus (+) to add a new Group

  11. Auth Continue Groups • Name the Group • Assign permissions

  12. Auth • Download User Data (CSV) • Sent to a file on desktop or in downloads

  13. Ellington CMS Training Categories Model

  14. Categories • Categories are basis for sections • Must build categories before loading content • Hierarchy: Top-level category is always NEWS for Ellington CMS (Do not touch in day-to-day operations) • Categories are • framework on • which site is built

  15. Categories – Add Continue Adding Category • Parent-child relationship • Ex: Parent category = Sports/Professional • Child category could = Football Sports/Professional/Football • Can have several child categories • Slug name is automatically populated • Click Save

  16. Aliases: create a relationship between a child category and multiple parent categories Click green plus (+) sign next to Aliases Select the child category Select the additional parent category Click Save Aliases

  17. Aliases • Aliases Ex: Child = Community/Adult Sports Parent = Arts Arts content will now pull forward with Community/Adult Sports

  18. The Staff Model Ellington CMS Training

  19. Staff • Staff Members are tied to Users • Store staff information to tie together stories by Reporters. • Select author or editor of a piece of content from Staff Members. • Staff Members organized by Department

  20. Departments – Add • To add a Department: • Click Add • Type name of Department • Add any contact info • Click Save

  21. Staff Member – Add To add a Staff Member: • Click Add • Type First & Last Name • Select Department • Select Mugshot • Check the Show Mugshot box • Check “Is current employee” box to make active

  22. Staff Member – Add Continue Adding Staff Member: • Click search icon next to User to connect • Add contact info • Check responsibilities & Sites • Add positions • Save

  23. Sections Model Ellington CMS Training

  24. Sections • Sections bind together content based on categories • Sections built in 2 ways: • Content be in any category • Content be in all categories • May correspond to newsprint categories • Sections allow use of Ellington’s built-in Template Tags to pull content

  25. Section fronts allow you to Arrange, Pull and Organize, Objects

  26. Sections – Add To Add a Section: • Click Add • Type URL of section • Type Title of section • Key in blurb (caption) • Click button next to site • Select editors of section

  27. Sections – Add – Rules • Rules about Sections • Select categories to include in this section OR • Select multiple categories to which content must belong to be pulled • Selecting a top-level category like Sports will also pull from sub-categories of Sports (parent-child relationship) • Select categories to exclude

  28. Sections – Add –Options • Sections Options • Select ordering option (newest to oldest is default) • Click “show” next to Display options • Select number of stories in section • Select from the pull-down the default framing for this section

  29. Sections – Add – Options PLEASE NOTE: Email Editions pubs 10:00am CST. Stories must be posted between midnight & 10:00am CST Continue Sections Options: Click “show” next to Email options (Email Editions allow you to email readers when new stories are posted. Uses the Alerts functionality) Select Alert List from pull-down Select Template (see your Design team)

  30. Sections – Add – Metadata • Apply custom Metadata • Metadata is built with two types by default (keywords & descriptions). • Click green plus (+) to add types • Type a brief description of Section and select “Description” as Metadata type • Type 4-8 keywords for Section and select “Keywords” as Metadata type • Click Save

  31. Section Fronts Model Ellington CMS Training

  32. Section Fronts • Section Fronts allow specific control over content display on Sections • Build on top of Sections • Work closely with Design Team to prepare templates

  33. Section Fronts – Setting Options • Set Section Front Options • Click Add button • Click the magnifying glass & select Section

  34. Section Fronts – Setting Options Continue Setting Section Front Options • Type the Name of the content types (ex: video) • Set the Identifier of the Content Type (must match template) • Select the Content Type from pull-down

  35. Section Fronts – Setting Options Continue Setting Section Front Options • Set the NUMBER REQUIRED and • Set the NUMBER ALLOWED for each type of content. • To add more fields for additional Content Types, click “Save and Continue Editing” and more will be provided. • Click Delete if needed • Click Save

  36. Section Fronts – Add • Connecting the Sections and Section Fronts • Click Section Fronts • Select the Section you wish to manage • Click Add Section Front • Set the date/time effective • Use Magnifying glass and select different types of Content. Required and Allowed will be based on Section Front Options • Click Save as New or Save

  37. Section Fronts – Content • Content types: • Media • Polls • Stories • Content Statuses: • Live/Published • Draft • Deleted • Un-Reviewed

  38. Media Model Ellington CMS Training

  39. Media – Photos – Add • Adding Photos • Click Add • Click browse button and select photo from hard drive • Select photo type and status • Select category. Be specific • Select the site

  40. Media – Photos – Add Continue Adding Photos • Select the photographer or add one in the “one-off” field • Fill in date and time to be published • Click Save

  41. Media – Cropped Photos – Add Please Note: Cropped photos are linked to photos and are required in News Stories when selecting a Lead Photo • Adding Cropped Photos • Click Add button • Click Search icon next to Original • Upload Cropped version from hard drive • Click Save

  42. Media – Videos – Add • Adding Videos • Click the Add button • Select the creation date & time • Enter a title • Enter a caption • Enter the Video URL or upload video

  43. Media – Videos – Add Continue Adding Videos • Enter Video width & height (default = 640 x 480 pixels) • Enter size of Video in bytes or leave blank • Transcript Text: A plain text transcription of the Video • Transcript File: Any format

  44. Media – Videos – Publication • Publishing Videos • Add a related story ID • Select the site(s) on which to publish the video • Select Status of Video

  45. Media – Videos – Publication Continue Publishing Videos • Select “Type” of Video (default choices = Quicktime, PSP, iPod, 3GP and Flash) • Add other by clicking the green plus (+) • Select a Video type. This identifies what kind of group to add the Video to (Ex: news videos) • Choose the Categories. (No limit.)

  46. Media – Videos – Thumbnail Continue Publishing Videos • Thumbnail image must be added (Ex: a screenshot from video) • Crop image to fit actual Video size • Add the width & height or leave blank

  47. Media – Videos – Credit Continue Publishing Video • Select a Videographer from pull-down list or click green plus (+) to add one OR • Add one via the “one-off” option

  48. Media – Videos – Secondary Videos Secondary Videos are available if you wish to attach various formats of the same Video Continue Publishing Video Use the Secondary Video box Add any relevant Metadata Click Save

  49. Media – Audio Clips – Add • Adding Audio Clips • Click the Add button • Select date/time to post the clip • Fill in the title • Select the type of audio clip • May add the clip type with green plus (+) button • If applicable, click magnifying glass next to “Set” and select • Type a description of audio clip

  50. Media – Audio Clips – Add Continue adding audio clip • Select the category of the clip • Enter URL of clip or upload • Select status of clip • Select site(s) • Click Save

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